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Snowflake to Salesforce: Enriching Your Customers’ Data

Businesses today rely on data to formulate marketing, sales, and customer service strategies. Business leaders use data to make decisions that promote the growth and profitability of their organizations. Rather than speculating, data empowers leaders to make precise decisions based on facts and trends.

Today, many leading organizations recognize that data has become more unstructured and diverse, resulting in the need for data wrangling. Enhancing an organization’s existing database with new information and updates can improve accuracy. Additionally, companies that enrich their consumer data are able to fine-tune efforts at segmenting, targeting, and predicting consumer behavior.

How Can You Enrich Data Using Snowflake and Salesforce?

What Is Snowflake?

Snowflake is a fully-managed relational data warehouse on the cloud that has exceptional capabilities for handling large volumes of data and automatically scales up and down, depending on the data volume.

What Is Salesforce?

Salesforce is a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platform that can manage and maintain your customer interactions efficiently.

What Can Connecting Snowflake to Salesforce Do For You?

Salesforce is an ideal tool for customer relationship management, offering several out-of-the-box features for maintaining customer relationships and understanding customer behavior. However, Salesforce was not designed to be your data warehouse. That’s where Snowflake comes in.

In the modern digital age, there is an overwhelming amount of data, and it all needs a home. What matters today may not matter tomorrow. In order to make informed decisions about tomorrow, we may need to look back at yesterday. The future of business success lies in data sharing, and Snowflake has created the ultimate platform for monetizing your data.

Migrating customer data from Snowflake to Salesforce can provide a better understanding of customers’ behavior. Integrating data from Snowflake to Salesforce has several use cases, including:

  • Providing sales teams rich first-party data to help them close new business.
  • Helping marketing teams create high-quality, customized email drip campaigns.
  • Supplying product teams with valuable data to understand and improve the customer experience and enhance data enrichment.

What Is Data Enrichment, and Why Is It Important?


Data enrichment involves combining first-party data from internal sources with contrasting data from other internal systems or third-party data from external sources. Any organization can benefit from enriching its data because it becomes more useful and insightful. In most cases, brands enrich their raw data so that they can use it to make informed decisions.

Data about customers begins in raw form, regardless of where it comes from – whether it is site traffic, social media, or email lists. The data collected from customers is stored in a central data store and is largely useless. The raw data is cleaned and structured before it is enriched with external data to provide additional useful information. The purpose of data enrichment is to make the data more useful by adding value. It allows brands to gain a deeper understanding of their customers.

What Are the Benefits of Data Enrichment?

Data enrichment has numerous benefits that make it a valuable asset for companies including:

Enhanced Cost Savings

Companies spend a great deal of money every year to store all their data. Because data management is so expensive, it only makes sense to make the most of your existing investments in the field. Fortunately, data enrichment can help you do just that. There is no longer a need for organizations to store all kinds of data with them; instead, they can focus on existing data that is useful, then enrich it with external sources.

‍Easy Customer Nurturing

By enriching your data, you can identify the segments of your customer base that require nurturing. Through the use of cross-referencing techniques, organizations can classify customers based on attributes related to consumer interests and lifestyles. Businesses would be able to determine which group of users is more likely to make a purchase, for example. Therefore, these insights are used to nurture the related segment and bring results.

Meaningful Customer Relationships

The enrichment of data paves the way for personalized communications, which leads to better customer relationships and business opportunities. You can gain a deeper understanding of your customers’ needs by using high-quality customer data. You can use these insights to provide your users with an experience they will enjoy.

Improved Targeted Marketing

Businesses need to realize that a one-size-fits-all marketing approach is simply not effective. Targeted marketing is essential. If you’ve ever received a gift coupon on your birthday or scrolled across a product suggestion on Facebook, this is nothing but target marketing. A lot of organizations are already implementing target marketing with the help of data enrichment.

‍Data Enrichment Is an Ongoing Process

It is evident that data enrichment has become a necessity for organizations. However, it is important to note that data enrichment is not a one-time process but a continuous one since customer data is constantly changing.