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How to Make Your eLearning Courses SCORM Compliant

Creating SCORM-compliant eLearning courses is essential for organizations and educational institutions to deliver content seamlessly and efficiently. SCORM, which stands for Sharable Content Object Reference Model, is a set of technical standards that ensure compatibility and interoperability between eLearning content and Learning Management Systems (LMS). In this guest post, we will explore the importance of SCORM compliance for eLearning courses and provide practical tips on how to make your courses SCORM-compliant.

Understanding the Importance of SCORM Compliance

SCORM compliance is crucial for maximizing the effectiveness and accessibility of eLearning courses. By adhering to the technical standards outlined by SCORM, you can ensure that your course content is easily portable across various LMS platforms. This simplifies course distribution and allows learners to transition between different learning environments seamlessly. Moreover, SCORM compliance guarantees accurate learner progress tracking, performance data, completion status, and test results.

Making Your eLearning Courses SCORM Compliant:

1. Start with Proper Course Structure:

To achieve SCORM compliance, begin by organizing your course into modules or lessons per established instructional design best practices. Breaking down your content into manageable units helps learners navigate through the course effortlessly. Each module should be logically organized and include clear objectives, instructional material, activities or assessments, and any supplementary resources required.

2. Choose the Right Authoring Tool:

Selecting an authoring tool that supports exporting or publishing content in a SCORM-compliant format greatly simplifies the process of creating SCORM-compatible eLearning courses. Look for tools that offer support for industry-standard versions of SCORM, such as 1.2 or 2004 (2nd Edition). A reliable authoring tool ensures smoother integration with various LMS platforms while maintaining consistent interactivity functionalities.

3. Implement Quizzes with Tracking Mechanisms:

Include quizzes or assessments within your eLearning courses to evaluate learner progress and understanding. Ensure that these quizzes are SCORM compliant and provide effective tracking mechanisms. SCORM-compliant quizzes enable continuous monitoring of learner performance, gathering data on test scores, completion status, and any remedial actions required. Additionally, make use of question banks or randomized question selection to ensure variability in assessments.

4. Enable Bookmarking:

SCORM compliance allows learners to pick up where they left off, even if they exit the course midway and return later. By enabling bookmarking functionality within your eLearning courses, you empower learners to conveniently resume their learning journey without losing track of their progress. This feature enhances the overall user experience while facilitating self-paced learning.

5. Design Responsively:

In today’s digital age, it is crucial to design eLearning courses that are accessible across various devices such as desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Implement a responsive design approach that ensures your course content automatically adjusts its layout and functionalities based on the device used by the learner. Responsive courses deliver a consistent user experience across different screen sizes while maintaining SCORM compatibility.

6. Test Before Deployment:

Before deploying your SCORM-compliant eLearning courses on an LMS, thoroughly test them using SCORM-compliant testing tools or LMS platforms featuring a robust testing environment. By conducting meticulous testing, you can identify any technical issues or compatibility concerns in advance. Testing will help determine if your course behaves as intended when launched on different LMS platforms or accessed by learners with varying devices and browsers.

7. Ensure Accessibility Compliance:

Accessibility compliance should be a fundamental aspect of creating eLearning courses that are not only SCORM-compliant but also inclusive for all learners. Design your course content following WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) standards to promote accessibility for individuals with disabilities such as visual impairments or hearing loss. Consider implementing features like closed captions for videos or audio elements as well as alt-texts for images.


Making your eLearning courses SCORM-compliant is essential for the seamless integration and accessibility of online training programs. By following the tips mentioned above, you can ensure that your course content meets industry standards and provides learners with a consistent and high-quality learning experience. Incorporating SCORM compliance into your eLearning design process demonstrates your commitment to delivering effective and interoperable online training, empowering organizations and educational institutions to manage their eLearning initiatives efficiently.