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Which Web Design & Development Trends Should You Avoid?

As the web design and development world evolves, new trends are emerging daily. While some trends can bring creative and innovative solutions to your projects, others may be more trouble than they’re worth.

Knowing which trends you should or shouldn’tshouldn’t use on a project is essential to create successful designs that stand out from the crowd. In this post, we’ll outline several key web design & development trends and discuss why they might not be ideal for certain situations.

Here are some of the web designs and development trends you should avoid.

AutoPlay Videos

AutoPlay videos can be an effective tool for grabbing users’ attention; however, they can be extremely annoying.

  • User Preference: Your website visitors may not always want to watch a video or sound clip when landing on your page, so make sure to give them the option to choose when they’re ready.
  • Form of Coercion: Auto-playing videos are a form of coercion, compelling visitors to watch media regardless of their preferences.

Parallax Scrolling

Parallax scrolling is a popular web design trend that involves the background images moving more slowly than the foreground images as you scroll down the page.

  • Slow Load Times: Parallax scrolling can significantly increase the loading time of your pages, which can harm the user experience.
  • Unnecessary Complexity: This trend is often used to add visual interest or complexity to a site. However, it’s important to remember that most people look for content first.

Overly Complicated Navigation

Navigation is one of the most important elements of user experience, and overly complicated navigation can be a huge hindrance.

  • Confusing Menus: Too many options in the menu can make it difficult for users to find what they’re looking for, making them feel overwhelmed or frustrated.
  • Irrelevant Links: Including unnecessary links or too many categories in the menu can also be confusing and distract users from the content they’re looking for.

Infuriating Pop-ups

Pop-ups are a great way to capture user data and communicate important messages, but if used incorrectly, they can be extremely infuriating for website visitors.

  • Intrusive: Too many pop-ups can be intrusive, making it difficult for users to navigate the page or find the content they’re looking for.
  • Distraction: Pop-ups can also be distracting, taking away from the overall user experience.

Multiple Fonts

Using multiple fonts can be a great way to add visual interest and distinguish between different page sections, but too many fonts can overwhelm the user.

  • Legibility: Make sure all font sizes are legible and consistent throughout the page, so users can easily read.
  • Clashing Styles: Too many fonts with different styles can create confusion and take away from the page’s overall look.

Non-Optimization For Mobile

Mobile optimization ensures that individuals on the go can still access content from their phones or other devices with ease.

  • Slow Load Times: A website not optimized for mobile can be slow to load, leading to users leaving the page before they even have a chance to engage with the content.
  • Difficult Navigation: When navigation is not optimized for mobile, it can be difficult for users to navigate, making the experience irritating.

If your website is mobile-friendly, you’re taking advantage of a huge opportunity to reach more customers and impact the digital world.

HTTP Connections

HTTP connections establish communication between a web browser and a server. However, they can be dangerous if not implemented correctly.

  • Unencrypted Data: Unsecured HTTP connections can make it easy for hackers to access sensitive information, so you should always opt for HTTPS instead.
  • Slow Load Times: HTTP connections can also slow down your website, decreasing user experience.

Secure your website by utilizing an HTTPS connection for data transfers, especially when dealing with confidential login credentials.

Poor CTAs

CTAs are one of the most important elements in web design and can help increase conversions if done correctly. A call to action (CTA) should be clear and concise, with a simple design that stands out from the rest of the page.

  • Unclear Instructions: Unclear CTAs or too wordy can confuse visitors about their next steps, resulting in fewer conversions.
  • Boring Design: A boring CTA design can be overlooked by visitors, making it difficult to get them to engage with your content.
  • Too Many Choices: Too many CTAs can also overwhelm visitors and make it difficult to decide which option to select.

Poor Distribution of Whitespace

Whitespace is an important element that helps draw attention to different elements on the page and can help create a pleasant user experience.

  • No Hierarchy: Poor whitespace distribution can make it difficult for users to distinguish between sections on the page, making it harder to find what they’re looking for.
  • Distracting Colors: Too much whitespace can also be distracting, with bright and vibrant colors taking away from the content on the page.


By understanding which web design & development trends to avoid, you can ensure that your projects are successful and that your website visitors have the best experience possible. Avoiding these trends will not only save you time and money but will also allow you to provide a better user experience.

Eggs Media is a full-service web design and development agency that can help you create an effective website that avoids the common mistakes mentioned above. Open https://Eggsmedia.com/web-development-company/ for more details.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What makes a bad web page design?

A: A bad web page design is confusing, slow to load, and has poor navigation. It may also have intrusive pop-ups, low-quality images, and a lack of whitespace to help differentiate between different sections.

Q: What is bad design?

A: Bad designing is when a web page does not properly convey the message the designer is trying to communicate or does not meet its intended purpose. Bad designs often have cluttered layouts and too many colors and fonts. Hence should be avoided at any cost.