1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

What to Look for Before You Proceed to Buy an Electrical Dog Fence?

Are you looking forward to installing or buying an electrical dog fence? If yes, you are supposed to consider a few essential aspects before making the final decision regarding this matter. You always want the best things to happen to your dog. Due to this reason, it is your job and responsibility to thoroughly check out different aspects before installing or buying an electric dog fence. Hence, it would help if you considered these below-described aspects.

How Much Area Can the Fence Cover?

If you are to install an electric fence in your backyard to restrict your dog’s movements, you must know how much area it can cover. The transmitter in the fence is to decide the coverage or range of the fence within which it can restrict your dog’s movement. But different transmitters have different ranges. For example, some transmitters may cover 1 acre, or others can cover 25 acres. Following your need and demand, you are supposed to choose the electric fence with a specific range.

In this case, you can choose either a wireless or in-ground fencing system. Both of these systems have a different set of perks and benefits that you are required to know. It would surely be beneficial for you to choose a particular type of fence and install it in your backyard.

Know the Installation Process

It is very important for you to properly install an electric dog fence in your garden or backyard. This is why you are required to know the complete installation process if you wish to install it on your own. It is important to know that installing an in-ground fence takes more time and effort. On average, it may take 1-2 days at least. But the wireless ones are to take less time. It would be quite effective if you call for professional help installing such an electric dog fence.

A professional and expert individual has the necessary skills and knowledge to install such an electric fence. You can notice the work of such a professional whether he/she is installing it in your backyard. In this way, you can manage to learn the process of doing it on your own next time.

The Size of the Dog, the Receiver Collar can be Used On

Along with an electric dog fence, there will be a receiver collar that you will have to wear on your dog’s neck. Before buying the fence, you should enquire whether its collar would fit on the neck of your dog or not. Therefore, you are supposed to consider the size of your dog before the purchase.

Moreover, the collar’s weight is also important, which you will also have to consider beforehand. If the collar is too heavy, it may make your dog uncomfortable. Therefore, it should be of perfect weight.

Moreover, it is also necessary and important for you to consider the electronic collar material you will put on your dog’s neck. The materials should be comfortable enough for obvious reasons. After considering this aspect seriously, you can go for an electrical dog fence.

Consider the Features of the Receiver Collar

It is also significant and essential to consider the receiver collar features that you will have to put on your dog’s neck. An essential feature that such a collar should have is that it should be waterproof. It means the collar won’t be damaged if it is submerged in water for a prolonged period. Hence, your dog can keep wearing it while bathing or doing other water activities.

On the other hand, the receiver collar is also supposed to be quite durable. Your dog likes running, hustling, and doing all kinds of physical activities. Thus the collar is bound to get torn if it is not durable enough.

This is why you are supposed to consider this aspect while choosing an electric dog fence. Moreover, there are several other aspects or features that you may also consider while buying a collar. A collar can have a safety time-out feature, a battery warning, rechargeable etc.

How Reliable is the Electric Fence?

The whole purpose of installing an electric fence is to ensure the safety and security of your dog while you are not around. This is why you are required to ensure that the fence should be reliable enough to restrict the movements of your furry friend so that it does not go beyond a certain boundary. It would be best if you did the necessary research on the fencing system before you decide to buy it.

The Cost

The cost is another essential aspect that you have to know beforehand. If you think the cost is okay and decent compared to its quality, then you can certainly buy the electric fencing system. This is how you would be able to get the best fencing system for ensuring the protection and security of your dog.