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What to do if you want your tile job to seem like it was done by an expert


If you want to learn the ins and outs of tiling a wall yourself, check out our detailed tutorial.

The ability to tile a wall allows one to add colour, pattern, or a wonderful arrangement to a room. They’re also a great functional surface, as they prevent wall damage from moisture and spills and make sanitation a breeze.

Rather of hiring a professional, you may tile a wall on your own and end up with a professional look if you take the time to learn how to grout tiles properly.

We’ve compiled expert tips to help you get the most out of your bathroom wall tile ideas and kitchen wall tile ideas, and outlined those methods below for you to follow.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Tiling a Wall

Walls must be smooth, watertight, and strong enough to support the tiles you intend to use before you can begin tiling.

The unevenness of your surface may be remedied by installing tile backer board over it, as explained by tonytiling.ie. To properly tile an area, the base must be sturdy enough to support the tiles, glue, and grout once they are all installed.

Get these ready:

  • An iron sceptre
  • Scrubber for tiles
  • Tile cutter
  • High-quality sandpaper
  • The grout is floating on the surface.
  • Grouting trowel
  • Bucket
  • Drill with a paddle mixer attachment.
  • A tool for spreading tile adhesive
  • Pencil
  • Scales with a tape measure
  • Spacer for tiling the floor, 5 mm.
  • Carpenter’s long level
  • Sponge
  • Planks of wood
  • Fixings


If you’re giving a room a facelift, you might have to start by removing the wall tiles, but after that’s done, it’s crucial to have the proper surface for tiling. Painting a wallboard (sheetrock) surface renders it unsuitable for tile installation, as explained by TonyTiling.

Particleboard, waferboard, and oriented strand board (OSB) are all types of wood-based panels that are also inappropriate.

Backer boards come in a variety of styles; pick one that works for your project and tiles. The studs (wood or metal) will be attached to the backer board in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. TonyTiling, Glass, and Stone Tile Installation provides resources to help you choose the tile and mounting hardware that will work best for your project.


Figure out the layout of the tiles. Spread them out on the floor to see if there are any repeating designs. By combining tiles from different boxes, you may soften any harsh colour contrasts. The combination of colour, texture, and pattern will be more easily accomplished in this way.

Third, find your baseline.

As with tiling a floor or bathroom, figuring out where to begin is crucial. Use a wooden batten as a tile gauge. Mark each tile on the wooden batten by placing it on the floor next to the row of tiles with spacers in between.

Locate the wall’s exact centre while taking horizontal measurements, and then centre the first tile gauge line on that spot. Mark the gauge leftward until the wooden batten is almost at the wall’s edge. Make a mark on the wall where the last tile will go, and then draw a level line up to the ceiling using a carpenter’s level.

Once you have the lines drawn, you may screw wooden battens into place over them, beginning at the corner where the battens meet.


Using the notched spreader, cover a small section of the wall in glue, then go on to the next section. Press down firmly and use a twisting motion to set the tile. Replace the spacers between each tile as you repeat the process with the rest of the tiles.

Make sure the tiles are straight and even by using the wooden batten and capenter’s level. After the glue has set fully, the wooden battens may be taken out.

Five, finish tiling by trimming and setting the tiles.

Find the distance from the wall to where the last complete tile ends up being laid. Make a mark at the correct dimension on the tile, draw a line to account for the spacer, and then snap the tile into place. It should be repeated for the remaining tiles.

The sliced tiles should be laid in the same manner as the whole tiles, beginning at the base of the main pattern.


Keep in mind that once the adhesive has cured fully, you will need to mix up the grout and trowel it into the joints between the tiles using a grout float. Full instructions can be found in our comprehensive tutorial on grouting. Use a grout finishing tool to smooth over the grout lines for a professional look.

How Do I Arrange Tiles on a Wall?

The best way to ensure a successful wall tile pattern is to put in the time and effort up front.

To get the desired effect, give some thought to the layout before purchasing tiles for the wall. Tiles come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, colours, and finishes, and may be installed in a number of various patterns.

It’s possible to create almost any design imaginable with tiles. In different configurations, “a standard format rectangular field tile has the flexibility to generate a distinct aesthetic,” as TonyTiling puts it. Straight joint, brick, and herringbone are all available patterns. Each one is simple to do and depends more on personal preference than technical skill during installation.”

Think about the space you have available. Explained by tonytiling “Large format tiles are a great choice for a tiny bathroom because of their size and versatility. The reason for this is that if there is less grout, the walls will look more seamless, giving the impression of greater room.

When tiling a wall, what is the best material to use?

One of the greatest materials for kitchen and bathroom walls, porcelain is also frequently used as a tile option for showers. This tile is ideal for the high humidity and moisture that characterise this room.

Porcelain tiles, both little and big, are commonplace on bathroom walls. They are simple to clean and maintain for years to come, while looking great and fitting in with the style of many modern bathrooms “TonyTiling elucidates.

Because of advancements in technology, porcelain may have intricate patterns and shapes that are impossible to make with other materials, says TonyTiling.

Materials apart from those mentioned above: In terms of colour, veining, and transparency, natural stone provides an intriguing selection, as claimed by tonytiling. Glazed, double-fired ceramics come in a dazzling array of colours. A similar range of hues and deep translucence may be seen in glass.

When tiling a wall, where do you begin?

In order to begin tiling a wall, you must first determine where you want to begin, as detailed in the preceding section. The goal here is to maximise the utilisation of whole tiles.

If the corner space is smaller than half a tile, then the beginning point should be determined by shifting the tile gauge to the right by half a tile’s width. This will provide room for a bigger cut tile to fit, resulting in a more streamlined final product. “Because the beginning point affects the finishing point, it is crucial to think about this to get the greatest result,” explains TonyTiling. Bathroom items like sinks, tubs, and mirrors may need to be moved about as well.

Tonytiling recommends centering your tiles on the wall, especially the rear wall of the shower.

“Otherwise, there is some subjectivity,” he says. “The ceiling is a good place to begin installing complete tiles. Consider using a whole tile as your base. Also, some people might want to have equal length top and bottom cuts. This decision is entirely up to you and is influenced by the size of the tiles, the surface area to be tiled, and the wall’s focal point.

Where on the wall should I stop tiling?

It might be tricky to determine how far up the wall to tile, but it’s best to do so in any place near water. With that practical consideration out of the way, the depth of your kitchen backsplash is a matter of taste.

We advocate tiling to the ceiling in walk-in showers, wet rooms, and shower rooms, as suggested by tonytiling. Half-height tiling is aesthetically beautiful and practical for protecting walls from water damage caused by splashes from the sink, bathtub, and shower.