1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

What Makes A Smart Thermostat With Humidity Controls Worth The Investment

Do you find it difficult to keep your home at a comfortable temperature all through the year? Sometimes, no matter how much effort is put into it, it is simply not feasible to get the ideal degree of humidity. Perhaps you need a wireless smart thermostat with humidity control. In addition to helping you save money on your energy bill, it can also make your residence more comfortable and secure.

The question is, “What is the ideal relative humidity?”

Relative humidity is a measure of the amount of water vapor in the air as a percentage of the maximum amount of water vapor the air can hold at that temperature. If the air is warmer, it may be able to hold more moisture. It’s common for summer to have higher humidity than winter. Experts agree that ideal summer humidity is between 40 and 50 percent, while ideal winter humidity is between 30 and 50 percent.

Wireless Smart Thermostat That Controls Humidity

A wireless smart thermostat is a convenient tool for controlling the indoor temperature. In its default configuration, it connects to your Wi-Fi network, allowing you to manage your HVAC system from anywhere via your mobile device. Humidity-controlling smart thermostats have in-built sensors that measure relative humidity in the home. They’re able to monitor the relative humidity in your home and alert you when it’s too high, at which point your air conditioning will kick on to eliminate the excess moisture.

Having A Smart Thermostat That Can Control Humidity Levels Is A Huge Plus.

Here are five of the most compelling arguments in favor of installing a smart thermostat that also regulates humidity:

Enhanced Monitoring and Adaptability

Most contemporary programmable thermostats also feature humidity sensing capabilities. The humidity level in your house can be monitored and adjusted remotely via your smartphone and the thermostat’s display. Whether you’re at work or away from home, you can easily monitor the status and make adjustments as needed. In the case of extreme humidity or dryness, thermostat will send a notification. Potentially increase the safety of your home by acting promptly to make necessary improvements.

Fewer cases of illness

Low humidity frequently causes skin and eye dryness. Possible side effects include irritation of the nasal passages and drying of the mucus lining of the airways. This lining serves as the first line of protection against foreign pathogens. When the airways dry out, they can’t do their job of protecting the body from infection. Extreme levels of humidity are also bad for people’s health. Extreme heat and humidity in the summer can cause problems such as fatigue, muscle spasms, and dehydration. Because the body stops sweating, hyperthermia and heat stroke become possible. In order to protect your family’s health, it’s crucial that you regulate the humidity levels in your home.

Reduced energy costs

Smart thermostats with humidity regulation can help you save money and make your home more pleasant all year long. When the humidity level in the air is too high, air conditioners must work harder than necessary. As a result, you can expect a spike in both your energy consumption and your energy bill. The wireless smart thermostat can help you save money in the long run by maintaining a comfortable indoor humidity level.

Cleaner and Healthier Indoor Air

When moisture levels are excessively high, mold, fungus, and other allergens flourish, lowering indoor air quality. The addition of humidity management to a smart thermostat has the potential to improve indoor air quality by maintaining ideal humidity levels and minimizing the buildup of allergies.

Increased Relaxation

A proper indoor humidity level is essential for living in a home throughout the year, yet it is often disregarded. Achieving and maintaining a healthy relative humidity is essential to a pleasant and healthy indoor environment. Your home’s comfort level is inversely proportional to the amount of humidity in it. Excessively dry air can cause a variety of problems, including dry skin and respiratory illnesses. It also makes existing allergies worse. On the other hand, the high humidity typical of a summer day makes you feel even warmer than you actually are. Wooden surfaces, such as floors and furniture, can rot and develop a musty odor if there is too much humidity in the air.

In this setting, the smart thermostat’s ability to control humidity levels becomes greater significance. You can help ensure that your home is always comfortable by checking the humidity level and making any necessary adjustments on a regular basis.


Wireless smart thermostat sales have increased as a result of rising demand. In addition to helping homeowners save money on their utility bills, many of these items also feature humidity controls that can be utilized to create a more pleasant environment in the house year-round. The ability to check and adjust your home’s humidity level from the palm of your hand is another convenient feature you may access via your smartphone.

When the weather outside gets colder, it’s even more important to make sure your family is breathing clean air inside. Do you want to learn more about ways to enhance the quality of the air where you live? Contact a Tado professional right now to get your questions answered and arrange for a meeting.