1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077


Upper endoscopy is utilized to examine the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. Upper Endoscopy is also known as gastroscopy, (EGD) or esophagogastroduodenoscopy. It is a procedure that enables your gastroenterologist to examine the lining of the esophagus, the swallowing tube of the digestive tract, stomach, and duodenum which is the first portion of the small intestine. Before being put into one’s stomach or duodenum, a flexible, illuminated tube is placed into your mouth. The size of the tube is equivalent to the size of a finger.


The main purpose of an Upper Endoscopy is to diagnose and provide a medical cure to the gastrointestinal Consultants. The causes of abdominal nausea, vomiting pain, difficulty swallowing, or heartburn can be investigated with an upper endoscopy. It is an excellent technique for identifying the cause of upper digestive tract hemorrhage. It is also a useful instrument for inspecting the stomach and esophag after significant surgical procedures. The detection of cancer, ulcers, or inflammation of the stomach, esophagus, and duodenum is more accurate than those with X-rays. By obtaining biopsies from problematic areas, upper endoscopy may be used to identify early cancer and let us differentiate between malignant and non-cancerous illnesses.

So, in a nutshell, we can say that Upper Endoscopy is utilized for three main purposes. They are:

1.  To investigate symptoms of such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, swallowing difficulty, and gastrointestinal bleeding. These diseases are related to digestion.

2.  It is used for Diagnoses such as determining anemia, bleeding, inflammation, diarrhea, or cancers. It is linked with a collection of biopsy or tissue samples for testing.

3.  Lastly, the doctors and health experts go for Upper Endoscopy for treatment purposes. It is done by passing special tools through the endoscope. A bleeding vessel can be stopped, the size of a narrow esophagus can be increased, and an irrelevant object is removed by Upper Endoscopy.

When is an Upper Endoscopy Recommended?

Doctors recommend Upper Endoscopy when you have these complications:

1.  When you have stomach pain

2.  When you have difficulty in swallowing.

3.  If there are ulcers or gastritis.

4.  When the digestive tract bleeds.

5.  If one feels a sudden change in bowel habits which leads to chronic constipation and diarrhea.

6.  If the colon grows.

What is the Procedure of Upper Endoscopy?

The procedure of Upper Endoscopy begins with the insertion of a long, thin, and flexible tube in the body. The endoscope is passed through the mouth; it slowly goes through the esophagus and stomach, and into the duodenum. It enables doctors to examine the stomach, esophagus, and small intestine.

Gastrointestinal experts also put the endoscope into the colon through the rectum and observe this part of the intestine.

Once this procedure is done, the process of Biopsy starts. It involves collecting samples of tissue and sending them to the lab for analysis. A biopsy may be done for several reasons and does not necessarily indicate that malignancy is suspected. The gastroenterologist can treat a variety of diseases painlessly and comfortably by using several devices through the endoscope. The gastroenterologist can widen restricted spaces, remove polyps, get rid of things that were swallowed, or stop gastrointestinal bleeding. Many patients no longer need operations or transfusions thanks to the effective and safe treatment of Upper Endoscopy.


Before you start, make sure the stomach is completely empty. You shouldn’t consume any food or liquids for the eight hours before the test. Your gastroenterologist will be more specific about it. He will determine when you should begin fasting depending on what time of day your test is scheduled.

It may be necessary to alter or stop taking your prescription. It is best to inform your gastroenterologist a few days prior to the test of all current medications you are taking as well as any allergies you may have regarding any specific medications. Most medications can be taken as usual. Your gastroenterologist should check any pre-examination drugs, including aspirin, vitamin E, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, blood thinners, and insulin.


Until the sedative effects wear off, you will be observed in the endoscopic area for a minimum of an hour. For a day or two, your throat can feel a little sore. Due to the air that was inserted into your stomach during the test, you can feel bloated after the treatment. By following your doctor’s advice, you can continue your regular medicine and diet once you leave the endoscopic area. Unless biopsy samples were collected, your gastroenterologist will often give you the findings of your tests on the day of the surgery. It takes many days for these results to be available. Keep in touch with your doctors. Find out what you were instructed to do by contacting your gastroenterologist’s office.


When carried out by experienced gastroenterologists, gastroscopy and biopsy procedures are typically safe. They have experience in these endoscopic procedures and have received special training. Although complications are uncommon, they can happen. They consist of intestinal wall perforations as well as bleeding from the site of a biopsy or polypectomy. Blood transfusions are seldom needed. The sedatives may cause an adverse reaction.

It is rare for a vein to become irritated after receiving medication, but it can result in a sore lump that lasts for a few weeks. Warm, wet towels will aid in easing this ache.

If you experience symptoms such as difficulty in swallowing, worsening throat pain, chest pain, severe abdominal pain, fever, chills, or rectal bleeding of more than one-half cup, it is crucial for you to be aware of the early warning signs of potential complications and to get in touch with your gastroenterologist.

Are you worried about where to go for treatment and whom to consult?

The confusion starts when one finds the symptoms of gastro diseases. The first question arises: where to go and whom to trust? Yes. Many people face this question. Here Gastrointestinal and Liver consultants provides its service. We have been providing our services for a long time and getting results, thanks to Best Gastroenterologist and hepatologist , Dr. Essam Quraishi and his team.

Gastrointestinal and Liver Consultants is a trusted and well-reputed institution for Gastro illnesses. Dr. Essam Quraishi and its medical team will be the best option for you.

You can schedule an appointment with Dr. Essam Quraishi by:

Visit our website https://giandliverconsultants.com/ and schedule your appointment.

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Dial this number (657) 900-4536 and book an appointment.

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