1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

What is the Least Expensive Roofing and How Long Does it last?

Roofing materials can vary greatly in cost and longevity. In the United States, recent years have seen changes in the cost roofing resulting from the fluctuations in inflation. With regard to durability, advances in manufacturing technology  have resulted in many roofing materials that can last anywhere from 15 to 50 years. As a result, homeowners now have better  options when it comes to choosing the least expensive roofing material.

From our review of budget-friendly roofing material options versus longevity, asphalt  shingles are the most cost-effective, lasting up to 30 years. 

Overview of the Different Types of Roofing Materials

The most common types of roofing materials are as follows

  • Asphalt shingles
  • Metal Roofs
  • Tile Roofs
  • Slate Roofs
  • Wood Shingles/Shakes
  • Synthetic Rubber and Plastic Roofing

Each type of roofing material has its own unique benefits, so it’s important to weigh the pros and cons before making a final decision. In this section, we will provide an overview of the different

Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles are the most popular type of roofing material in the United States. They come in two types organic and fiberglass. Organic asphalt shingles are made from a base mat that is saturated with asphalt and covered with colored mineral granules. Fiberglass shingles are composed of fiberglass mats that have been coated with asphalt and also contain colored mineral granules. Asphalt shingles are durable, affordable, and easy to install. They come in a variety of colors, textures, and styles, making them an attractive choice for many homeowners. However, it is important to ensure the roofing is properly installed to get the maximum benefits it promises. Read: How Do You Know If A Roofer Did A Good Job?

Metal Roofs

Metal roofs are becoming more popular due to their durability, energy efficiency, and low maintenance requirements. They are made from galvanized steel, aluminum, copper, and other metal alloys, and come in a variety of colors. Metal roofs can last up to 50 years or more with proper maintenance. They are also fire-resistant and can withstand extreme weather conditions such as high winds and hail.

Synthetic Rubber and Plastic Roofing

Under this heading fall firestone rubber roofing,  PVC, TPO, and other synthetic rubber and plastic roofing materials. Although they are more expensive than traditional asphalt shingles, these materials offer a variety of advantages such as superior energy efficiency, UV protection, fire-resistance, and low maintenance requirements. They also come in various colors and styles that can complement virtually any home design.

Comparing Installation Costs for Different Roof Types

ProCraft Home ProductsMetal roofs have higher upfront costs than asphalt shingles and other types of roofing materials, but they are long-lasting and require little maintenance. For lower cost installation, asphalt shingles may be the best choice for most homes. Clay tiles or slate can add a great deal of aesthetics to any home, although their higher costs may be prohibitive for some. Synthetic rubber roofs offer a middle-ground option in terms of cost and aesthetic value.

Regardless of the type of roof chosen, many professional contractors have the experience and skills to ensure a successful installation. Additionally, some local jurisdictions may require permits or special inspections for any roof installation project; consulting with a qualified contractor can help ensure that these requirements are met.

Tips on How to Make Your Roof Last Longer & Help Lower Maintenance Costs

  1. Clean your roof regularly. Remove any build-up of dirt and debris, such as fallen leaves or tree branches. This will help to prevent the growth of moss and algae, which can lead to accelerated wear and tear on the roof materials.


  1. Inspect for damage regularly. Regularly check for signs of damage such as loose or missing shingles, cracked gutters, or any signs of water leakage. Make sure to make timely repairs and replace materials as needed.


  1. Trim trees and branches near the roof. Overhanging branches can cause damage to a roof during storms and high winds, particularly if they are carrying heavy snow loads. Regularly trim trees and branches to prevent them from hitting the roof or blocking sunlight.


  1. Clean your gutters regularly. This will help to prevent water damage by channeling rainwater away from your roof and downspouts. Make sure to check for blockages such as leaves, sticks, and other debris that can hinder proper drainage.


  1. Inspect your flashing regularly. Flashing is the metal that runs along joints and seams to seal them against water damage. Over time, flashing can wear out and need to be replaced. Inspect it periodically to make sure it’s in good condition and making a tight seal against water.


  1. Check for cracked, missing, or loose shingles. If you spot any of these issues, you’ll need to repair or replace the affected shingles right away. This will help prevent water from seeping into your roof and causing serious damage.