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What factors determine surrogacy success rates?

Assisted reproductive technologies helped to give birth to more than 5 million babies. Each year about 1 million women undergo IVF. The success rate of surrogacy directly depends on the efficiency of IVF. So if you want to start a family, use the services of experienced professionals. The competent agency will make your life much easier.

How Specialists Collect Success Rate Data For Surrogacy

To collect data and create statistics, patients are divided into narrowly defined target groups. It may be a division according to age, number of attempts, methods used, etc. 

Surrogacy success statistics largely depend on the chosen IVF protocol (method):

  • In the natural cycle: the fertility rate is only 7-12%. The probability of conception here is low due to the number of mature eggs (one or two).
  • Cryo — protocols give a success rate of about 25%.
  • The use of donor germ cells gives a high success rate of 45-48% of women who become pregnant and give baby birth.
  • In combination with ICSI, IVF gives a result of 21-23% for the first attempt at artificial insemination, 41-42% for the second attempt. Chances of successful conception increase with each subsequent attempt.

A woman’s age influences the IVF success rate:

  • The general rule is the earlier you join IFV — the sooner you will start a family.
  • In patients under 34 years of age, pregnancy occurs in about 40% of cases.
  • At the age of 34-38, the figure drops to 30%.
  • In women over 40, the chances of getting pregnant in an IVF procedure drops to 15%.

When more than one embryo is transferred, the rate of multiple pregnancies reaches 32%.

What Factors Affect Surrogacy Statistics?

With the development of medicine, the success rate of the IVF journey is increasing every year. At the moment, the average result is just over 40%. 

Such factors influence the successful outcome of artificial insemination:

  • the age of the patients. The younger the generation, the more likely she is to be healthy;
  • duration and causes of infertility;
  • quality of eggs and sperm;
  • number of embryos obtained for transfer;
  • condition of the uterine endometrium at the time of artificial insemination;
  • properly set IVF protocol;
  • proper preparation of a woman for the surrogacy protocol;
  • properly selected ovulation stimulation scheme;
  • quality of embryo transfer;
  • doctor’s qualification and experience;
  • patients are not always able to get pregnant from the first attempt, but each subsequent attempt increases the chances of having a baby.

The efficiency is also influenced by:

  • the level of technical equipment of the clinic. For instance, quality incubators, microscope;
  • the quality of consumables used: needles, instruments, etc.;
  • availability of a cryobank;

 In addition, note the diagnostic capabilities of the institution.

Improvement Of Surrogacy Success Rate

A healthy embryo is a great success factor. Its quality starts with the egg and sperm. Fertility clinics set high standards for donors to help improve the quality of your embryos. If the intended parents’ eggs and sperm are used, the fertility clinic will also perform a series of tests before the embryos are made.

If you have frozen embryos, the transfer’s success rate may depend on how the embryos were originally frozen. Newer vitrification methods, including frozen embryos, have a better success rate than old-fashioned methods. Some physicians will tell you that they are more successful with blastocyst embryo transplants on day five than with frozen embryo transplants on day three.

The deciding factor will be the choice of the doctor who will supervise the course of the procedure. A good specialist will ensure a pleasant journey for you.

Here is what doctors do to improve success rates:

  • CSI is a new in vitro fertilization technique that is performed by injecting a sperm cell into the egg’s cytoplasm. Through ICSI, pregnancy is possible in the most difficult types of infertility. This procedure is usually applied when the program is poor.
  • PICSI — Infertility treatment is based on selecting mature sperm. PICSI is performed using hyaluronic acid. The higher the level of binding to hyaluronic acid, the higher the percentage of fertilization, the rate of fecundation, and pregnancy rate.
  • Auxiliary laser hatching — one of the key moments in pregnancy development is when the embryo attaches to the uterine wall. But in order for it to be successful, the embryo has to come out of the membrane surrounding it. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. This procedure is designed to safely dissect the embryo’s shiny shell, thereby increasing the chances of implantation in the uterine cavity. Laser hatching is usually recommended when the age of the expectant mother is over 36, as well as in situations where there have been previous unsuccessful IVF attempts or when the cause of infertility has not been identified.

Do not worry if the article seemed complicated. In practice, it will be enough to find a competent agency, which will take care of all issues and provide the necessary services.