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What are the penalties for impaired driving in Michigan?

The story of car accidents is not something new that has yet to be talked about. More careful driving and respect for driving rules have been talked about for decades. The story rose to a higher level, especially after the information that traffic accidents are the majority cause of death of Americans over 30 years old. Terrifying isn’t it!? Another terrible fact is that most accidents are caused by drunk drivers. In cases of accidents, insurance companies are what we rely on the most. However, if you have this kind of experience, then it is clear to you that the insurance company will do everything to release them from any responsibility. Therefore, it would be best to hire a Los Angeles impaired driving accident attorney.

And if you were on the other side, or if you were a drunk driver, you may be interested in what punishments await you. Of course, they vary depending on the severity of the offense. From Los Angeles’s impaired driving accident attorney, we find out what the penalties are for drunk drivers who cause accidents.

1. Fines

If you are a drunk driver and there have been no major incidents, the penalties vary depending on whether it is your first offense or not. For a first offense and the BAC is less than 0.17%, expect a fine between $100 and $500. For a second offense, the fine increases from 200 to 1000 dollars, while for a third offense you can expect from 500 to 5000 dollars.

2. Social work

It’s the same thing when it comes to community service. For the first offense, you can count on 360 days of community service. If it is a second offense, then from 30 to 90 days, while for a third offense you can count on 60 to 180 days.

3. Withdrawal of license

Michigan OWI Suspensions

If it turns out that this is your first offense of this type, expect to have your license suspended for 180 days. However, even though it is a first offense, if your BAC is proven to be 0.17% or even higher, this term will increase to one year. There is a possibility to get a limited license after the 30 days has passed. A restricted license means that an immobilizer is installed in your car, and you can use it in certain areas and for a certain time frame. If you had a BAC over 0.17%, you only get a limited license after 45 days. In the worst case, and if you were in the car with a minor at the time of the accident, you can get a limited license after 90 days.

4. Michigan OWVI Suspensions

Again, if this is your first offense and you committed an OWVI offense, expect a 90-day suspension. However, this period also varies. If you have had certain substances in your body, the period can be increased to 180 days, and if you are completely clean, there is a possibility of getting a limited permit.

In Michigan OWI and OWVI cases, your driver’s license will be suspended. We have already seen how things are if this is your first offense. If it is a second offense, count the minimum sentence from 90 to 180 days. If it is still a third offense, you will hardly get under one or 3 years of driving license suspension.

5. Prison

For a first offense, you can expect up to 93 days in jail, or if the BAC is greater than 0.17%, up to 180 days. A second offense carries with it a prison term of 5 days to one year. For the third offense from one year to 5 years in prison.