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What are the 10 benefits of using the tensile sample preparation system in the military and government projects?

Mechanical tests determine the properties of structural materials, including tensile strength, maximum elongation, and maximum contraction of the cross-sectional area. To do this, standard shaped specimens, circular or rectangular in cross-section, are stretched by axial force, most often using a tensile testing machine. In the process of stretching, the specimen is deformed under the action of a load that gradually increases until the specimen breaks. The result of the research is a deformation diagram – the relationship between the force acting on the sample and the deformation of the sample, that is, its elongation under the action of this force. This diagram allows estimation of the strength and plasticity of the material under static loads and is used in the selection of materials for the creation of machine parts and structural elements.

Preparing the sample for tensile testing procedure: important to know

Given that the appearance of the deformation diagram critically depends not only on the material properties, but also on the shape of the specimen and its size, such specimens have certain geometric standards. The key to obtaining reliable reproducible results is the accuracy with which the specimen shape will correspond to such a standard. Therefore, the deviation of the diameter of a cylindrical specimen from the standard should not exceed 0.02 mm. It is clear that larger deviations from the standard dimensions, as well as any irregularities in diameter, broadness and surface scratches will lead to misleading results, which may be the causes of improper or unreliable functioning of the manufactured structures and mechanisms. So how can TensileTurn CNC help you with the challenge of accurate preparation of specimens for tensile testing?

The good news is that TensileTurn CNC equipment provides the ability to choose the method of preparing round tensile specimens that will provide the required geometric accuracy in accordance with current specimen standards, based on cylindrical, square and irregular shapes. The size of the initial workpiece is also practically irrelevant for the TensileTurn CNC It can also operate with samples not only of standard sizes, but also those that do not exceed the size of a button or a match head, regardless of their resistance to loads and the initial shape. Next, we will review the additional benefits provided by the TensileTurn CNC for preparing specimens for tensile testing.

10 advantages of using the TensileTurn CNC tensile specimen preparation system

1. Simplicity and convenience

TensileTurn CNC is designed in such a way that any operator, regardless of experience with this lathe, can easily understand the instructions for its use, master the basic functions for performing standard operations and grow to the level of an advanced user simply by using the system.

But the operator’s experience is necessary for the current calibration of the equipment, which requires an understanding of the principles of the lathe.

2. User-friendly interface

The controller of the TensileTurn CNC machine has a touch screen on which the main means of setting up and controlling the system are located in a convenient order. The Carbon software has been designed to make it easy to perform universal tensile testing processes and obtain accurate results. This makes it easy to use standard programs to perform routine tensile sample preparation operations, even by a person who does not understand the intricacies of the device. In addition, it can be configured for specific round tensile specimen preparation tasks such as path planning, mirroring, scaling, or drilling with standard cycles. When used by an experienced operator, the TensileTurn CNC’s manual programming function can be used to solve other turning tasks far beyond the standard operations.

3. Accuracy of reproduction of standards

A key advantage that guarantees the accuracy of reproducing the geometry of the shapes of the prepared tensile specimens is the quick access to the General Standards database directly through the Carbon software interface. This means that most of the time there is no need to create a separate TensileTurn CNC – Industrial Upgrade Model setup, the system is already configured to produce specimens in accordance with all known standards, such as ISO, DIN and JIS, as well as the ASTM E8 standard set. You just need to find the appropriate program in the General Standards library. This allows even an operator with limited experience in using the system to quickly perform routine operations. Of course, an experienced operator can manually configure the system for more complex and non-standard solutions.

4. Control in your hands

The ability to perform the round tensile specimen preparation process in-house means that TensileTurn CNC users have greater control over the overall tensile testing process. They are no longer dependent on external laboratories to perform the preparation process and can customize their specimens to exact specifications and a set of standards and modify them in real time, meaning they can monitor how specimens are being prepared and immediately cancel the process, refine it and restart it if necessary.

5. Speed of obtaining results

The complex of smart solutions used in the development of this tensile testing machine makes it possible to significantly reduce the time of the entire tensile testing cycle. First, the use of TensileTurn CNC programmable equipment makes it possible to produce tensile specimens with geometric accuracy unattainable for conventional electromechanical lathes. Secondly, the availability of quick access to ready-made settings for the manufacture of samples according to all common standards allows you not to waste time on creating such settings and be sure of the exact reproduction of the required dimensions and shape of the samples. Thirdly, the speed of sample processing and reliability of these machines leaves far behind the closest competitors producing similar software equipment. This allows you not to waste time on unnecessary maintenance and repairs when using TensileTurn CNC. Thus, the process of preparation and testing becomes more efficient and faster, respectively, you can do more tests within the usual time frame.

6. Threaded specimen ends are no problem for TensileTurn CNC

The option to prepare specimens with threaded ends is available in the Carbon interface. To prepare the specimen for testing, the operator can select standard parameters for threaded specimens or manually enter the desired dimensions. Once the workpiece is inserted into the machine shaft clamp, the selected program is started and the machine does the rest, cutting the threads according to the set data.

It is important to note that the thread size of the specimen must match the thread size that fixes the specimen in the tensile testing device. This applies to both the diameter and length of the thread on the specimen. The precision of the lathe operation ensures that the specimen is securely fixed in the tensile tester holders, which causes the tensile force to be applied exactly along the axis of the specimen, avoiding the slightest distortion.

7. Waste management

Modern materials that are subjected to tensile testing can be quite expensive, possibly classified in order to simply throw the resulting chips in the garbage. They can pose a threat to the environment. This aspect is especially relevant in testing materials for high space technologies, in nuclear and other scientific fields, as well as for military needs. Another type of waste is failed specimens that can be generated in incorrectly calibrated tensile testing equipment. If you need to control the consumption of the test material, then the TensileTurn CNC – Industrial Upgrade Model is for you.

8. Powerful machine tool

Efficient and reliable operation is ensured by the following features:

  • а 2.2 KW motor;
  • а 3-Jaw Universal Chuck which can be manually operated;
  • а tailstock center;
  • а coolant tank that can store as much as 25 liters;
  • а stock capacity ranging from a 1-inch diameter to 6 inches with upgrades.

In addition, the TensileTurn CNC – Industrial Upgrade Model can be supplemented with special accessories for working with samples with irregular workpieces, which can greatly facilitate the solution of complex non-trivial tasks.

9. Powerful hardware

Fast and reliable operation of the controller, data storage and effective communication between all elements of the TensileTurn CNC equipment is ensured by the following characteristics of the hardware, the built-in CPU module. This module has the following characteristics:

  • storage capacity up to 64 gigabytes;
  • up to 4 gigabytes of RAM capacity;
  • USB port compatibility;
  • connectivity to Wi-Fi and Ethernet devices;
  • macro B enabled programming;
  • work offsets with up to 126 options;
  • tool offsets with up to 254 options;
  • helical interpolation capability.

The operation of this module with the installed Carbon software ensures efficient and easy operation of the lathe.

10. If we take a long-term perspective, the need to constantly replace worn-out test machines with new ones requires financial costs. Therefore, the equipment comes with a 12-month warranty: this includes major repairs, maintenance, replacement parts and software updates. If you are not satisfied with this period, the warranty can be extended or another period can be set immediately upon purchase.

Advantages and use of tensile testing machine in military and government projects

Since the military industry and various government projects belong to the sectors that require impeccable work, the equipment used must also be of excellent quality and meet high standards, because the lives and health of many people depend on it. This necessitates the use of accurate mechanical testing methods for such materials for military use, and therefore accurate instruments for preparing their samples.

In particular, tensile testing will help determine which material is best used for a particular application and what type of treatment will further increase its strength. An example is military clothing – it was proven that fabrics spun with a rotor had a lower level of tear resistance than those spun with a ring.

Evaluation of the product according to the criteria of elasticity, tensile strength, impact resistance will allow you to see what exactly needs to be improved. For example, if during testing a parachute harness is found to have a tendency to break, then a change in design will help to solve this problem in time, and therefore significantly increase safety.

A variant of tensile testing, known as creep testing, involves exposing the material to a constant level of tensile stress and changing environmental factors for an extended period of time. The goal is to determine the point at which the stress and environmental factors will cause the material to break. Then the manufacturer can conduct auxiliary microanalysis and, for example, add new protective layers. The result of the test is an understanding of the molecular composition of the product and, if necessary, the possibility of its improvement.

Thus, specific tensile tests contribute to the improvement of production processes and show how to improve the quality of the resulting product. Therefore, you can be sure that any military property that has passed the necessary tests is really safe and reliable, so it will not fail during use.

TensileMill CNC Inc. is your best store to get Metal tensile test machine for any military and government projects!