Have you had enough of treating your stomach problems with home remedies without any luck?
As convenient and tempting as fast food may be, it also raises the risk of digestive problems. Digestive disorders often result from changes in healthy eating habits and exercise routines. This does not mean you should self-diagnose and stir up a home remedy. Going for home cures is only a good option if the symptoms are tolerable.
Furthermore, if the symptoms become severe, you need to put aside the home remedies and seek professional help. Keep reading this article to know when you should visit the Best Gastroenterologist in Lahore right away.
When should you see a gastroenterologist?
Here are some alarming signs that your body shows when something is wrong within your gut. Take the hint and see a gastroenterologist as soon as possible.
1. Constantly Constipated
There can be a few misconceptions about constipation, so let’s look at what exactly is constipation. Constipation occurs when bowel movements occur less than three times per week. Constipation is caused by dehydration, lack of fiber in the diet and Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Even if the bowel movement is regular, but you are facing painful and dry stool along with bloating, it is alarming and should be looked after by a specialist.
 2. Acidity and Heartburn
Acidity is when you feel a painful burning feeling in your throat or chest. This painful situation happens when the stomach acid returns through the food pipe. Some people describe it as more itchy than painful. This acid can cause soreness and itchiness and makes swallowing painful. If you occasionally experience heartburn, it could be because of something spicy that you ate and you do not have to worry. But if you have been frequently (more than twice a week) going through this painful situation, it might be a sign of GERD, a gastroesophageal reflux disease.
However, certain foods, excessive consumption of alcohol, and pregnancy can also cause heartburn. Although, some drugstore medications will give instant relief. But even so, chronic heartburn can harm the food pipe (esophagus). Because the constant movement of acid will weaken the esophageal lining, it may require a longer course of prescribed medicine or surgery if not discussed with a gastroenterologist.
3. Unexplained Weight Loss
Confused about suddenly losing inches off your belly?
If you constantly lose your appetite or feel nauseous when you try to eat something. There might be some serious issues behind it that should be diagnosed by a professional. Visit a Gastroenterologist in karachi, they will take in your medical history and symptoms before giving out their diagnosis.
As in most cases, the issue is related to family history, depression, and anxiety. Your losing weight suddenly might look harmless, but many diseases affecting the gastrointestinal system can cause loss of appetite. Hepatitis and cirrhosis are examples of liver diseases. Chronic renal failure. Malignancies such as stomach and pancreas cancer can also cause appetite loss.
Another reason for weight loss could be psychological factors such as depression or Anorexia nervosa. Which is an eating disorder that causes you to lose your appetite resulting in rapid weight loss.
4. Diarrhea
Noticeable signs of diarrhea are runny stools, severe pain in abdomen, and frequent bowel movement in just one day. These symptoms may be alone or along with vomiting, weight loss, and abdominal pain.
For people with Lactose intolerance, dairy consumption can also trigger diarrhea. It can also be caused by unsanitary practices and poor hygiene. However, it may indicate a more serious underlying condition if it happens frequently. This necessitates the visit to a gastroenterologist.
5. Vomiting and Nauseaousness
Although, feeling nauseous out of nowhere could be just a sign of sleep deprivation, depression, or anxiety, which indicates more about your mental health. But it is also connected to your physical condition. Feeling of vomiting can also be a result of gastrointestinal illness. Lactose or gluten intolerance could also be one of the reasons. And it can also lead to bleeding if it goes untreated.
Some gastrointestinal diseases show nausea and vomiting as one the main symptoms. And persistent vomiting can cause pressure on your stomach, leading to abdominal pain. Hence, it needs an intervention by a professional. Only a doctor would help you diagnose your ongoing condition and give proper care.