1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

Top 5 Tips for Fully Transitioning into the RV Lifestyle

It can be a significant change if you’re thinking about taking the plunge and transitioning from tent camping to RVing. But people are making the change as a report suggests 353,478 RVs were sold in 2022 because of many benefits. You can travel whenever and wherever you want, explore new places, and stay in comfort while seeing everything out there. The only thing stopping you might be apprehension over how much work is involved in getting your RV ready to use. We’re here to help with these tips.

Leave Your Job

In 2021, 40% of all leisure trips were credited to camping, with more than 53% including camping in some or all of their travel. But one of the biggest concerns people have about living in an RV is how they will pay for it. You may be worried about leaving your job without having another one lined up, or if you’re only making minimum wage, how you will afford to rent an RV and travel around the country at all.

The truth is that there are many ways to make money while traveling on the road so that you can save money before and after leaving your job. You could take care of other people’s pets as a pet sitter, babysit children in their homes or run errands for local businesses while on foot (e.g., delivering groceries).

You can also find seasonal work at campgrounds during certain times of the year when they need extra help with cleaning up after campers leave or working at summer camps around the country, starting at $10 per hour, depending on what state and region you are located in.

If none of these options sound appealing to you, then consider starting a blog about your experiences with traveling full-time, which could eventually lead to writing books about it. You could also work as a freelancer online. According to a report, 36% of individuals are digital nomads or work on the move by freelancing for various companies.

Learn the Best Ways to Take Care of Your RV

The first step to fully transitioning your lifestyle is learning to take care of your RV. You can’t enjoy the freedom of a nomadic life if you’re constantly worried about whether or not your RV will make it through another road trip.

Getting the right insurance policy and regular maintenance is the best way for any newbie RVer to ensure their vehicle is in top shape. It’s essential to have enough coverage for both liability and property damage, as well as comprehensive coverages for all situations that might arise on the road (or at home).

Regular checks will let you know if anything needs fixing or replacing, and with enough research, you may even be able to fix minor issues yourself. If this sounds like too much work, there are plenty of resources online where experienced RVers offer advice on how to do repairs themselves instead of taking their car into a shop whenever something goes wrong. It saves money while building confidence in being able to troubleshoot common problems yourself over time.

Find the Best Insurance for Your RV

You’ll need RV insurance when you purchase your RV and start driving it around. It is a requirement in every state. The most important thing to remember when buying RV insurance is that you can’t just buy any policy; the company that does this for you has to be licensed by the state where you live.

Consider this if you’re looking for the best possible RV insurance deal. Not all companies offer the same types of policies or coverages. Some companies provide owners with liability coverage, while others are more concerned with protecting their property or vehicles from damages caused by others (and some do both). When choosing an insurer, ensure they offer all three types of coverage before signing up. Otherwise, they may not be able to meet your needs once something happens.

Locate The Right Campsites

The first thing to do is locate campgrounds close to where you want to be. Make sure they have a good reputation, and if possible, find out what amenities the campgrounds offer before booking.

The next most important thing is to make sure the campsite is safe. If you’re going somewhere new, ask around locally or check online reviews for any tips on where there may be some sketchy areas or areas with high crime rates. You also want to make sure that it’s easy for you and your family members who aren’t using RVs as their primary living space will feel comfortable there too.

Join a Club

Joining a club is essential for everyone in the RV lifestyle, not just newbies. Joining a club will help you find other RVers who share your interests and hobbies and give you access to resources that will make your life easier.

If you decide to join a club, don’t forget that many different types of clubs exist. Some clubs focus on specific topics like being retired or traveling with pets (or both), while others may be more focused on outdoor activities such as boating or fishing. And don’t forget those clubs that meet at local restaurants or coffee shops once a month.

There are also special interest groups that take place within larger organizations. Some members live in RVs, while others use them only when needed (like during long road trips). These smaller groups allow members who share similar interests the opportunity to interact with each other without having to travel long distances every week.


We hope you’ve enjoyed this article. We know it can be challenging to decide whether or not to take the plunge and go full-time in an RV. The main thing is, don’t let anything hold you back from trying something new. If you love being on the road and exploring, why not invest in a new way of life? You never know what could happen.