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Tips to make emails painless

Email software, though old-fashioned and perhaps irrelevant to many, is still widely used for personal and business communications. It has maintained its relevance even when many believe that social media is all needed for communication. To this day email users are constantly increasing, and billions of emails are sent every day.

Email technology allows you to send messages worldwide in seconds, almost for free. Email can be used to conduct business from the beach, in the boardroom, and anywhere in between, using a laptop or smartphone. 73% of millennials prefer email for business communications. An email platform can handle all the business basics: ordering, billing, contracts, announcements, and more.

So, do you use email management tools to help your business grow? Continue reading to learn the effective ways to use email platforms.

What is email management software? 

Email management software is an application that allows you to send, reply to, track, and organize emails in bulk. This software includes various solutions for individuals, teams, and organizations. Essentially, email software is intended to help you manage large volumes of incoming and/or outgoing emails more effectively.

What is email management software used for? 

Email management software, as previously stated, is used by both teams and individuals. Email management software is used by internal support teams, such as IT, and external service teams to ensure that support requests are handled appropriately. Email marketers also use email software to automate and sequence email nurture campaigns, track open and click-through rates, and send bulk emails.

Trends in email software  

Need for multichannel services is greater than ever

According to reports, customers expect effortless interactions at any time and from any location. Switching from email to messaging to voice and back must feel natural to meet that expectation. And, to provide a truly conversational experience, companies need email software that allows them quick access to full customer profiles.

Customer trust is based on email security and privacy

Unfortunately, email was responsible for data breaches in 5% of all cyber-attacks, according to IBM Security’s 2020 study. Furthermore, the average cost of a malicious email data breach was above $3.75 million. It should go without saying that security and privacy are essential customer expectations that cannot be ignored, even if they are not clearly stated.

Email platform as a channel for self-service and customization

Customer value can be increased through self-service and personalization. When businesses allow customers to find answers online without contacting anyone, they are more likely to spend more money buying the company’s products and services.  Besides, 90% will spend more money with companies that personalize their customer service. The email platform is an excellent medium for distributing self-service content and managing personalization efforts.

Must-have email management software features 

When evaluating an email management software solution, look for these features.

Collision detection

When multiple people respond to the same conversation, it frustrates the recipient and wastes time for your team. Collision detection prevents this by providing real-time indicators when another team member has already responded to a conversation — or is actively writing a response.

Email Customization Tools

Most services offer a library of customizable templates or an easy-to-use drag-and-drop tool for customizing your emails. Some providers provide templates that show you how your email will appear on various devices (such as laptops, tablets, and mobile phones) to assist you in designing a flexible and responsive email.

Saved replies

A saved reply is a response that your team can quickly add to an email response and personalize as needed. Pre-written, well-organized saved replies save time for team members and result in faster responses to customer queries. They also create continuity by using simple language that keeps a team on the same page, especially when there is a major issue, such as an outage or a new product release.

Customer profiles

The best email management software provides data that paints a vivid picture of the person who sent the email and their unique challenges to team members. With this vital information, your team can assist people more effectively and efficiently without requiring much effort from the sender.


Collaboration can be improved when your email software integrates with the apps used by your team. Just as people need to communicate with one another for a business to function, these various tools must connect to ensure a smooth workflow.

Automated workflows

Workflows are a type of supercharged filter or rule that automates processes to organize tasks and increase team efficiency. Instead of manually tagging emails and assigning conversations to different team members, you can automate those tasks based on predefined criteria.


Attempting to complete any analysis within a shared Gmail or Outlook mailbox takes far too long. When you use the right email management tools, you can get powerful business insights applicable to every aspect of your company.


Segmentation is another effective method for delivering more relevant messages to prospects and customers by categorizing them based on age, location, gender, industry, interests, or other factors. Instead of sending a single mass email to your entire customer base, segmentation allows you to send different emails to different groups.

Contact Management

A contact management tool assists you in acquiring, sorting, and managing email contacts. It also allows you to auto-delete duplicate or dead contacts, import, export, group, and integrate with other tools such as CRM.

Social Media Integration

Email management tools typically integrate with social media platforms, allowing you to grow your contact list, schedule posts, and track engagement. Combining social media and email marketing gives your customers more information about you and more opportunities to see your messages.

How to choose the best email management tool

If you’re looking for the best email management software, this step-by-step guide will help you find one.

Define your email campaign’s budget, parameters, and goals

Before looking for a software solution, as with any marketing strategy, you should define the scope of your efforts. Set a budget for email marketing and determine your campaign goals (brand awareness, sales, customer loyalty, etc.).

Read reviews to narrow down your choices

Read customer reviews and best picks lists to learn about each service’s pricing, features, limitations, pros and cons, and customer support. This will assist you in eliminating providers that are out of your price range or do not provide the right combination of features and value for your needs.

Sign up for free trials

Many email management tool providers provide free trials or free software versions. Create an account and experiment with the templates, email builders, and other features of each of your top contenders. Consider your preferred plan’s ease of use, API and integration options, automation features, and contact or send limits.

Choose your email management software and start running campaigns

Once you’ve tried out your top software options, choose one and start building your email list so you can start running campaigns.

The right solution  

The next step is to find the right email software that meets your needs. While you’re at it, why not try Clariti?

Whether you’re responding to customer emails, sending out a mass message about a new feature, or simply cleaning up your inbox, email software can help simplify your life and boost efficiency.