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Tips on getting the maximum amount for your car accident claim in San Diego

San Diego, CA – If you were injured in a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence you deserve to be fully compensated for your suffering. You shouldn’t have to pay one cent out of pocket for your medical bills, nor should you accept a low settlement for your physical and mental pain. To make the most of your claim, you cannot rely on the insurance adjuster to tell you the truth. You must speak with a knowledgeable San Diego car accident lawyer as soon as possible. They will tell you how much your claim is worth and how you can get that money. 

What do special damages cover?

Special damages refer to your economic losses, those you can prove by bills. From the first visit to the ER make sure to keep track of all the bills you get. Preferably, send them to your chosen California accident lawyers and they can do the math when it comes to sending a letter of demand to the insurance company representing the other driver.

You can include hospital bills, visits to medical experts, the cost of your medicines, and even some types of alternative treatments. However, before going to an alternative medicine therapist, consult with your lawyer to see if the insurance will cover that. 

If you have sustained a severe injury that requires home alterations, such as installing a ramp or buying a special medical bed, you will be compensated for those expenses. Also, if you will require long term medical care for your injuries or a caretaker to help you with your daily needs, your lawyers will calculate how much that’s going to cost.

Your lost wages are also covered under special damages. Not just the wages you lost while you were recovering from your injury, but your lost future earnings as well. If you are left with an impairment that won’t allow you to return to your old job, you must be compensated for the money you stand to lose by finding another, less challenging and less lucrative job.

How can you maximize your pain and suffering damages?

Pain and suffering damages are also known as general damages and they are meant to compensate you for everything you’ve been through following the accident. 

Technically, pain and suffering damages are calculated using the multiplier method. The total value of your special damages will be multiplied by a factor between 1 and 5, depending on the severity of your injury. 

This is where having seasoned car accident lawyers working on your side comes into play. They will help you get the maximum available by building a convincing case. They will show the insurance adjuster or the jury (if it comes to that) that your injury caused you so much physical and mental suffering that you deserve a factor of 4 or even 5. There is no cap on pain and suffering damages in California and the money is not taxable, either. 

Your lawyers will probably advise you to keep a pain journal, be it written or in video format, in which you will describe the level of pain you experience every day and the frustration your physical limitations cause you. You can talk about missing out on the things you used to like, as these fall under loss of enjoyment in life. 

At the same time, your lawyers will get your family and close friends to testify about your daily struggles. If necessary, they will also bring in medical experts to discuss the pain an injury like yours can cause. 

If you’re suffering from anxiety, panic attacks, or depression, don’t hesitate to see a therapist. The cost will be covered under economic damages and the therapist can be called to testify about your mental state.

Keep in mind that, in California, you can get compensation for your mental distress even if you did not sustain a serious physical injury. 

Attorneys near me

If you’re wondering where you can find accident lawyers, go to usattorneys.com. This is a huge database you can use to find reputable lawyers anywhere in the US. Select the legal domain you’re interested in, click on your state, select your city and you will find the most trustworthy attorneys in your area.Â