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There Is No Guarantee On SEO Services

Being on top of Google search results has become all business owners’ desire these days. All market participants are eager to do whatever it takes, to jump up on Google ranking in order to get more users on their websites. Under such market circumstances, the one and only practice that comes into mind is to optimize the website, based on the search engines regulations and guidelines. That is what we call search engine optimization or SEO.

What is SEO?

SEO or search engine optimization refers to a number of techniques and practices for improving the traffic of a website to help it grow organically and rank higher on Google or other major search engines.

Who is it for?

SEO is absolutely crucial for websites that are designed to get users’ attention. Since every single website around the world is being built to attract a specific group of audiences, we can make a claim by being confident that SEO is crucial for almost all websites around the globe.

SEO Service Providers

There are SEO gurus out there, who provide quality SEO service for online business owners. SEO enhancement is usually done by digital marketing companies, though there are many freelancers out there who work on SEO enhancement as well.

Now, we will come across an important question; how to jump to the top position on Google search result page? Is there any magic rule to comply with, so it will push us up to sit on the top? 

Unfortunately, the answer is no! There is no rule of thumb to guarantee the success of any SEO campaign. The truth is that SEO is all about knowledge, experience, patience, persistence and consistency. In other words, the more a SEO campaign works in line with the rules and guidelines, the probability of being successful in the long run will increase, though not necessarily.

Google first rank Guaranteed!

You may have come across a company or freelancer who makes such a claim! What we can guarantee here, is that they are either inexperienced or scammers! No one can guarantee the first rank on Google on some strategic keywords, though it is possible for you to jump on the first rank of Google search on a keyword, consisting of 10 words, that 100 people may search for per year, which is not going to add any value to your business! 

Why the first rank cannot be guaranteed?

No one, even the most professional SEO consultants, knows how exactly the search engine’s algorithm works to rank the websites. Even though the experienced SEO gurus are aware of the rules, standards and tactics to improve websites rank on Google, they cannot be 100% confident about how the algorithm works, so there is no guarantee on their work outcome. On top of that, search engines, Google in particular, change the way that their algorithm works from time to time. Therefore, even if you sit on top of SERP on a keyword, again there is no guarantee to stay there forever or even for a long period of time.

You have to be very careful about some scammer companies and freelancers who make such a claim to take you up on the first rank on Google search result page and to tempt you more, they would ask for money once you see your website on top! This is something you must avoid as they use black hat SEO tactics to artificially increase your website traffic. Unfortunately, these tactics would work for a short period of time, so you will make the payment as you see your website on your desired place on Google. However, Google is strong enough to identify such websites! Therefore, you will end up being penalized by Google, big damage to your website SEO and a big money paid to the scammers!

Proper SEO contract

Rather than making big claims and providing Google first rank guarantee, a reliable SEO contract is more about transparency of the services the SEO consultant is going to provide for you. The items that must be outlined clearly in a standard SEO contract will be SEO strategy, schedule and work map, team members and corresponding person in the consultant side. Depending on the nature of your project, some other elements can be added to the SEO contracts.

To sum it up, the only recommendation we have for you is to run away, when a freelancer or a SEO consultant is offering you Google first rank guarantee! You just need to leave, if your business is important to you!

At last, we would like to stress on working with a reputable digital marketing company who have a proven track record in the market. You must be looking for such a company with patience and invest some time to investigate in order to make the best decision for your SEO project. However, in case you don’t have time or enough knowledge to find a good digital marketing company in Dubai, we would like to recommend Websima DMCC. They have been working in the UAE market for ten years and managed to deliver quality projects to many clients since then. You can book a free consultation meeting with them, so you will be able to discuss your project and see how they are able to help you with your needs.