1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

The Mental Health Benefits Of Exercise

Modern life can be a whirlwind for many people. The demands of life, work, and family can put people under pressure in a way that they don’t realize is slowly affecting their mental and physical health. 

This pressure could manifest as sleepless nights, stress eating, panic attacks, and fatigue. People think a weekend spent sleeping and eating would be enough to deal with these symptoms, but it can often make them feel more stressed and anxious. 

So what’s the best way to deal with stress and anxiety? The answer is regular exercise. 

Regular Exercise And The Mind

Research on the effect of exercise and physical activity on mental health reveals that it can reduce depression and anxiety. It can also improve cognitive function, memory, and self-esteem. 

The benefits of exercise on mental health help the mind in two ways—direct and indirect. The direct results are the physical benefits of exercise. These include the production of brain chemicals and hormones that encourage the growth of brain cells and blood vessels in the brain. It can also reduce inflammation and improve the immune system. 

 The indirect results are the ones that improve the mind’s ability to cope with stress and anxiety. Regular exercise improves mood, regulates the body clock, resulting in much better sleep, and improves self-esteem.  

Other studies have shown that the mental health benefits of exercise also improve the brain’s capacity for thinking and memory. This would mean that even activities of moderate intensity that last for six months and beyond can improve your memory and cognitive skills. 

Regular exercise can be a way to release the buildup of stress. Even ten minutes of walking can improve breathing and release muscle tension. 

Chronic Stress And Flight-Or-Fight Response

Most people have an excuse for not exercising—they do not have the time. Their work schedules have made it impossible to commit to a regular exercise routine. However, research has shown that even ten minutes of regular exercise can greatly affect how your body deals with stress.

Our bodies have a fight-or-flight response. This is a reaction to any stressful event that makes the body produce hormones that trigger the fight-or-flee response. Our bodies produce epinephrine and adrenaline, which give us the ability to face, fight, and escape danger. 

However, most stress in modern life is not a physical threat. So a physical response that would have saved your life as a hunter is not a healthy response when your source of stress is a computer. 

The fight-or-flight response slows down metabolism. It produces hormones like adrenaline and epinephrine to ensure that we can effectively deal with the situation by fighting it or running away. 

The constant production of epinephrine can increase blood pressure and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. Additionally, there is an increase in other hormones, such as cortisol. These result in physical changes that drain your body’s energy and cause fatigue. It also makes you eat more foods that provide energy, like carbohydrates.

Anyone who experiences even low levels of stress keeps producing these hormones. This then results in health problems associated with chronic stress. The effect of chronic stress often manifests as weight gain, depression, anxiety, and even addiction. 

So what can exercise do to prevent the stimulation of the flight-or-fight response? How does exercise improve mental health?

Regular physical activities and exercise can prevent overstimulation of the flight or fight response. Regular exercise can be a way to release the buildup of stress. Even ten minutes of walking can improve breathing and release muscle tension. 

You could also change your diet or add supplements that can lessen feelings of anxiety and depression. Supplements like green pasture cod liver oil and omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce anxiety in some people.

Physical activity relieves the mind of stress and produces endorphins, which improve mood. Endorphins are often the brain chemicals that cause “runner’s high”, but any activity can make the body produce endorphins. Your mood will improve, and you will find that you have a better mindset to deal with stress. 

The Body And Mind Connection 

How does exercise help mental health?  

Many kinds of activities can improve your mental well-being. These activities give you the benefits of exercise and mental health and other advantages. They can help you in other areas of your life, both physical and social. 

This increases the likelihood of a person staying in the program. So if you want to experience the mental health benefits of exercise, choose a regular physical activity that can improve your body-and-mind connection. 

Most people who walk their dogs are healthier and meet the required daily amount of physical activity. 

Yoga And Meditative Exercises

These activities are relaxation responses that can help calm the mind and body. Tai chi and yoga exercises stretch the muscles, helping to release tension and stress. Deep breathing exercises and other meditative techniques can also counter the body’s stress response, but the results depend on the individual.

Sports and Dance

Joining a sports team or a dance group could also be a way to do regular physical activities if you want to strengthen your social bonds or meet new people. The group dynamics of a sports team can help people stay mentally sharp, while the physical benefits can give them a way to release stress. 

Dance is another creative way to commit to regular physical activity. It’s ideal for people who love music and combine creative expression with their health goals. Dancing also deepens social bonds, so doing it with friends or your partner can improve your relationships too.

Go on a Daily Walk

Humans were meant to walk, and regularly walking for at least 20 minutes can do a lot to improve your health. If you have a dog, walk the dog every day on a set schedule in the morning or afternoon. Most people who walk their dogs are healthier and meet the required daily amount of physical activity. 

Do Housework

Doing housework such as mowing the lawn, polishing, and mopping the floors could also count as physical activity. It can be a way to release stress, but it can also contribute to a healthier and more organized home and working environment.

Having a more organized and less cluttered environment has been found to lessen stress in people. Clutter makes it hard for people to focus, making them feel more stressed and anxious when they are experiencing anxiety at work or in their personal lives. 

Stay Physically Active, Have Great Mental Health

Modern life is stressful, but you can do something to improve how you respond to it. The mental health benefits of exercise can do a lot to make you focused and improve your mental well-being, but it’s also the best way to stay healthy and happy.