1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

The Main Different Types Of Construction

Knowing more about the different categories of construction contracts is essential. They help you decide the amount you pay, what you are responsible for, and many details of the project. A contract protects both the contractor and the client by clarifying that the strategy is explained from when the project starts, also restrict potential challenges caused by excesses and other unforeseen circumstances.

There are many construction contracts, and they are generally suitable for the project’s needs. In every construction contract, ensure you apply practical software for building estimation, because it helps keep everyone involved focused on delivering a project as planned.

To assist you in understanding better, we have explained the main types of construction contracts, and the time you should decide on applying each one for your projects.

  1.       Lump Sum Contract

A lump sum contract places one bound price for all activities carried out in a project. Lump sum contracts can also be fixed price or stipulated sum contracts. In this type of contract, it is easier to indicate that it uses a fixed price for all operations performed on the project.

In some cases, bonuses are accorded to these contracts to appreciate the builder when the assignment is finalized before the planned time. These contracts can also involve fines, sometimes indemnities, for work completed after the agreed period. Clients use this contract to avoid changes for any added details or other cases of unclear work.

When agreeing to the conditions of a lump sum contract on a construction project, the contractors are responsible for any additional risks since the owner is not responsible for adding more money than the agreed original amount. If the project happens to go out of the planned range, challenges arise, or any other adjustments that could occur in the continuation of a project, the builder caters to such things, as it is the rule of lump sum contracts.

If the client agrees to apply the terms of a lump sum contract, builders can charge a higher price to cater for the unforeseen risks. In any other way, unplanned expenses can consume the contractors’ profit or lead to a project that may not end as planned.

  1.       Unit Price Contract

Unit price contracts focus on the types of assignments being performed, in addition to the pieces of equipment used on those jobs. This classified pricing method makes it easier for clients to analyze every cost and permits builders to have a more exact price for each classification.

Unit price contracts charge out different classifications, bound on aspects like the kind of job assigned and materials used.

Unit price contract, in most cases, is not applied in significant construction projects and is frequently used for smaller tasks like refurbishing or maintenance jobs. In unit price contracts, adjusting prices when the dimensions of work change is not challenging.

  1.       Cost Plus Contract

Cost-plus contracts demand the owner to be responsible for all costs in a project. All costs include the cost of labor and the prices of materials. In addition, these types of contracts will also have a prearranged amount or percentage covering the contractors’ fixed costs and profits that the client pays.

Reliant on the type of cost plus contract, the client may end up paying more than expected and therefore takes on more risk than the contractor.

  1.       Time And Material Contract

Such kinds of contracts get to characterize an hourly or daily estimate for builders. In addition to making payments for this rate, clients also conform to pay any associated project costs, which are realized in the contract as direct, indirect, markup, and fixed expenses.