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The Influence of Role Models on Young People


Young people are a lot like sponges—they absorb everything they see, hear, and experience. It’s no wonder that they tend to look up to their peers. But when it comes to learning from others and shaping our own identities as adults, it is important that we are exposed to positive role models. The best kind of role model for teens isn’t someone who is particularly famous or well-known. Rather, it’s someone who has had a positive impact on their lives. In this article, we’ll explore what exactly makes an influential figure stand out in the eyes of young people, how these people can have such an impact on youth development, and what parents and teachers can do to encourage young people to find positive influences in their lives.

What is a role model?

A role model is someone who serves as an example to others. A good example of something can make a person feel inspired or motivated to be better, just as negative examples can serve as warnings about what not to do. Most psychologists recommend writing people “essay about my role model” so that they can better understand their character and who it is close to, what negative or positive character traits they have adopted from their “idol”.

When it comes to young people and their role models, it’s important for them to find positive role models that they can look up to and strive towards emulating. Positive role models are those who inspire young people by doing things like volunteering or giving back in some way in their communities; they don’t have any negative qualities like being selfish or lazy.

Younger children may admire an athlete from their own sporting field; older kids may look up to celebrities who act responsibly when speaking out against things they don’t agree with (like bullying).

How important are role models?

Role models are important because they can show you what’s possible. They can help you set goals and achieve them. They can teach you how to be a good person, and give you a sense of belonging.

The importance of role models is strongly felt by young people whose parents have died or who are otherwise estranged from their families. For these children, finding mentors becomes even more crucial as it helps provide them with guidance and support when they need it most.

Role models can also serve as examples of people who have made positive changes in their lives based on their cultural identity or heritage (e.g., becoming involved with organizations that promote diversity).

Why do young people look up to these people?

You may be wondering why young boys and girls look up to these types of people when they have a variety of other options. Here are some reasons why:

  • Role models provide examples of what is possible in the future. When you look at someone who has achieved a great level of success in their field, it gives you hope that it can happen for you too. You may not know exactly how they did it or what path they took, but seeing that there is room for growth and possibility can inspire you to reach beyond your current limits and see where your efforts lead.
  • They offer inspiration and motivation because they have already gone through the same struggles as you are currently facing. Seeing someone who overcame obstacles similar to yours will give you hope that things will get better if only enough effort is put into them – whether this means struggling through schoolwork or working toward certain goals like becoming an actor/model/etcetera!
  • Role models offer encouragement because even though life can be hard sometimes (and let’s face it: sometimes life IS HARD!), having someone else alongside us makes things easier by giving us positive reinforcement when we need it most.

What are some of the biggest lessons they learn from influential figures?

Influential figures can teach young people about many different things. They can teach them how to be good friends, students, leaders, and citizens. Young people are exposed to these role models from a very early age through the media such as television and movies. These role models often play an important part in shaping their views and behavior.

Role models can also influence the way that people behave by setting an example of what they believe is acceptable behavior in certain situations or circumstances. For example: if a child sees his/her father being abusive towards his/her mother then this may make him/her think that it’s acceptable for him/herself to behave in the same way when they grow up if another relationship ends badly. They may turn to abusive actions when they might want revenge on their ex-partner who cheated on them or something like that.

How can adults encourage teens to seek out positive role models?

The next time you’re with your teen, ask them to tell you about their role models. What qualities do they admire in these people? What are the traits and experiences that inspire them? You can then ask your child if there’s anything they want to emulate!

Teens often look up to people who have achieved great things, such as sports heroes or celebrities. This is entirely natural: we’re drawn towards those who are confident, strong, and smart. But adults can help guide young people in the right direction by pointing out positive influences they may not be aware of yet—like family members and friends—and pointing out what it means when someone models themselves after a famous person instead of being their own person.

The most important thing is that young people are exposed to a variety of influences, but especially positive ones.

When it comes to finding a positive role model, the most important thing is that young people are exposed to a variety of influences, but especially positive ones. If you don’t have a positive role model in your life and you’re looking for one, look in places where many others are already turning. You can find them in books, movies, TV shows, and online.

It’s also important to note that while we should all be careful not to idolize celebrities or other public figures too much (especially since they’re often paid millions of dollars for their work), these people are still influential figures who can help inspire the next generation of world-changers just by being themselves. For example: Malala Yousafzai refused to be silenced when faced with threats from terrorists, Jane Goodall spent decades studying chimpanzees, and Anne Frank kept her diary during World War II so she could “relive” happier times later on as an adult.


There are many ways to encourage youth to seek out positive role models. One way is by providing them with as much information as possible so that they can make informed decisions about who they want to emulate. Creating opportunities for kids to interact with positive role models will also help them understand that there are many different people in the world who share their values and beliefs; it’s not just limited to celebrities! Finally, we need more adults who model good behavior themselves so kids know what kind of person looks like an effective leader or mentor for others.