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The Best Ways to Grow Your Personal Brand Through Blogging

Meet new methods of growing a blog and growing your personal brand. Some say that the best way to grow a brand is through social media, others say that blogging is more effective than social media. Where do you stand on the topic? If you are asking this question, then you might be looking for an objective or professional way to grow your personal brand.

Both blogging and social media can be productive for growing a brand. In some ways, blogging and social media might be helping to devalue personal brands that are cultivated through the traditional means of growing a brand. Personal brands can grow through their content and their unique abilities. Thus, we need to learn more about that in this article.

However, if you are a newbie blogger and would like to learn more about how you can promote yourself, then feel free to visit Hostinger.com website and explore all the resources provided. It provides you with an easy tutorial for starting a blog until you’re ready to see the best ways to grow your personal brand through blogging! Let’s begin:

Build Your Personal Brand Around Keywords and Niche

Personal brands start to become what you want them to be when you begin to use words and phrases in a way that is specific to your industry and readership. Your personal brand is a direct reflection of what your readers and consumers find you valuable and influential for, and it is growing, if you let it.

What’s key here is to know your core audience and ensure that your blog is relevant and beneficial for them. The key to growing your personal brand through your blog is to create a niche based on keywords or phrases that are relevant to your industry. This is what gives your blog its value, and makes it stand out from the crowd.

Create a Brand Voice By Using Your Personality

It’s important to understand that your brand personality will only serve to highlight your credibility and trustworthiness. People don’t trust an impersonal brand, they trust people who know them, and know what they like. That’s why having a brand voice is so important. An example of a brand voice is the personality of one of the world’s most popular brands, Amazon.

The famous ad by Jeff Bezos (the founder and CEO) where he bought and then sold three video game consoles in the same interview – all within the same breath – perfectly illustrates this brand voice. Amazon’s brand voice also consists of customer-centric values and product qualities. In other words, the Amazon brand’s brand voice is all about customer obsession.

The key here is to pay close attention to how the brand voice evokes a feeling or a feeling of belonging to the brand. Do the attributes that your brand voice represents align with your own characteristics? Will your blog and social media communication consistently reflect your own brand persona and your voice? What words and phrases do you use often? You’ll need to learn the best way to communicate your brand personality through blogging.

The Theme of Your Blog Must Represents Your Brand

Your blog must be a reflection of your brand. That means that it needs to be brand and personified by your voice, or your core values. Are you the kind of person who isn’t afraid to talk about your feelings or opinions? Do you feel free to bring fun and playfulness to your communication and marketing strategy? In this way, your blog becomes an extension of you – it is not your separate identity. A personal brand created from your own words, emotions, passions, and ideas will naturally speak to your own personal brand. In other words, your blog is a reflection of you and your company, and, in turn, gives your company or brand more credibility.

Themes are a good way to become better acquainted with your personal brand voice. The overall look of your blog is the theme that depicts your brand. It also serves as an introduction to your company, product, or brand. If you choose the right theme for your brand, it will tell a strong story to your readers. An example of this is Ariadne Labs, an AI software company. Their blog is named The Insight Machine and is all about AI and its role in the future. Their brand voice, their theme and design, and the content that they publish reflect the same tone and speak to similar feelings and emotions that customers have.

Consistently Write Related Content

The best brands talk about the problems they solve and why their products are better than anything else. It’s interesting to hear how someone wants to solve a problem. When you’re telling your own brand story, you’re likely to use similar words and phrasing to what you use when you are describing your product or service.

This consistency will create brand consistency, and attract followers who can relate to your brand. In other words, your blog will end up being part of your branding strategy. In the long term, you’ll attract a following that will recognize you as a consistent brand voice that delivers real value to your readers and customers.

Since our brains are wired to recognize language patterns, you don’t even have to be the best writer to write consistently. Write about what you do, about what you’re passionate about, and always include stories about yourself and the people who work for your company. Your audience will trust you more if you make it clear that your blog is part of your brand identity.

Wrapping – Up!

It’s no wonder why so many brands and companies have blogs. It gives their audience a window into the personal life of the company, and its owners and shows them that it is personified by a person to whom they can relate. To be sure, blogging is not about marketing or promotion. It is a way to help you communicate with your audience and reach them in a deeper way than a press release or public statement could.

However, since blogging is a form of marketing, it provides you with an opportunity to express your brand’s personality, brand value, and story. It’s a chance to tell your story, and to create an emotional connection with your customers. In the end, blogging is a way to be part of a conversation. Hence, build your brand and become a part of the overall corporate brand identity.