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The Art of Segmenting, Personalizing, and Converting Your List

If you’re like me, your inbox is full of emails. You get everything from newsletters to advertisements and even personal messages from friends and family members. That’s why it can be difficult to stand out in today’s fast-paced digital world. 

Email marketing is a great way to get the word out about your brand or product, but it requires a strategic approach that goes beyond just sending an email blast or two every month or two. 

Let’s say you are a Shopify store owner, and you want to send a monthly Shopify newsletter and to achieve the best conversion with the newsletter, you don’t only need a reliable Shopify email marketing app, but also a solid strategy!

To create a strong email marketing strategy that will drive new leads and sales through your website or storefront, follow these seven easy steps:

Every Email List is Different

Every email list is different. This is true in two ways:

  • Email lists grow and shrink over time. Email marketing lists are dynamic, meaning they will keep changing over time. You’ll want to segment your list into groups of people who are further along in their buying process than others, so you can target them with the right type of messaging at just the right time.
  • Every email list needs to be segmented based on its unique situation. What works for one business might not work for another—even if they have similar products or services, because your customer base has different preferences and buying behaviors!

You cannot treat all of your subscribers exactly the same way; instead, it’s important that you understand how each individual subscriber fits into their own personal “segment” before sending any type of message out there into the world (or universe).

This is why it’s important to not only segment your list, but also to understand the segments and know how they can be used to improve your email marketing strategy. You can then use this information to send out relevant messages that will resonate with each group of subscribers.

Understand Content Segmentation

You need to understand content segmentation.

Segmentation is the process of dividing your audience into groups based on shared characteristics, and then tailoring your content and offers to each group. For example, if you had an email list of 10,000 people with a common interest in cooking, you could divide them into 3 categories: beginner cooks who are learning how to improve their skills; intermediate cooks who want inspiration for new recipes; and experienced home chefs interested in finding unique ingredients or tools for their kitchen.

This type of segmentation isn’t limited just to interests that are easy to categorize based on age or location (like 25- 35 years old, San Francisco). It can also be done by career path (freelance writer vs full-time blogger), personality type (optimistic vs pessimistic), psychological motivation level (high achiever vs average Joe) or even current mental state (is this person feeling happy today?).

Understand Your Audience’s Painpoints:

The first step of building a relationship with your list is knowing who they are and what their pain points are. Knowing who your audience is will help you understand what they want, need and expect from the content that you produce for them. This will also help you determine the types of offers that will work best for this audience.

Understanding the problems that your customers face can help you develop a strategy for selling products or services to them. For example, if someone has been looking for a new job but isn’t having any luck finding it on their own, then offering them resume writing services might be an effective way to solve their problem.

You Need a Reliable Email Marketing Software

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to grow your business, but it’s not always easy. At times, you may wonder if all the work you put into building and managing your list will pay off.

One way to ensure that it does is by using email marketing software that allows you to segment, personalize, and convert your subscribers through split tests and A/B testing.

The first thing to think about when choosing an email marketing service provider (ESP) is the ease of use. Your ESP should be able to help you personalize every aspect of each email sent from your company so that each recipient feels like they’re getting something personalized just for them—and not just another generic message sent out by anyone in the world who has access to their inboxes! 

This can be done through segmentation: grouping individuals based on specific criteria such as age range or location so that only those who fit within those groups receive specific messages tailored specifically towards them (and everyone else gets something different). 

Another benefit of segmenting is being able to track results; ESPs usually offer analytics so you can see how well certain types of messages perform compared with others—which might mean tweaking things here or there until they start converting better!

Keep It Short And Sweet

We’ve all gotten emails that have too much information and make us scroll for minutes to find what we’re looking for. Whether you send a newsletter with 10 or 50 articles, you need to keep it short and sweet.

To keep your email marketing concise:

  • Use bullet points rather than paragraphs if possible. Bullet points are easier on the eyes and make it easy to scan through information quickly.
  • Limit the number of paragraphs per section—three is usually plenty!
  • Use short sentences when possible (less than 30 words). This makes reading less tedious and speeds up processing time in the reader’s brain so they can get through more content faster!
  • Use short paragraphs (five sentences or fewer). This means less scrolling up/down through emails, which is always better for engagement rates!

Create FOMO

You can do this in a few ways:

  • Offer a limited-time offer. The best way to create urgency is to offer something for a limited time only, so that your customers know that if they don’t act now, they’ll miss out on the deal and have nothing to show for it.


  • Use scarcity to create an even greater sense of urgency. If your audience knows there’s only one remaining product left in stock, they’ll be more likely to buy it right away than if you tell them there are still 10 units available (and therefore not really “limited”).


  •  Even better: tell people how many items remain in stock but don’t mention how many were originally made available; let them guess!

Use Clear And Direct Call To Action

You need to be clear and direct with your call to action. Make it easy for your audience to take the next step.

Let them know what they will get if they take that step.

If you don’t make it clear, they won’t take the step. Don’t give them too many options (and only offer one or two).

If you offer too many options, your audience may feel overwhelmed. Plus, offering too many choices can be confusing and make it difficult for them to decide.

Don’t make your call-to-action too long. Keep it as short and simple as possible. You don’t want to overburden your audience with information they don’t need or care about.

Follow the seven steps above and use them as a basis for creating a strong and solid email marketing strategy to keep increasing your sales!

You’ll be on your way to building a targeted list of subscribers who are interested in what you have to offer.

You can do this by segmenting your list into smaller groups, targeting them with specific messages and offering them something of value.

If we go back to our example, let’s say that our car dealership has three different departments: Sales, Finance and Service. Each department has its own audience that is looking for specific information about buying/leasing a car and maintaining it once purchased. By dividing those audiences up into separate lists (for example Salespeople@cardealership.com, Finance@cardealership.com and Service@cardealership.com), we can send specific messages relevant only to each group of people who signed up for newsletters from each department–that way we’re not wasting time sending out more emails than necessary just because someone might fit into multiple categories!

Now that we have our audience segmented out, it’s time to start sending emails. We’ll create a series of emails that are sent on a specific schedule (weekly, bi-weekly or monthly) and each message will be tailored to the interests of that particular audience. For example, if we send out an email every week about sales events happening at our dealership, those who signed up for news from the Sales department will receive that email while everyone else won’t see it in their inboxes.

And a well-segmented email list and personalized email content create conversion!