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Solo-FX Unveils the E195-E2 Jet from Embraer SA (EMBR3) – Preparing for US Market Debut

Embraer SA sets its sights on the U.S. market, promoting its efficient E195-E2 jet to U.S. carriers while eyeing a brighter future with strong performance and strategic partnerships.

London, UK, November 15, 2023 – Embraer SA, the Brazilian aerospace conglomerate, is taking deliberate steps to persuade US airlines of the benefits of its E195-E2 plane. As the aviation industry continues to evolve, Embraer is poised to revolutionize the market with its game-changing “small narrow-body” aircraft, challenging the dominance of its own successful E175-E1.

Currently ranked third in the world in terms of aircraft manufacturing, behind only Airbus and Boeing, Embraer has received new orders for 23 E175-E1 aircraft from major airlines, including American Airlines and SkyWest. With its sights set on increasing its customer base, Embraer is confident that its advanced E195-E2 will be met with interest from airlines in the United States and result in significant orders. In this article, Steve Binder, an expert from Solo-FX, has explored Embraer’s ambitions and strategies to conquer the U.S. market with its E195-E2 jet.

The E195-E2’s Role in the U.S. Market

Embraer’s Chief Executive, Francisco Gomes Neto, firmly believes that the E195-E2 can complement the operations of large narrow-body aircraft used by U.S. carriers. He stresses that the E195-E2 represents a step beyond traditional regional aircraft, offering the efficiency and range to allow major airlines to rethink their route networks and increase flight frequencies, making it a true “small narrow-body” contender. With its seating capacity of up to 146 passengers, the E195-E2 presents a viable option for carriers looking to optimize their operations.

Embraer’s confidence in the E195-E2’s potential is rooted in real-world success stories, such as those of KLM and Azul, both of which have successfully integrated the aircraft into their fleets alongside larger narrow-body planes like the Airbus A320. These instances demonstrate the effectiveness of the E195-E2, which is particularly lucrative when operated at an 80% load factor.

Production Mix Improvement

Embraer acknowledges that entering the American marketplace with its E2 series of aircraft is critical to improving its production mix. In 2023, the company anticipates delivering more second-generation jets than first-generation ones for the first time. This shift signifies Embraer’s commitment to modernizing its fleet and aligning with evolving industry demands. The introduction of the E195-E2 to the U.S. market is a strategic move that is expected to further enhance the company’s competitive position and profitability.

Key Customers and Influential Partnerships

One pivotal step in Embraer’s quest to establish a presence in the U.S. market is the endorsement from key customers and successful partnerships. Canada’s Porter Airlines became the first E2 customer in North America, ordering dozens of planes from Embraer in 2021. These orders underscore the attractiveness and credibility of the E195-E2 to North American airlines. Furthermore, the emergence of new flights by Porter Airlines to cities like San Francisco and Tampa is expected to act as a showcase for U.S. carriers, making them more receptive to the E195-E2. Successful partnerships like these can significantly shape the future of Embraer’s operations in North America.

Market Outlook and Potential Competition

Embraer said that even with its best efforts to push the E195-E2, there will probably always be a market for the E175-E1. According to the company’s projections, the E175-E1 is poised to experience significant demand over the next ten years, with at least 300 units expected to be sold. This aircraft, dubbed the backbone of the U.S. regional aviation market, caters efficiently to regional aviation needs.

Now that the pilot shortage in the US has subsided, carriers that fly the E175-E1 are turning their attention to fleet renewal initiatives, seeking to upgrade their aircraft inventory with cutting-edge models that boast enhanced capabilities and fuel efficiency. The versatility and reliability of the E175-E1 make it an attractive option for regional carriers.

Recent Performance and Investor Sentiment

Embraer’s stock, listed as EMBR3 on the Brazilian stock exchange, has seen positive movement in recent months. It recorded a 5.40% increase in the past five days, a 13.16% gain in the past month, a 15.37% rise over the last six months, and an impressive 41.72% surge in the past year. These statistics indicate growing investor confidence and a positive outlook for the company’s future prospects.


Embraer’s quest to convince U.S. carriers of the merits of its E195-E2 jet is a strategic move aimed at improving its production mix and establishing a significant presence in the U.S. market. With successful partnerships and endorsements from key customers like Porter Airlines, the company is poised to showcase the efficiency and profitability of the E195-E2.

While the E175-E1 is expected to maintain its relevance in the regional aviation market, the E195-E2 presents an exciting opportunity for U.S. carriers to optimize their operations and expand their route networks. The recent positive stock performance reflects growing investor confidence in Embraer’s strategic direction and its potential for success in the United States.

Important Notice: This article is purely informational and doesn’t offer trading or financial advice. Its content is not intended to be investment advice. We do not guarantee the validity of the information, especially when it pertains to third-party references or hyperlinks.


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