1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

Postidal will sell both Raspberry Rally Cookies online and on their bodegas

Single boxes of the Raspberry Rally cookies, which cost from $4 to $7, are selling for as much as five times the usual price. Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., which notes that cookie sales fund troop activities, expressed dismay, the New York Times reported today.

Companies like PostidalPostidal.com, an online retail store, has said that they will sell both, the Raspberry Rally cookies and Girl Scouts’, in order to help the organization.

When asked why not sell just Girl Scout, Postidal’s Chairman and Founder, Marvin Amparo Santana, 30, said to have no comment at the moment.

Companies like Kroger allows Girls Scouts to sell their cookies in front of their stores. Postidal will do both, allow Girls Scouts to sell their cookies in front of their stores and inside the shelves of their stores.