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One of the USA’s Most Successful Celebrity Entrepreneurs, Law Payne, Hits Number 9 & 18 on the Inc. 5000 List, Shares His Tips on How to Become a Millionaire

Entrepreneur Law Payne, founder of Hardbody Coaching and Hardbody Supplements and author of the Multi-Millionaire Playbook, has made it to number nine AND eighteenth on the prestigious Inc. 5000 list of the USA’s fastest-growing private businesses. His tips on how to become a millionaire include investing in crypto and NFTs and diversifying to expand available income streams.

With social media channels broadcasting their success, celebrity entrepreneurs have never been more visible. But, multi-millionaire online fitness coach Law Payne has made it his mission to use his visibility to inspire others to achieve the same financial success.

The author of the Multi-Millionaire Playbook was not born into privilege. His is an inspiring story of drive, passion, and overcoming the odds to succeed. Payne is the founder of six multi-million dollar businesses and has another two in the pipeline. His story proves that no matter someone’s background, how much money they have to start, or their level of education, they can make it if they want it badly enough. The Multi-Millionaire Playbook shares Payne’s top tips on how to be a successful entrepreneur.

Commenting on Hardbody Coaching No. 18 ranking on the Inc. 5000 list, Payne says, “I want to inspire others to follow their own path to success. I’m here to say if I can do it, so can you.”

“It’s not been an easy ride, but my drive to succeed has never been about me.”

“It’s been about what I can do for my wife and kids. It’s been about how I can support my mother — who worked three jobs while raising us — to retire.”

“This year, I will turn over $400 million in revenue. That’s not just wealth for me but generational wealth and freedom for my family for years to come. That’s the freedom to donate seven-figure sums to charities annually.”

“Those are my biggest achievements.”

How To Become A Millionaire: Tips From One of the USA’s Most Successful Celebrity Entrepreneurs

Diversify Income Streams

Don’t just sit back on your original business idea and expect the money to snowball,” says Payne. “The average millionaire has seven streams of income. If you want to become a multi-millionaire you need multiple income streams.”

For Payne, this includes investments in crypto and NFTs, real estate, and other online business opportunities.

Embrace Crypto

Payne is a passionate believer in the value of future tech. “My biggest advice to you when buying NFTs is that you should have bought them yesterday.” He says, “The crypto market may fluctuate, but it’s not going anywhere. I averaged $67,000 ‘flipping’ NFTs for over six weeks straight.”

“Once you’ve got your first business turning over millions — I cover that in my book, too — get investing in crypto.”

Find Passive Income

A real estate portfolio can bring in millions in passive income and offers sound investment opportunities.

“Passive income isn’t a myth,” asserts Payne. “It’s the key to how you grow your net worth exponentially. Real estate is one way to make a passive income stream really work for you.”

Don’t Just Do It For You

Payne grew up in a single-parent family in a town that, in his words, “was a place where nobody made it.”

His success has been the result of a drive fueled by a desire for individual success, but also by a drive to support his family. He has been determined to break the barriers prescribed by his background and to show the world that no matter someone’s past, it is possible to make it as a millionaire.

Notably, Payne lists his family life, his support of his mother’s retirement, and his kids as the pinnacle of his achievements.

About Law Payne

Law Payne is one of the most successful celebrity entrepreneurs in the USA. He is the founder of six multi-million dollar businesses – including Hardbody Coaching, which is ranked 19th on the Inc. 5000 2022 list – with two more in the pipeline. His book of entrepreneur tips, the Multi-Millionaire Playbook, is part of his mission to help as many other people as possible achieve their own financial success.

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Website: https://multimillionaireplaybook.com/