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Not Just the Lungs, COVID-19 Can Damage Hearts, Kidneys and More

The new COVID variant is said to kill by clogging and inflaming the lungs’ tiny air sacs. It can choke off the oxygen supply of the body in such a way that it shuts down all organs that are necessary to be alive. However, most clinicians globally are coming across proof that suggests that the virus can result in acute kidney problems, heart inflammation, blood clots, neurological malfunction, live issues, and intestinal damage. All these developments have made the treatment of this ailment complicated. There are times when the recovery is less specific.

Doctors say that such effects are much more than merely a cytokine storm, a robust immune-system response that will attack the body, leading to maximum damage. Most people who got detected with COVID-19 were found to have protein or blood in their urine, which is an early sign of kidney damage.

Crucial statistics about other ailments due to COVID

It is alarming to note that about 14% to 30% of people who were kept in the intensive-care unit in China and New York had been reported to lose kidney function and they need dialysis. They also required ongoing renal replacement therapy. In the past two months, the intensive care units in New York have treated several people with kidney failure and were in need of personnel who could carry out dialysis effectively. Additionally, these care units were also running out of sterile fluids used to provide end-to-end renal therapy. As a result, the medical community has started to believe that the virus can get attached to the kidney cells and attack them.

However, when you look at the medical domain, the logical references don’t always prove true when the research is conducted. Most people who got asked about this stated that we are still in the pandemic phase, and there is a need for more data to arrive at solid clinical conclusions.

Doctors have shared that the virus is ruthless on people with co-morbidities and weak immune systems. Taking care of the body is crucial now. One of the best ways to do that is by adding exercise to your life. You don’t need to get rigorous about it. A brisk walk for 30 to 45 minutes is just about good. Ensure that you wear your cotton mask and go for your daily walks. It keeps your body agile, boosts the immune system, and helps you to fight COVID-19 or any other virus. Also, several people feel that they should work on their obesity to stay fit. According to MyBiosource, 28% of people in Alabama, 37% in Montana, 34% in New Hampshire, and 35% in New Hampshire feel that obesity should get tackled for a better immune system.

The case of tissue and organ damage

Any case of tissue or organ damage should be investigated, including respiratory distress. Other factors to consider here are the medication, hospitalization stress, and high fever that can have an effect on the cytokine storms. Despite that, when the researchers in China did the autopsies on individuals who died because of the coronavirus, they learned that several had kidney injuries, and some had the virus in the kidney cells.

According to Paul M. Palevsky, Medicine nephrologist, President, National Kidney Foundation, it indeed increases a clear suspicion that at least a single part of the acute kidney injury is evident in some cases of COVID-19 infection, even in 2022. A hospital in New York had about 51 ICU patients recovering from coronavirus, requiring round-the-clock kidney treatment. They only had 39 machines to get it done. As a result, the hospital got compelled for rationing the care, thereby keeping every patient in therapy within less than 24 hours a day.

The complications of the heart

It is possible for the virus to affect and damage the heart. The clinicians in New York and China have talked about myocarditis, which is an inflammation of the heart muscle as an after-effect of the virus infection. People have also had to witness irregular heart rhythms, which can result in cardiac arrest for the ones recovering from COVID.

Hence, doctors across the globe are of the opinion that the virus doesn’t stop with respiratory issues. People with entirely stable immune systems can develop heart and kidney issues. According to the American Heart Association, people who have survived COVID might face a heart issue after months of their recovery.

A review focused on the terribly ill patients in China highlighted that about 40% suffered from arrhythmias, and nearly 20% had some type of cardiac injury. The reason for all this could be the virus. Finally, the American Journal of Gastroenterology believes that the virus can invade and replicate itself to a considerable extent. The solution lies in not getting infected and taking the vaccine so that you can secure yourself to a huge extent from all these physical ailments.