1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

Marketo Is the Best Marketing Automation Platform for These 5 Reasons

I’m sure you’re always thinking of ways to keep customers engaged throughout their journey as a marketer. Because of the 24/7 information flow, it’s difficult. Customers now interact with businesses through more channels due to technology. Marketing automation software programs have made it possible to generate and maintain high engagement at scale in this situation.

Marketing Automation boosts productivity, streamlines processes, accelerates campaigns, and delivers real bottom-line results. Marketing automation consulting platforms, used by large and small companies to increase customers or integrate sales and marketing teams, are also great for measuring marketing ROI.

Marketo: The Industry Standard in Automation

Marketo dominates marketing automation. The all-in-one software can generate leads, run email campaigns, track details, run A/B testing, and manage customer service. “Marketo offers a solution for every digital marketing need,” according to them.

Marketing automation software is available. Marketo vs. Pardot, HubSpot, etc. How do you choose a marketing automation platform like Marketo?

Read this blog to find out if Marketo is right for your business goals.

1. Analytics that are Reliable Enough to Promote Accountability

Marketers who measure and manage performance generate 5% higher returns on marketing investments and over 7% higher growth performance. Marketo’s Marketing Metrics Guide

Did you know that the world’s best football coaches watch game replays of rival teams to understand, predict, and prepare for them? A coach’s toolkit includes game footage, statistics, and opponent history. Clean data and stats allow sales and marketing teams to evaluate each marketing investment. Marketing analytics forecast and track results. Marketo reports campaign, channel, and business performance.

Marketo’s analytics, powered by Bizible, use UTM parameters, ad networks, and on-site JavaScript to capture every customer touchpoint throughout the buyer journey, online and offline. Forecast and measure cross-channel performance with the multi-touch solution.

2. Superior Prospecting Care

Marketo’s Customer Engagement Engine improves lead nurturing and segmentation using behavioral triggers. Actions move a lead through the pipeline. If a lead visits the pricing page multiple times in a week, they’ll be segmented into an accelerated lead nurture funnel (#fancy!).

The platform’s SmartEngagement technology allows for event/season-specific, multi-channel campaigns or accelerated campaigns that move leads quickly through the pipeline.

3. Credit Reporting Assisted by Computer Science and Logic

ABM campaigns today use digital technologies. Marketo’s automation software lets marketers identify top accounts and build scalable personalized programs. Marketo’s Mintigo-powered artificial intelligence quickly identifies top accounts. Additionally, AI-based predictive scoring indicators will rank your entire database and identify the most likely convertors. Marketo lets you launch and manage multi-channel ABM campaigns.

4. Content Prediction: Exceeding Customers’ Increasing Expectations

Marketo is like a football superstar who can play defense and offense. That’s how.Marketo’s ability to design and deliver prospect-specific content and solutions is the key. Marketo ensures every interaction meets customer expectations.

Marketo tracks your website and finds content assets like blogs, vlogs, case studies, and ebooks. Using behavioural triggers and machine learning, the tool automatically shows potential customers relevant content. The platform optimizes old content and suggests which topics will appeal to your target market (wow).

5. Smooth Consolidation

Marketo can integrate with some of the best CRM systems, unlike many marketing automation platforms. Marketo integration with Salesforce boosts sales. It will be simpler to identify, score, and progress leads (#yahoo!).

Easy 5-minute sync. Enter your CRM credentials and the following fields will sync and standardize across platforms.

1. Dissatisfied Client Objects

2. Contacts

3. Tasks and Occasions

4. Leads

5. Members and campaigns

6. Accounts

7. Positions & Possibilities

8. In line for users and potential leads

Marketo easily integrates with Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle, Netsuite, SugarCRM, and SAP. It integrates with legacy systems easily, making it ideal for MarTech stacks.