1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

Key Difference Between Growing Cannabis Indoors vs Outdoors

For more than 12,000 years, cannabis has grown outdoors and, like any plant, has adapted to its environment through active selection. The question of creating artificial conditions for growing it arose in the 20th century. There were several reasons, among them two main and global ones can be distinguished:

– persecution by the authorities and a ban on cultivation in connection with equating it to dangerous drugs;

– environmental problems contributed to the weakening of the plant population and the need to create artificial conditions for its growth and development.

Where is the best place to grow СBD seeds for sale? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally since in this case, everything depends on several factors: climate, soil, needs, experience and knowledge of the grower, characteristics of the seed type, and expectations from the result. 

Outdoor Growing

It remains the plant’s natural environment, which is a decisive choice for many. However, this does not mean that it needs less care outdoors and that a plant grown under the sky is entirely organic. Growers often must treat pests and weeds with pesticides, some of which end up on the desired plants. However, this method has a lot of undeniable advantages.

Pros of outdoor growing

Some growers are convinced that cannabis should be grown exclusively outdoors – this is natural for the plant and therefore allows it to reach its maximum potential, including aroma and power. What are their arguments?

Natural factor helps

The natural factor is a powerful component that promotes the growth and development of cannabis. Despite the pests, there are helpers: ants, ladybugs and other insects destroy pests and weeds, thereby helping the plant gain strength.

More space for total growth

In the open air, there are no obstacles for cannabis to reach enormous sizes. Some species can reach 15 feet, which is impossible to grow indoors.

Potential for higher yields

As a rule, you can get a much higher yield on the street. Firstly, this is facilitated by natural conditions and space; secondly, some varieties a priori prefer the external environment and therefore bear fruit better.

Carbon dioxide (CO2)

All plants without exception need carbon dioxide for development. This is a component that does not need to be spent when growing in the air. Indoors, increasing the level of CO2 with the help of unique canisters can be very expensive, which will affect the price of the final product.

Nutrients are more accessible

Outdoor THC or CBD seeds immediately begin to receive nutrients when planted in the soil. Therefore, feeding them is cheaper than indoors.

Energy saving and environmental friendliness

Growing outdoors requires no energy input in the form of light, power, dehumidifiers, fans, etc., so it leaves a much smaller carbon footprint, not to mention the cost of breeding.

Cons of outdoor growing

Growing outdoor air has no fewer difficulties and challenges that are only sometimes within the power of commercial growers, especially beginners.

Longer growth period

Growers wait longer for the harvest outdoors and usually gather it no more than once a year. This is due to the longer growing season and the natural life cycle of the plant.


This is the main word that refers to the harvest in nature. Grover faces a considerable number of challenges and vagaries of weather and soil. Any natural disaster can deplorably affect the crop.

Pests and thieves

Outdoors, cannabis is vulnerable to other organisms that can harm it, from mold and small insects to large predators. Separately, it is worth noting that thieves or even random people can attack the plant in the open air.

Indoor Growing

Growing indoors allows you to take full responsibility for the process, but at the same time requires more attention and capital investment. However, some strains recognize only the conditions of the room.

Pros of indoor growing

– control of temperature and humidity, which minimizes the risk of weather influence on growth;

– an arbitrary period of cultivation, without reference to the growing season, which allows you to harvest 3-4 times a year;

– you do not attract the attention of the police and other people.

Cons of indoor growing

– lighting energy is not comparable to the energy of the sun, besides, it is expensive

– does not protect against some pests.

Cost of Growing Cannabis Indoor vs Outdoor

It is easy to guess that it is many times more expensive to grow indoors. The grower needs to buy CBD seeds or decent THC seeds, moreover, he should purchase the following items:

– lighting system

– ventilation system

– humidifiers and dehumidifiers

– the thermometer for temperature measurement

– hygrometer for measuring humidity

– nutrients.

It usually costs at least several thousand dollars. There are situations when growers pay more than $4,000 for electricity bills.

In return, growers offset these costs with high yields that can be reaped several times a year, allowing for profits over $20,000, significantly when growing strains unsuitable for your climate.

In the case of outdoor cultivation, costs are significantly lower. If you own a piece of land with fertile soil, you will only have to invest in pest control measures. Otherwise, money will be needed for nutrients and land rent.

Quality of Marijuana: Indoor vs Outdoor

Indoors, you can use THC or CBD auto flower seeds or feminized seeds, and then receive cannabis buds in perfect condition, as they will be carefully grown and not damaged by wind, rain, and other climate influences. Instead, the natural power of nutrients and the sun’s energy contribute to the fact that marijuana grown outdoors will have a brighter and richer flavor and aroma.