1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

Is Mold Making You Sick? Tips on How to Test If It Is

Do you or someone in your home spend time indoors? If so, then chances are that you spend at least some of your time in a house or apartment. That means your home is likely to be filled with a variety of different indoor pollutants. One common type of pollutant is mold. And if you’re around when it appears, chances are that you will notice its effects sooner rather than later. The trouble is that the damaging effects of mold aren’t always easy to spot. In fact, some people may not show obvious signs of being sick because they have been exposed to mold for a long time without showing any symptoms. However, this doesn’t mean that everyone who has been around mold all the time without showing any symptoms cannot get sick eventually. It just means that the odds are against them getting sick anytime soon. But how do you know if you may be exposed to mold?

How to Test If You’re Exposed to Mold

If you suspect that you’re exposed to mold, the best way to find out for sure is to do a mold test. What’s more, it can be a relatively inexpensive test. You can buy a home or office air testing kit online or at a local hardware store. To perform a mold test, you’ll need to set up a test area that is uncontaminated and then set up the testing apparatus and place the sensor in the testing area. The testing kit will come with detailed instructions on how to do this. You have to remember that if you find out that you have been exposed to mold, you don’t have to do anything. You can just clean up the mold and then move on with your life. However, if you do have mold in your home, then it’s important that you clean it up. The sooner you clean up mold, the less of a health risk it poses to you and the people around you.

What are the Signs of Mold Exposure?

The most obvious sign that someone has been exposed to mold is if they fall sick. But if you notice other signs, you might be able to detect it sooner. Things like coughing, a headache, a runny/stuffy nose, fatigue, asthma, and chest/back pain are all effects that you might see if someone has been around mold for a while without showing any signs of being sick. Naturally, these signs might be more pronounced if someone has been exposed to a particularly potent strain of the mold.

How Long Does it Take for Someone to Get Sick From Mold?

Fortunately, a lot of the time the symptoms of mold exposure will be relatively mild. The problem is that the symptoms of mold exposure are also relatively mild. As such, they might not attract a lot of attention. So if someone has been around mold for a long time without showing any symptoms, they might not realize it. This is a significant risk. The only way to be 100% safe is to get rid of the mold as soon as you can. It’s not worth waiting for things to get worse. The best way to find out exactly how much time has passed since you were exposed to mold is to test your home’s air. This can be done with a home air testing kit. Alternatively, you can also use air quality apps on your phone. Checking the air in your home will let you know how much time has passed since you were exposed to mold. It may also let you know if there are any other common pollutants in your home. If other pollutants are present, this could mean that you have a bigger problem than just a case of mild mold exposure.

Is Your Home Affected by Mold? Tests You Can Do

Testing for visible signs of mold is the most effective way to find out if you have been exposed to mold. However, it can be expensive and it can take a long time. So if you want to find out quickly, you can test for other pollutants in your home that may indicate that you have mold. A quick test for visible signs of mold is to take a look around your home for signs of water damage. This can include signs like stains or mildew on the walls, ceiling, or floor. If you see any of these signs, then there is a high chance that your home has mold. When it comes to home tests, it’s important to note that they are only as good as the kit you use and the method you employ when performing the test. So it’s worth taking the time to test your home’s air with a reliable and accurate testing kit. Take note of the results, and take action if you have a problem.


Breathing in mold can have a negative effect on your health. This is particularly true if you have been exposed to mold for a long time, without showing any signs of being sick. Furthermore, you may have higher risk of developing certain health conditions like allergies, lung infections, or asthma. It’s important to be aware that someone can be exposed to mold for a long time without showing any signs of being sick. This is a significant risk. The only way to be 100% safe is to get rid of the mold as soon as you can. It’s worth taking the time to clean up the mold as soon as possible to prevent spreading it further.