1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

InvestNFT Finance: Bringing the NFT World Together to Grow Stronger Communities

NFTs have completely transformed the way art was valued and sold. With the NFT space becoming more accessible, InvestNFT Finance aims to bring this unique and diverse NFT world together by connecting different NFT projects that will allow NFT creators and enthusiasts share value and grow stronger together.

Thanks to its decentralized nature, the breakthrough NFT technology brought in new forms of digital ownership for artists all across the world, which is making the NFT space more diverse. InvestNFT Finance is helping this creative industry become truly inclusive by enabling collaborative value assurance.

The InvestNFT team provides the most powerful features to its partners to help them maximize the value of their NFT projects. The mission of Alliance NFT is to help NFT holders secure the NFT floor price regardless of the market status. With InvestNFT Finance, holders can now maintain the NFT floor price. Apart from the innovative value retention mechanism, InvestNFT Finance offers continued growth of value via reinvesting and guarantees flexible NFT Redemption. On top of that, one of the NFT utilities – Reward Lottery, grants holders an opportunity to win awesome prizes. All these features are designed to deliver the best experience in the industry.

Alliance NFT Partners

The First Alliance NFT partners are Crypto Hodlers (Ukraine), Demi-Human NFT (Taiwan), and 8sian (Malaysia). Firstly, Crypto Hodlers is an NFT community where users can own Hodlers from the vast collection living on the Ethereum blockchain. Owners will not only have the right to their characters but also enjoy exclusive gifts and events. Secondly, Demi Human is all set to launch its collectible NFTs comprising about ten thousand Hand-Drawn NFT characters having hundreds of randomly generated features living on the Ethereum blockchain. And finally, 8sian offers NFTs of Asian characters with an aim to empower the Asian cultures and bring them into the Metaverse.

With a large global community and network, International Alliance partners can boost the exposure of their projects and amass resources to develop better communities.

Launching NFT on InvestNFT Platform

Minting refers to the process of uploading a specific digital item to the blockchain. Once a digital item is stored on the blockchain, it can’t be removed, edited, or modified. If a user chooses the InvestNFT platform to launch their NFTs, the base value will be extracted from the mint price. Once the NFT is minted, it would have to be on OpenSea or any other secondary NFT marketplace to be sold again.

Depending on the NFT marketplace setting, InvestNFT team will also set the royalty fee upper limitation and extract a specific percentage of the NFT sale price that will contribute to the base value.

In addition, InvestNFT also swaps the token used to sell an NFT with a stablecoin. For example, if the NFT is launched on Ethereum, it will be denominated in USDC, whereas NFTs launched on BNB-Chain denominated in BUSD.

The benefit of swapping tokens with stablecoins is that these stablecoins have worldwide circulation and support all the major exchanges around the world.

The Minting of Alliance NFT will start in late September. Interested individuals can join discord or follow InvestNFT on Twitter to get the latest information.

InvestNFT Website: https://www.investnft.finance/
Alliance NFT Introduction: https://www.investnft.finance/alliance
Alliance NFT Partner – Demi-Human NFT: https://www.demiversestudio.com/
Alliance NFT Partner – Crypto Hodlers: https://cryptohodlers.io/
Alliance NFT Partner – 8sian: https://8sian.io/