1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

Inspiration for a themed party! 

Are you aiming to throw a perfectly themed birthday bash, or looking for a way to decorate (and theme) your graduation dinner? Sometimes coming up with a good theme can feel like a noose; you want everyone to like it and it would be stupid to come up with a theme that is not original and has already been done. We would like to help you further! Therefore, we would like to elaborate on different kinds of events in which a theme would be a perfect match. Per event we definitely will give some ideas and inspiration for a theme. So… go read the tips and tricks and start preparing your next themed party!

Dinner time

Throwing your birthday party in a dinner-kind-of-way is always a good idea! When organizing a dinner party, you keep the reins (and thus evening) in your own hands; you decide when the dishes will be on the table and how long everyone will be at the table. In addition, you can even decide how much everyone gets to drink (it’s nice when people don’t get too drunk) and when the music can be turned up so that people can dance. There are several themes-possibilities for a dinner, where you for example can think about one specific color (everyone in red, or white) and decorate the table also in that color. If you would like to give everyone some freedom, you could choose for ‘a fancy night under the stars’; your guests can dress themselves as long as it is fancy!

Dancing party

Dinner parties are very fun, but sometimes you are just not in the mood for spending your evening at a table and having small talk the whole night. Sometimes, a party just screams for loud music and a lot of (drunk) people. Looking for a theme for such a night? No problem! You could pick one very famous sports club, and make sure that everyone is dressed as a fan or a player of that specific team. Another nice idea; divide the party place in different countries and theme your party ‘’all around the world’’. You can easily respond to that with the decoration; in the left corner of the living room beer and sausages (German), in the right corner of the living room paella and sangria (Spanish), for example! When looking for some great decorations, you could always check a headshop, you will find some real nice party goods over there!