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How to Write an Essay About Yourself: Tips from a Professional Essay Writer

Personal essays are the most common assignments universities ask for during the application. You might need to write a piece about yourself on some other occasions too. However, this is perhaps the most difficult type of essay since you never know what to write. On the one hand, there are so many things in your life you can talk about. But, on the other hand, the mind goes numb when someone asks you to speak or write about yourself.

It is a common issue, and that is why a little nudge in the right direction will help. So, if you need to write an essay about yourself and don’t know what to do, we are here to help. We have collected the best tips from professional paper writers who have aced the skill from years of experience.

Let’s dive in!

What to Include in an Essay About Yourself

The most unpleasant part of writing a personal essay is deciding what to write about. You don’t know which events, abilities, weaknesses, and traits will look good for an application. And since so many students must be submitting personal statements, how will you ever stand out?

Well, here are some tips from the best essay writers:

1. Analyze the given prompt and think about what personal stories would relate better.

2. If you can’t think of anything (and even otherwise), note down all the critical moments of your life.

3. Reflect on moments/events that have shaped you and helped you become who you are today.

4. Come up with a thesis statement. It will help you decide on what stories from your life you want to include.

5. Based on the thesis statement, choose the events that will be the focal points in your essay.

6. Talk about achievements and successes, but remember not to sound boastful.

7. Do not include fake stories. The admissions committee can easily sense it.

How to Write a Personal Essay

It is easy to procrastinate when you are presented with a difficult task. But start anyway. It’s just a matter of a few minutes before you will find yourself enjoying the task at hand.

Add a Hook

The introduction is the most important part of your statement as it helps the reader decide whether or not they want to continue reading it. Hence, a hook is a must.

The hook is the opening part of your introduction that may spellbind the audience and make them want to dive further to learn whatever you have to say. Successful essay writers focus on sparking curiosity.

There are a few hook techniques you can use:

  • If there’s a quote or mantra you relate with a lot and draw inspiration from, place it at the beginning, and don’t forget to use quotation marks;
  • After deciding on the theme of your essay, include an intriguing episode from your life to build the base;
  • Use a story of someone renowned if your own story or ideas relate to them, but remember that it should be relevant to the theme of your paper;
  • Tell a weird fact about yourself, or talk about a unique hobby that you have and move on to connecting it with your personality;
  • Start with a story and let it merge into the introduction seamlessly;
  • Tell a story about yourself using sensory details to really hook your reader;
  • Ask a question and intrigue the reader to find out the answer in the rest of the text.

You can also use some other creative ways to come up with a hook and weave it into the rest of the introduction to build a flow. Alternatively, you can get help from EssayService. It is a top writing service for students that helps them write better papers. You can check this Essay Service review to see if the service is right for you.

Conclude Your Intro

After coming up with a hook, conclude your introduction in a way that leads to the next section of your essay. The easiest way is to mention your thesis statement and proceed from there. You could also give your readers a glimpse of what aspects of your personality you are going to reveal. At this point, finalizing the intro might get confusing. Hence, most essay writers save this part for later.

Divide the Body Section Into Paragraphs

The body of your statement is where you describe your point and present supporting facts and evidence. You must have already shortlisted the moments and stories of your life that are in line with the thesis statement. Now, articulate this section in a way that each paragraph suggests a different yet connecting idea, not falling far from the main theme. Write sentences with the intent to create a logical flow.

You can also use illustration to draw an idea or an anecdote to fuel the reader’s imagination. Such illustrations help them connect with you on a deeper level. A good essay writer doesn’t shy away from mentioning their achievements and strengths. But remember to sound humble and grateful.

One thing you should absolutely not do is start writing your autobiography. Don’t include unnecessary details, irrelevant stories, or insignificant moments that do not add value. You should be careful of what you are saying about yourself.

End with a Thoughtful Conclusion

The conclusion of your personal essay is just as important as the introduction. Most essay writers suggest that you should end your write-up with a solid conclusion that not just briefs your story. You should be able to make your reader think about why you wrote what you wrote. What impact did these turns of events make on you, and what did you learn in your journey? And especially how this story of yours deserves to be considered.

Final Thoughts

Articulating a perfect essay about yourself is a cakewalk, said no essay writer ever. Unless you have figured out yourself so well, or you are a highly self-aware person, these kinds of tasks challenge you to self-analyze and know yourself better. Hence, you must take this opportunity and hop on the journey of self-discovery while writing such an essay.