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How To Support Employees Struggling With Mental Health

We are now experiencing a period of uncertainty, which fosters tension. Several businesses have intensified their attention to workplace mental health before the pandemic (often in response to pressure from employees).

These initiatives are much more necessary now.

Throughout the next months and years, as we negotiate different transformations, leaders can expect to see workers struggling with PTSD, trauma, anxiety, and despair.

These experiences with mental health will vary depending on factors including race, economic opportunity, citizenship status, work type, parental and carer duties, and many more.

What then can managers and leaders do to help those who are dealing with new pressures, safety worries, and economic upheaval? Here’s what we recommend doing to support employees struggling with mental health.

Provide a flexible schedule

Aliza Naiman, marketing manager of Olgam Life believes in flexible schedules. She states: “Lack of work-life balance may have a negative impact on a worker’s mental health.

Employers all throughout the nation are supporting workplace flexibility as a way to help workers better manage their home and professional lives.

Workplace flexibility may include flextime, telecommuting, and unlimited paid time off (PTO) policies, albeit this will appear different at every organization.

Employees who have flexible schedules report greater job satisfaction, better health, improved work-life balance, and less pressure.”

Confronting Workplace Stress

For close to 80% of Americans, their occupations are stressful. Persistent job stress may lead to more weariness, irritation, and health issues in workers.

Moreover, lost productivity caused by job stress costs US firms $300 billion a year.

Although it may not be feasible to completely remove work-related stress from your workers’ lives, you can teach them good coping mechanisms.

Heavy workloads, significant performance pressure, job uncertainty, protracted working hours, extensive travel, office politics, and confrontations with coworkers are some common sources of workplace stress.

You may carry out a number of initiatives to lessen employee stress, which will enhance their health, morale, and productivity.

Verify that the workloads are suitable

Have frequent meetings between management and staff to improve communication.

Do not accept bullying, discrimination, or any other comparable activities; quickly address any unfavorable or unlawful workplace conduct.

Celebrate the accomplishments of your staff members. Morale will be raised, and stress levels will be reduced.

Review Your Benefits Provisions

Check the benefits you provide to make sure they also promote mental health. Analyze the designs of your present health plans.

Do they provide services for mental health? For your firm to foster a culture that promotes employee mental health, you must review the services it offers.

In a similar vein, consider what volunteer benefits you might provide to promote mental health.

If you want to support your employees, think about providing straightforward benefits like financial planning assistance (since financial stress frequently contributes to poor mental health), employee discount programs (where employees can get gym memberships, stress-relieving massages, or acupuncture at a lower cost), and EAPs.

Changed Office Layouts

Percy Grunwald, owner of Compare Banks recommends changing office layouts from time to time.

He shares: “Physical separation aids in preventing the transmission of COVID-19. It’s crucial to uphold the same standards in the workplace as well.

The sitting arrangement should be changed by top management while maintaining a minimum of six feet between each person.

Also, you may make workplace improvements to keep your staff motivated. Painting the space, adding fresh office supplies, hanging artwork with inspirational messages, etc.

If at all feasible, you should hire a temporary location to expand your office so that you can fit all of your workers in while still adhering to all safety regulations.

Keep in mind that everyone is afraid of contracting the coronavirus. They can only function productively and calmly in a safe environment.

To remain safe, keep up certain lockdown procedures at your actual place of employment. For instance, you may have regular meetings or sessions while inside a building by using online technologies like Zoom or Slack.

Be sure, however, that your team’s cooperation is not harmed by physical distance.”

Regular Check-in Discussions

Rhett Stubbendeck, CEO of LeverageRx recommends regular check-ins.

He states: “Doing regular one-on-one semi-structured check-in talks with employees who have been affected by COVID-19 is one of the most useful strategies for leaders to help such workers.

Ask them often how they are doing or what they need, to put it simply.

When people have the opportunity to be more open it lessens stress. When proposals and solutions emerge through the conversion process, leaders also get a short understanding.”


You may create a brief list of inquiries to discuss during check-ins. simple inquiries like

  • How is everything going?
  • What kinds of difficulties are you dealing with?
  • Do you need anything that I, or one of my coworkers, can provide?

Employees may brief executives on how things are going and what they may require via routine daily interaction.

But, it also gives managers the ability to look for stress or deteriorating employee mental health. In order to provide his or her team with some individualized assistance programs.

Also, the manager’s connection with the other team members is strengthened by this open discussion.

Set up a brainstorming session to assist workers’ mental health

Once or twice a week, set up a brainstorming session or other team learning event on the relevant subjects.

Make it a requirement for all of your team members to participate in these meetings and exchange ideas. No matter how ridiculous an idea or proposal may seem, never dismiss it.

At the very least, it would keep them out of the present upsetting scenario. As a result, they become productive as a result of their efforts, returning to their regular lives.

Study the subject of mental health difficulties

Sam Underwood, founder of Bingo Card Creator recommends studying mental health. He shares:

“Learn about mental health without becoming a psychologist or psychiatrist. We simply need to get better at learning about mental health concerns, which impact everyone and are the primary reason for long-term sick leave in one in five businesses.

The first step in achieving this is educating both you and your team on stress management and mental wellness.

Everyone has to learn how to recognize the early warning signs of illnesses like anxiety and depression and how to handle stress since these conditions are quite prevalent.

Some warning indicators are more visible than others, and the nature of interpersonal connections at work might determine whether assistance is proactive or reactive.

Create a culture of trust and support, and make an effort to get to know every one of your staff.

You’ll be able to identify any behavioral changes with this emotional intelligence, and maybe more crucially, your coworkers will be more likely to share their struggles with you.”