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How to Stop Feeling Anxious In The Morning

Many individuals experience morning anxiety on a regular basis and it can be quite tough to handle. Here’s how to stop feeling anxious in the morning.

It is a known fact that life can get pretty stressful. Everyone is dealing with stress related to work, academics, relationships and other similar goals. A recent pandemic has added to our worries. These occasional feelings of anxiety are normal, and almost every human experiences it at some point in their lives. However, the trouble starts when these symptoms become persistent. Anxiety disorders are linked to excessive fear or nervousness.

Midss’s experts point out that the symptoms of an anxiety disorder are more severe than the occasional anxiety that everybody feels from time to time. Anxiety disorders can make your life difficult; everyday tasks might feel like a huge burden on your shoulders. Some people experience anxiety during working hours, while others face difficulty sleeping due to anxiety. However, morning anxiety is getting more common, as well.

What Is Morning Anxiety?

Everybody likes to start their day off right, as mornings set the tone for the rest of your day. Some people even follow different habits before bed, such as not using electronic devices, to ensure a good night’s sleep and a peaceful morning. Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky enough to have a “good morning.” Morning anxiety is known as  feelings of excessive worry or fear at the start of each day. While it is not a medical term, morning anxiety is still considered authentic, as it affects many people who are battling mental health issues. The worry may be related to something that happened the day before or sometimes, there is no apparent reason for it. Due to morning anxiety, for some people, starting each day can become the worst part of their day.

The Causes and Symptoms of Morning Anxiety

Morning anxiety might be directly linked to anxiety disorders in many individuals. Our bodies contain different stress hormones, with cortisol being the primary one. According to research, cortisol is the highest in the first hour of waking up among those dealing with anxiety, this phenomenon is known as CAR. Your eating habits can also play a role in morning anxiety, for example, skipping breakfast results in low blood sugar, which can worsen anxiety. Sugary foods and caffeine can increase feelings of stress, too. Symptoms of anxiety may vary from person to person. Some of the symptoms include a pounding heart, irritability, difficulty breathing, exhaustion despite having a full night’s sleep, etc.

How to Reduce Morning Anxiety?

Morning anxiety can make anyone dread waking up and starting a new day. Don’t be discouraged, though! Here are some tips that can help you minimize morning anxiety and enjoy your mornings.


Physical activity is great for our general well-being. It comes with loads of benefits for our brains, bodies, and our mental health. Anxiety can be minimized by going for a short walk, hitting your local gym, or running. If you suffer from morning anxiety, try to incorporate exercise into your morning routine. However, if you are not a fan of exercise, then meditation can help you, as well.

Positive Thoughts

Thinking negatively might as well be one of the causes of your morning anxiety. At times, our brain has a tendency to instinctively think about negative things. For example, you may believe that you will not be able to get through the day or that you might fail a test. Negative thoughts are difficult to manage, but practice can help you overcome them. Positive thoughts should be used to challenge negative thoughts. Consider the things you have accomplished in your work or daily life and how many tests you have passed. It can be helpful to incorporate therapy into your routine, such as keeping a gratitude journal or writing about the things you look forward to during your therapy sessions.

Deep Breathing Exercises

Breathing properly has a great impact on anxiety. When you feel difficulty breathing during a panic attack, it means that your body is not exchanging Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide properly. Breathing exercises ensure that your body is properly oxygenated and shift your focus to your body. There are several breathing techniques available on the internet.


CBD is another safe and effective way to cope with morning anxiety. It has proven to be beneficial for different types of anxiety disorders including, social anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). CBD oil can help improve the quality of your sleep, which is important to reduce morning anxiety. You can access useful information available on the internet that highlights the benefits of CBD for anxiety.


Morning anxiety can be exhausting and challenging to overcome, but implementing strategies like establishing a consistent routine, engaging in regular exercise, and practicing good sleep hygiene can help. While it may take time to see results, staying committed to self-care can lead to a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

It’s important to remember that seeking additional support, such as therapy or medication, can also be effective in managing morning anxiety. Everyone’s journey with anxiety is unique, and it’s essential to find the approach that works best for you. With patience, dedication, and a willingness to explore different strategies, it is possible to break the cycle of morning anxiety and enjoy a more calm and centered start to your day.