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How to properly care for the lawn

A uniformly verdant, immaculate, and lustrous lawn has long been regarded as a testament to the refined taste of the proprietor, an emblem of exquisite landscape design. Despite its apparent simplicity and understated elegance, the lawn, like any other cultivated botanical entity, demands diligent attention and unwavering care. Mowing and irrigation alone cannot suffice, as the lawn craves nourishment, soil aeration, mulching, and intermittent rejuvenation. Ensuring its cleanliness and vitality is equally paramount, necessitating vigilant weed control, pest management, and preemptive measures against the emergence of mosses and diseases. Without such meticulous maintenance, the lawn will inevitably forfeit its enticing allure, rendering even the most resplendent flowerbeds and sprawling arboreal wonders impotent against the disheartening sight of pallid, patchy grass.

Thus, the question arises: How can we effectively uphold the lawn’s aesthetic grandeur, thereby obviating the need for extensive refurbishment and contenting ourselves with periodic cosmetic interventions?

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Lawn needs:

Regular mowing

Depending on the botanical variety and the intended purpose of the lawn, the height of the grass should be meticulously maintained within the range of 4 to 10 cm. During periods of abundant rainfall, lawns are typically trimmed every 5 days, while in dry conditions, a mowing schedule of once every 7 to 12 days is ideal. It is crucial to trim the grass conservatively, limiting the reduction to no more than a third of the plant’s overall height. Succumbing to the temptation of infrequent but excessively short mowing will only deplete the soil of its valuable nutrients and result in the deterioration of the lawn’s condition. Additionally, it is imperative to ensure that the blades of the mower are sharpened, as dull blades may cause the leaf tips to yellow.

Even Adequate Irrigation

The frequency of irrigation hinges upon prevailing weather conditions and the lawn’s specific location. Shady areas necessitate less frequent watering, whereas those exposed to direct sunlight require more regular hydration. On average, a watering regimen of once every 2 to 10 days proves suitable for most lawns. Optimal watering times are in the evening, allowing ample opportunity for the water to permeate the soil before the intensity of daylight ensues. Achieving uniform and gradual saturation is crucial. Avoid employing a forceful stream of water, opting instead for a rainfall-like irrigation technique. In this regard, automated irrigation systems prove invaluable, facilitating superior outcomes through the use of continuous and shallow drip irrigation.


Constant pruning of the turf extracts vital nutrients from the grass. Without timely nourishment, the lawn’s strength wanes, resulting in yellowing and the proliferation of weeds. Fertilizers are typically applied 2-3 times a year, or more frequently if necessary. The precise distribution of the fertilizing agents is crucial to ensure that the granules reach the soil, as improper application may scorch the leaves. It is advisable to water the lawn one day prior to fertilization and for two days following the procedure.

Weed Removal

Occasionally, herbicide treatments are combined with fertilization to target broadleaf plants while having minimal impact on the lawn grass. Mechanical methods, such as manual weeding, are usually employed for individual weed removal.


As the turf gradually depletes, a layer of mulch consisting of peat, sand, black earth, and loam is spread over the lawn. This helps prevent soil dehydration and stimulates the growth of new shoots. Combining mulching with aeration, which involves perforating the turf to enhance air circulation, is recommended.

Aerating and Combing

Aeration is typically performed once a year or less frequently, while scarification (combing) may be required up to three times within a season. The lawn is cleared of old grass and debris using a rake or specialized garden equipment. Simultaneously, the topsoil is gently loosened through scratching.

Scarification, which involves lifting the grass stems upright, is advisable after periods of heavy usage, such as intense games that trample the grass, and before mowing. This process contributes to achieving a perfectly even surface.

Generally, a single garden machine can encompass multiple functions that can be selected by adjusting the attachments and modes. For example, a scarifier can perform aeration and scarification, and when raised, the mower head can scarify as well. Lawnmowers can also be equipped with scarifying capabilities. When choosing garden equipment, prioritize models with built-in debris collectors to save time on post-maintenance cleanup.


Occasionally, a lawn may require minor cosmetic repairs. Some areas may display gaps, depressions, or patches that have been trampled or scorched. In such cases, fertile soil is filled in, and the grass is replenished or the topsoil is replaced entirely. Additionally, it is essential to identify and address the underlying cause of the problem. Perhaps repositioning the pathway, adjusting the drainage system, or altering the grass mixture composition is necessary. It is worth noting that by adhering to proper lawn establishment and continuous professional care, such issues become rare occurrences.

The well-known adage “beauty requires sacrifice” certainly holds true when it comes to maintaining a lawn. However, it must be acknowledged that the sacrifices demanded in this case are not overly burdensome. The ultimate reward is a smooth, refined lawn that delights the eye throughout the seasons.

List of planned lawn care activities for each month of the year


Ensure the gradual melting of snow, dispersing sizable accumulations to prevent the formation of puddles. Minimize foot traffic on the moist grass, as it may give rise to gaps and potholes.


Engage in thorough cleaning by eliminating litter and dry remnants of plants. In April, if the weather remains consistently warm and dry, tasks such as reseeding the lawn, aerating the soil, and applying phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers can be undertaken. Alternatively, these measures may be postponed until May.


Conduct aeration, scarification, mulching, reseeding, and fertilization (if not completed in April). Regular watering and mowing are essential during this month.


Exercise vigilant weed control while adhering to regular watering and mowing practices.


Apply complex fertilizers to nourish the lawn, diligently attend to watering, and maintain a regular mowing routine. Scarification and mulching should be performed as needed.


Adhere to consistent intervals for watering and mowing. Undertake necessary measures for weed control.


Execute scarification, remove felt, apply sanding and lime treatments, and eliminate fallen leaves. Regular watering and mowing remain vital during this period.


Adjust mowing and watering activities accordingly. Prepare the lawn for winter by engaging in processes such as aeration, applying fall fertilizer, conducting winter seeding, and removing felt when necessary.


Eliminate leaves and plant debris from the lawn. In the event of snowfall, provide rest for the lawn while taking measures to alleviate stress.

December, January, and February

Embrace the rest period for the lawn. Avoid any movements on the lawn during late fall and winter until a thick layer of snow (20 cm) has settled. If an ice crust forms, break it up using a rake, for example.