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How to Measure the Performance of Sponsored Product Campaigns using ACOS

Amazon, like any other successful online retailer, relies heavily on advertising. Amazon’s advertising cost-of-sales, or ACoS, is what it stands for. It’s a way of gauging the success of your advertising campaigns on the e-commerce behemoth’s website. You can learn a lot about the efficacy of your paid advertising and Sponsored products on amazon by checking the ACoS. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting started, you’ll find all you need to know about ACoS Amazon right here.

Amazon’s ACoS: What Is It?

Amazon ACoS, which stands for Advertising Cost of Sales, is a vital indicator for Amazon PPC campaigns. It evaluates how well and how much money sponsored product promotions make. Two important questions can be answered:

Amazon’s advertising cost-to-sales ratio (ACoS) is calculated by dividing advertising expenses by advertising revenue. The resulting percentage measures the share of sales that marketing expenses eat up. A smaller proportion represents a more successful advertising effort.

Benefits of using ACOS

There are many advantages to monitoring your Amazon ACoS, including:

Profitability Boost

Your company’s bottom line will thank you for keeping tabs on your ACoS. You can increase the return on your advertising dollar by tracking its performance. You may improve your campaigns, keyword selection, and bid strategy, for instance. Advertising that is more cost-effective leads to reduced marketing expenditures and more profits.

Increased Revenues

You may learn which campaigns, ad groups, and keywords are most profitable by monitoring your ACoS. Using this data, you may determine which advertising efforts warrant increased funding, and which should receive less. You figure out which types of people to target and where, as well as which placements work best. You can modify your aim as needed. Your chances of making a sale to the correct folks will improve as a result of this.

Insights for Future Efforts, Backed by Data

You may improve your advertising budget and sales forecasting, as well as other business decisions, by keeping tabs on your ACoS. Budgets, resource allocations, and long-term investment choices can all benefit from this information.

Advertisements on Amazon must be set up through a Seller Central account. You choose which queries to focus on while setting up the campaign. You also provide a bid, or the maximum price you’re willing to spend to have your ad appear in a certain search. Your products will appear as sponsored links in the search results for those terms when users conduct a search on the platform, and you will be charged for each click.

Ad Level Group

Ad groups allow you to group similar products together, allowing you to use the same keywords and bid amounts for all of them. To determine ACoS, Amazon divides the total advertising cost for all products in an ad group by the total sales generated by the ad group as a whole. You can get a more accurate picture of a campaign’s success by calculating the measure at the ad group level during a given time period. It also exposes the ad groups that aren’t doing their job.

Account Status

You can calculate your account-level ACoS by dividing your entire advertising expenditure by the sum of your ad-driven sales volume. Here, Amazon takes into account everything from your campaigns and ad groups to your keywords and their associated costs. It then identifies the sales the account made within that time period.

You can get a bird’s eye view of your advertising account’s success using account-level ACoS. In addition, it shows you which ad groups, campaigns, or keywords might be improved. You may use this data to make more educated choices about where to put your advertising dollars, leading to more effective campaigns.

What Does Break-Even ACoS Mean

When profits made from an advertising campaign are equal to those spent on the campaign, this is known as the Break-even ACoS. What this means for your firm is that there will be no net gain or loss from further advertising efforts. Using your profit margin, you may determine the ACoS at which you will break even. When your product’s ACoS is the same as your profit margin, you have reached break-even ACoS. After that point, you will have to pay out of pocket for any further advertising.

Variables Affecting ACOS Score

There are a number of variables that can affect your ACoS score.


Your advertising campaigns’ costs will have a direct bearing on your ACoS.  This incorporates both CPC and A/B testing expenditures. Your ACoS will increase in proportion to your advertising expenditures. So, monitor your advertising expenditures and make changes as required to maintain a minimal total. Fortunately, you can quickly optimize your ad campaigns further to minimize spending with a tool like Semrush PPC Optimizer for Amazon.

Click Through Rate

CTR is determined by dividing the total number of ad impressions or views by the total number of clicks. It shows how well-suited your ad is to specific search terms. Let’s imagine you’re trying to sell peelers online and you’ve decided to focus on the phrase “gifts for mothers.” Buyers looking for Mother’s Day gifts aren’t interested in peelers, so your CTC is low. When your CTC is low, your ACoS will rise automatically. You need to broaden your keyword selection. You can improve your product listing with the help of a program like Amazon’s Keyword Wizard.

Ad Spending Efficiency

By dividing your advertising income by your advertising costs, you may calculate your Return on Advertising Spend (RoAS). How much money is made back for every dollar spent on advertising is depicted by this ratio. The ACoS drops when RoAS rises. Raising your RoAS can be accomplished by refining your use of focus keywords and product descriptions.