1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

How To Make Your Living Room Organised and Mess-Free

A living room is that part of your house where you spend the most awake time. This also translates to more items, more clutter and more mess. If you’re wondering how you can trim the clutter in your living room and give it a more organized appearance, here are six easy tricks you must try.

Make A Place For Everything

The first set to achieving an organized and de-cluttered look in your living room is to find a spot for everything. Magazines all over the table? Bring home a magazine holder! Or event better, opt for digital versions of your favourite RFD TV magazines! Do remote controls and devices spread all over your couch? Invest in a remote-control stand! Making a spot for every item helps de-clutter common spots where things lie indefinitely such as the couch, the coffee table or the shelving cabinet. Ensure your children pick up after themselves at the end of the day and place items exactly where they belong. This ensures you wake up to an organized and well-placed living room at the start of your day, every day!

Invest in a Shelving Unit

Investing in artefacts or books, or placing photographs all over your living room is a great way to give your living room a personalized touch. Having said that, it is equally important to place these items tastefully, to avoid a cluttered and busy silhouette. That’s where a functional shelving unit comes in handy. Invest in a shelving unit made of wood or metal to suit the design theme of your home. Several open shelves at different levels are ideal to place indoor potted plants or succulents, family photographs, collectables, books, souvenirs and other special items that define you as a family. Ensure you place these items at a comfortable distance from one another so you don’t create a cluttered or busy shelf.

Separate The Dining Area

Not all homes come with a dedicated dining area or room. This makes the living room a functional dining zone too. Blending the dining area into your living room is a great space-saving hack if you do not have enough space. Having said that, it is equally important to do so in an aesthetic and visually pleasing fashion. Keeping furniture too close to each other or in the way of walkways can create a messy zone. Instead, demarcate the dining area by using room diving in the form of shelves, frosted glass partitions, screen dividers, handcrafted wooden collapsible partitions and more. There are several ways to divide your living room into two sections. Not only does this add the illusion of space and gives your room an interesting dimension, but it also ensures activities are divided, resulting in an organized living room.

Invest In A Functional TV Cabinet

A functional TV cabinet is a great way to organize wires, cords, gadgets and remote controls in your living room. A TV cabinet is also an essential piece of furniture that has stood the test of time. Invest in a modern TV cabinet made of polyurethane with a high-gloss finish, in keeping with the décor theme of your home. Ensure plenty of closed storage space for your cords, remotes and gadgets. Modern and stylish TV cabinets up the aesthetic quotient of your living room. It’s where the majority of the eyeballs gravitate towards watching television, so ensure you make it worth tie by investing in a stellar TV cabinet.

Create The Illusion of Space

A small living room can be made to appear bigger by investing in some simple hacks. First up, ensure your living room has plenty of natural light. Open, well-lit and breezy living rooms automatically give the illusion of comfort and space. Put up a mirror on the wall facing the longest dimension of your living to give an illusion of space. Embrace all things monochrome –too much colour can create a busy and confusing appearance. Place your furniture wisely to create different sections and dimensions in your living room. How you place your flooring tiles can also hold a large bearing on how well you create an illusion of space. Diagonal tiles placed in narrow patterns are a great way to create an illusion of space. This gives the living room a free and open appearance.

Earmark A Play Zone

Nothing mess more than toys thrown all over the living room floor. While it’s great to have your children play in a common area so you can keep an eye on them, the mess isn’t always welcome. Designating a play zone in your living room helps limit the toys to that particular area. Use spaces that aren’t central to your floor space or aren’t the first thing you see when you walk in. behind the couch or the divider is a great play zone to limit the damage. Also, invest in a playpen so the mess is curtailed to a small area. Make cleaning up at the end of the day a non-negotiable activity for your kids so you wake up to a sane living room every morning.

Final Word

We hope the above ideas give you enough inspiration to design a pleasing living room!