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How to create an online Scheduling system?

If you’re looking to create an online scheduling system that works with your business, you first have to think about how your business works. Do they need to book directly through your website or call in? How do they want to manage their appointments? Do they want their calendars integrated with other systems like Outlook or Google Calendar? Below, we’ll detail how these questions can affect which platforms work best for your business.

Take note of the important details in your business and work around that.

  • Know your business and your clients
  • Have clear goals, both short-term and long-term
  • Create a budget that is realistic for you, taking into account the costs of hosting, payment processor fees, technical support, etc
  • Identify all resources available, including personnel skills, e.g., customer service agents or developers who can help create the website or mobile app for online bookings.

Think about how you want to manage your bookings.

The first step in creating an online booking system is determining how you want to manage your bookings. 

  • A calendar
  • A spreadsheet, or even multiple spreadsheets
  • Third-party booking software (like Booking.com, Airbnb, or Uber) which may include some of the features above or none at all

You might decide to use one option for managing your reservations and another for managing other aspects of your business, such as social media accounts. Or maybe you’ll combine them using a Google Calendar with calendar events set up through the third-party system so that they’re automatically added when someone books a room in advance and removed when they check out after their stay ends.

Email is as yet an extraordinary approach.

If you’ve got a small business and need a simple, straightforward system for managing your appointments and clients, email is a great option. It’s really easy to set up, and it’s something that most people already use daily. Plus, with so many apps around today that can integrate with email (and each other), you’ll be able to pull off some pretty cool stuff without much effort (and no coding skills required).

You can send reminders to yourself or others in the company if someone forgets about an appointment or needs more information about what they’re supposed to do at any given time. You can also remind clients about upcoming appointments via email instead of posting them as Facebook posts or tweets because sometimes people don’t pay attention when they’re just scrolling past something on social media—but if something comes directly into their inboxes? They’ll notice!

There are different options for what you can use to automate your system.

There are different options for what you can use to automate your processes, such as setting up a booking system to manage your business and customers. You would also need to have a payment gateway that can accept online payments through credit and debit cards with the help of a payment gateway such as Yocale Pay. 

This will simplify the process of accepting customer payment and offer security. Hence, there is no chance of fraud happening here (as long as you don’t give away sensitive data).

You can have clients book directly with your website and update it later.

Most booking systems allow you to book directly with your website and have it updated later. These are great because they allow clients to book directly with you but also give them an option of booking at a later date if they need more time.

  • Third-party booking systems: This is when you use a third-party system to handle all of your bookings. You may already have an easy calendar for clients, so integrating this into your online booking system would be ideal!
  • CRM: Customer relationship management software helps manage customer data and communication across channels such as email, phone calls, text messages, etc.; it can also be used as an effective tool for scheduling appointments as well as managing leads or sales inquiries from potential customers through automation features within the platform (such as sending out automated emails). So if CRM is part of your business, then this could work well in terms of ensuring that everything runs smoothly in terms of managing client relationships and ensuring organised communication across teams working on projects together.

Note, if you are a corporate business, using a CRM like Salesforce is ideal to track and measure accordingly. However, for smaller appointment based businesses an online scheduling software integrated with CRM is most dynamic. 

Make sure your calendar is integrated with other systems.

You can also integrate your calendar with other systems. For example, when customers book a service, their booking automatically appears in the right place.

Some examples include:

  • Integrate with your accounting system, so you know when to invoice customers.
  • Integrate with Google and Outlook so customers receive confirmation emails and reminders when booking.
  • Integrate your CRM system, so you have all the information about each booking at hand during calls, meetings, or consultations (if applicable).


If you are ready to start your online booking system, then don’t hesitate. There are many tools out there that can help you get started quickly. However, remember that the best solution fits what you want to do, so consider all your options before choosing the one that’s right for you!