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How to Create a Successful eBook From Your Favorite Travel Photo

As travel connoisseurs, we love to take pictures on vacation, but have you ever wondered why you’re personally saving them? Maybe it’s just for personal use, or maybe you’re waiting for the right moment. Consider this a call to turn your incredible photos into a stunning travel eBook.

How to Create an Incredible Travel-Focused eBook

It doesn’t matter if you travel around Japan or the United States; you can still take these five steps to turn those memorable photos into an eBook that’s a hit with your target audience. 

Step One: Choose Your Themes 

Your eBook should be divided into sections that focus on different aspects of the different trips. You’ll want to capture the essence of each trip, so pick a theme for each part that zooms in on the highlights. This can include different attractions, unique foods, tourist haunts, and more. 

After playing with the different options, narrow down your selection. You won’t need to include every photo from your trip, but pick out the most stunning ones of the bunch. If you like a specific photo but the quality is subpar, consider hiring an editor who can retouch the image. 

Step Two: Gather Your Photos 

Gather all the photos from each trip, making sure the quality is up to par. Sort them out into the sections you’ve chosen and try to tell a story with the photos that reflect your experiences. Feel free to add videos and recordings if you have them. It’ll help make your eBook more engaging. 

Creating an eBook for sale to the public is a lot like making a book with photos for your family to enjoy. The only difference is marketability. Your target audience may expect a certain writing style, color choices, and formatting, and you’ll need to abide by these specific standards.

Step Three: Add Text and a Table of Contents

Now that you have the photos, it’s finally time to write the bulk of your eBook. Write down the story of your travels, and explain what made each trip unique. Do your best to remove fluff and get to the point. Provide details and identifiers like dates, prices, or whatever else is relevant. 

To keep your eBook organized, fill out a table of contents. This page should be broken up logically into the themes and sections you chose in the previous sections. Add embedded links to each chapter, section, or act, so your readers can quickly click to where they want to read. 

Step Four: Publishing Your eBook

After completing the design and layout, it’s time for the final touches. Publish your eBook on a platform such as Amazon, Apple Books, or Kobo. These websites are popular with readers and will help your eBook reach a wider audience. Or, you can go the traditional publishing route.

However, you’ll only need to go the traditional route if you always want a physical copy of your book. Keep in mind that you should save your eBook in multiple formats, including .pdf, .azw, or .epub, depending on where you’re selling your book. PDFs are the most versatile option.

Step Five: Marketing Your eBook

Marketing an eBook requires a pre and post-launch strategy. Before your eBook hits virtual shelves, you’ll need to create a blog, landing page, and Facebook ads that hyper-target your audience. An email marketing campaign can also help get your eBook a great head start.

Parts of your marketing strategy should focus on reaching the top of Amazon eBook rankings. Marking tactics, like giving out free download codes and buying space on mailing lists, can increase your number of eBook downloads. More downloads equal a higher rank on Amazon.