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How To Break Free From Lingering Trauma Following An Accident

The trauma you experience after an accident can negatively affect your life, but you’re not alone. 39.3% of motor vehicle accident survivors develop PTSD, and many more suffer from anxiety. Breaking free of this feeling won’t be easy, but it’s possible with the right help.

5 Ways to Recover From Car Accident Trauma

Experiencing trauma after an accident can be difficult to cope with, but there are steps you can take to break free and begin the healing process. 

Here’s what you can do to reclaim your life.

1. Seek Compensation

A good number of accident victims are injured, either physically or mentally. This can prevent them from participating in routine activities, such as going to work or seeing friends. If trauma has affected your personal or professional life, contact reputed injury lawyers at Abels & Annes. 

Personal injury lawyers can review the evidence of your case and work to maximize the amount of compensation you receive. While money can’t heal all wounds, it can give you the time you need to properly recover from the trauma. It can also provide closure after a bad accident.

2. Identify Your Trigger

Take some time for yourself and look for the signs that lead to trauma. Maybe it’s a certain smell, sound, or sight that acts as a trigger for feelings of fear or panic. Once you understand these triggers, you can start to create strategies for dealing with and decreasing their power. 

Reexperiencing the trauma of the accident won’t be easy, and we should never try to recreate the scenario that led up to the moment. But if you feel this may be helpful, contact a mental health professional. They may be able to help you accept the pain and distress you’re feeling.

3. Focus on the Positive 

While it’s important to accept the trauma, it’s equally important to find moments of joy and positivity in your life. Focus on other things, and surround yourself with people who care about you and make you feel safe. Reach out to them, talk to them, and vent your emotions. 

Feeling positive isn’t easy, especially when you’re in pain. If it helps, brainstorm with someone you trust about the happier parts of your life, as another perspective is helpful. Perhaps you’re able to work from home, spend more time with your family, or participate in a hobby you love.

4. Journaling and Mindfulness 

Expressing emotions through journaling can be a powerful tool in the healing process. Write down whatever comes to mind—your feelings about the trauma and your dreams for the future. Give yourself the time and space to go through the emotions and feelings without judgment. 

You can also practice mindfulness, which is a meditation technique that helps you live in the moment. The feelings you experience during an anxiety attack are 100% real, but the situation you’re imagining may not be. If you live in the present, you’re less worried about the future.

5. Find a Support Group

Finally, if you’re still struggling to cope with the trauma, don’t be afraid to ask for help. There are many counseling and therapy options available that can help you process and move through your emotions. There are plenty of social workers that are happy to offer free sessions.

If you don’t have access to a mental health professional, find a local support group. Support groups can provide a safe and secure environment to talk openly about your experiences. It helps to know that you’re not going through this alone and that you’re among friends.

Breaking free from lingering trauma following an accident is possible. With this guide and some perseverance, you can slowly move closer to reclaiming your life beyond the trauma.