1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

How is Fault Determined in a Car Accident?


Filing an insurance claim or injury lawsuit relies heavily on establishing fault for the incident. The claim’s or case’s resolution hinges on who’s at fault. Responsibility for an incident may be disputed between parties. Identifying at-fault parties after a car crash is not as simple as it seems, but many factors are considered to reach the result. Each person involved must give relevant information about what happened, and people who were there can add their thoughts if they were there.

Some Ways to Determine Fault

When witnesses are present, it can be hard to determine who is at fault. The involved driver, the police, and the driver’s insurance company are all involved in establishing fault.

●  Drivers Involved

A traffic citation issued to one or more drivers may be used to establish fault on their part for the collision. At the scene of an accident, those involved may determine fault among themselves. A driver may be blamed for an accident and, in some cases, admit to doing something that contributed to the crash. If you admit fault, you may have to pay for the damage caused by the collision, but before taking any step, get legal help from the relevant attorneys. Taking pictures of the accident scene and gathering witness information can be helpful if you need to prove your innocence in court. You and your driver should probably also swap insurance information. While waiting for the police to arrive, you can document what happened by taking notes.

●  Police Report

If a car accident occurred, the police would look into the scene to see who was at fault. The police report may include a photograph of the scene and information about the damage’s extent and location. Officers tasked with investigating a crash may be able to determine whether or not other factors, such as drunk driving or distracted driving, played a role. After a car accident, the insurance company will look at the details of the filed report.

●  Insurance Companies

After reviewing each claim, your insurer will decide which ones to pay for and which to deny. If the other driver is found to be at fault for the accident, the insurance company may attempt to settle with that driver’s insurance provider. Still, to secure your best interest, you must reach out to a professional car accident lawyer.

When Can Fault Not Be Determined?

In some cases, it may be impossible to determine who is at fault among the police, the drivers, and the insurance companies. In such cases, one can pick from several different options. Some drivers prefer to resolve disagreements through arbitration instead of court. This is a way to reach a compromise outside of the court system. A neutral arbitrator assigns the level of fault to each driver.


Finding out who is at fault in a car accident is a job for the insurance company. However, you might need additional help. Hiring Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers can make a big difference in the outcome of your case. Their qualified staff with years of experience can help you investigate the situation and determine who is at fault and how much money you could get in compensation. Damages from an auto accident can pay for medical bills, repairs to your property, and even lawyer fees.