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How is AI Used in Software Development?

Artificial Intelligence has conquered our world. The fields of its application are boundless. In the area of data processing and analytics, the algorithms of AI are significantly exceeding the abilities of human beings. A number of large and dynamic enterprises implemented AI technology in their business operations a few years back, but even today there are plenty of false beliefs around its role.

The central aim of bringing artificial intelligence into various spheres of our lives is not to shrink workplaces, but to extend human capabilities and improve our skills. It is a strategic necessity for every enterprise trying to boost its productivity and unlock more revenue possibilities. With the help of AI, it is possible to get better results in the shortest period of time and therefore earn higher profits.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

The majority of us tend to associate AI directly with science fiction and automated robots, but actually this term refers to an intelligent system able to mimic and imitate human actions in order to fulfill specific tasks. In the modern world artificial intelligence is used everywhere, helping to optimize a range of business processes and boost the efficiency of an enterprise.

AI in software development

At the present stage, the implementation of artificial intelligence in the software development process contributes to the automatization of identical tasks, as well as limiting bugs and providing more technological capabilities for software developers.

AI enables us to achieve groundbreaking success in software development. Some of the most notable benefits of artificial intelligence software development from InData Labs include:

Eliminating Imperfections

Any professional, even the most skilled one, may make a mistake. It is especially relevant in such situations when a software developer has to handle a massive flow of information, which complicates the identification of possible errors.

In such circumstances, artificial intelligence is above and beyond human abilities. A well-programmed AI system can analyze data at a blink of an eye and identify any problems or bugs without human involvement.

Boosting Productivity

The process of developing any type of software includes the execution of endless, identical operations. Using AI, developers are able to minimize this process and automatically check the written code at any stage of its creation.

By eliminating those time-consuming tasks, developers get extra hours to create innovative programs and make creative solutions that add value to the operation of their company.

A client-centric policy

The stable interaction with users is an essential element of every software app. The speedy evolution of AI software development makes it possible for chat-bots not only to analyze the requested information, but also update the database automatically.

By setting up a permanent connection with the users, software developers will be able to trace all the pros and cons of the designed application. Thanks to such technologies companies manage to engage more potential clients, improve the quality of their service, and enhance user participation.

Rational handling of problems

AI is a powerful data processing tool which can provide solutions to challenging tasks faster than traditional algorithms written by programmers.

The ability of artificial intelligence to analyze information automatically and correlate the ongoing project with the previous ones is its main feature. As a result, tools equipped with AI are able to find the most logical solutions to a given task on the basis of prior experience.


AI software development corresponds to all the needs of the modern world, in which time is the most valuable resource. The use of AI leads to higher work efficiency, reduces the amount of single-type activities and simplifies the decision-making process.

There is no doubt that artificial intelligence software development will continue to spread into all spheres of our life. According to the research, provided by Statista, the AI global market is forecast to extend its growth and reach more than half a trillion U.S. dollars by 2023.

Regardless of all the above mentioned indisputable benefits, AI in software development lacks the ability to think outside the box. To be sure, artificial intelligence greatly simplifies the process of code writing, but it will never replace a highly skilled employee. It is just a useful tool that opens up opportunities to create innovative projects rather than spending hours on monotonous, labor-intensive tasks.