1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

Heartgard Plus: A Multi-Functional Solution to Protect Your Furry Friend from Heartworm and Intestinal Parasite

As pet owners, we all want our furry friends to live long and healthy lives. Unfortunately, there are numerous diseases and health concerns that can affect our beloved pets, and one of the most common among dogs is heartworm disease.

According to the American Heartworm Society, this disease is prevalent in all 50 states, with some regions having a higher incidence than others. In fact, the incidence of heartworm disease has been increasing in recent years, with over one million dogs affected in the United States alone.

As a pet owner, it is important to be informed about this disease, its signs and symptoms, and how it can be prevented and treated. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about heartworm disease in dogs, so you can help keep your furry friend healthy and happy.

Let’s get started!

Understanding Heartworm Disease: What is it and How is it Contracted?

Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that affects dogs (and, to a lesser extent, cats),  caused by Dirofilaria immitis, a parasitic worm that is transmitted by mosquitoes.

Microfilariae (immature heartworms), which are carried in the blood of diseased animals, are ingested by mosquitoes when they bite an infected animal. For the next two weeks, the mosquito’s internal microfilariae transform into infectious larvae.

When the mosquito bites another animal, it can transfer the infective larvae into the animal’s bloodstream, where they travel to the heart and lungs and mature into adult worms.

Once mature, the worms can grow up to 12 inches in length and live in the heart, lungs, and associated blood vessels, causing damage and inflammation.

Signs and Symptoms of Heartworm Disease in Dogs

Heartworm disease in dogs can cause a wide range of symptoms, which can vary depending on the severity of the infection and the individual dog’s response to the parasite. In the early stages of the disease, dogs may not show any symptoms at all. However, as the infection progresses, dogs may start to display signs of illness.

According to the American Heartworm Society, the most common signs and symptoms of heartworm disease in dogs include coughing, fatigue, exercise intolerance, decreased appetite, and weight loss. Dogs with advanced heartworm disease may also experience difficulty breathing, heart failure, and collapse.

Heart failure usually happens when heartworms create blockages in the heart, making blood flow difficult. This is called the Caval Syndrome and requires immediate surgical removal of the blockages to prevent a fatality.

It’s important to note that some dogs may not display any symptoms of heartworm disease until the infection has become quite severe. In some cases, dogs may be asymptomatic until the disease is at an advanced stage. This underscores the importance of regular check-ups and heartworm testing for dogs, even if they appear healthy.

Preventing Heartworm Disease in Dogs: The Role of Preventative Medications

Preventative medications play a crucial role in protecting dogs from heartworm disease. They are designed to kill the immature heartworm larvae that a dog may have been exposed to before they have a chance to grow into adult worms that can cause harm.

One of the most popular preventative medications on the market is Heartgard Plus. It is a monthly chewable tablet that contains two active ingredients: ivermectin and pyrantel.

Ivermectin works by killing the immature heartworm larvae that your dog may have been exposed to, while pyrantel helps to control and treat roundworms and hookworms, two other common intestinal parasites that can affect dogs.

By using Heartgard Plus for dogs up to 25 lbs, you can help protect them from heartworm disease and other dangerous parasites. PetRx.com is a trusted and reliable online pharmacy for pets that you could consider for taking care of your dog’s medication needs.

The pharmacy offers a wide range of prescription medications and other important pet products for dogs, cats, and horses, making it easy for pet owners to get the medication they need for their furry friends without leaving the comfort of their homes.

PetRx.com has a team of licensed pharmacists who are dedicated to ensuring that every medication they sell is safe and effective. They offer competitive prices and fast shipping, so you can be sure that your pet’s medication will arrive quickly and at a fair price. In addition, they offer excellent customer service and support, making it easy to get answers to any questions you may have about their products or services.

Coping with Heartworm Disease in Dogs: Tips for Pet Owners

Coping with heartworm disease in dogs can be a difficult and stressful experience for pet owners. If your dog has been diagnosed with heartworm disease, it’s important to follow your veterinarian’s instructions carefully in order to give your furry friend the best possible chance of recovery.

The treatment for heartworm disease can be lengthy and expensive and can take a toll on both you and your pet. The cost of initial doses of melarsomine heartworm treatment for a dog can range from $500 to $1,500 or more, depending on the size of the dog and the severity of the infection. The diagnostic tests that precede it can also cost another $100 to $1000 dollars.

During treatment, it’s important to keep your dog calm and quiet in order to minimize the risk of complications. Your veterinarian may recommend restricting your dog’s activity level and may prescribe medications to help manage any pain or discomfort your dog may be experiencing.

It’s also important to keep up with regular veterinary check-ups and heartworm testing, even after your dog has completed treatment. This can help ensure that any new infections are caught early and can be treated promptly.

As a pet owner coping with heartworm disease in your dog, it’s important to take care of yourself as well. Dealing with a sick pet can be emotionally and financially draining, and it’s important to seek support from friends, family, or a support group if you need it.


This article has provided valuable information about heartworm disease in dogs, including how it is contracted, signs and symptoms, preventative measures, and coping tips. This information can help pet owners be better equipped to recognize potential infections and seek prompt veterinary care.

Together, we can work towards a future where heartworm disease is a thing of the past and dogs can live long, healthy, and happy lives.