1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

Grow Your Video Production Company



When growing your video production company, branding is key. You want potential clients to recognize your work and identify your style. Creative branding techniques can help you create memorable images for your company.

Develop a strong brand identity

Developing a strong brand identity for your video production business is one of the most important ways to help you stand out from the competition and build customer trust. Your branding should reflect your company’s core values and goals. The best way to ensure your brand with customers is to create an impactful logo Seven Production Dubai-born Film & Broadcasting production house with customers is to create an impactful logo, engaging website, and effective communication across all digital channels.

 It’s important to maintain high-quality visuals in content consistently. Consider what makes your video production services unique and include these details in your branding. Next, focus on persuasive visuals to help prospective clients envision how you would work on their project. Finally, communicate who you are as a company and showcase the quality of services you can provide. Doing so makes it easier for you to attract and retain customers.

Create a compelling website

Your website is one of the prospective customers’ first impressions; therefore, make of your business. Make sure your website stands out and accurately showcases your work, credentials, and core values. A strong website should promote trust, make it easy for customers to understand who you are and what services you offer, and clearly explain how you do business. When creating or refining your company’s website, consider the following components:

 -Unique brand message: Set a unique tone for your video production company that reflects your mission statement, values, expertise, and offerings. 

-Responsive design: Ensure that all content adjusts in real-time to fit perfectly on any device; mobile web design should not be an afterthought. 

-Fast loading times: Keep images to the max size needed; compress large image files, so they take less time to load on all devices.

 -Focused call-to-action: Include a clear call-to-action (CTA) that drives visitors towards inquiries or follows through with conversations about what services they need most.

 -Knowledgeable staff members/team page: Showcase yourself/team by crafting professional profiles including details such as job roles and experience within the industry, skillsets needed most to facilitate professional collaboration when computer graphics are integrated with live action shots or when connected with sponsors or partners outside of video production needs.

 -Recent projects showcase: Demonstrate samples of past works along with client feedback if applicable; this will act as your portfolio and demonstrate capabilities within a specific niche if applicable (e.g., sports productions).

 -Clear service offerings page: Make it easy for viewers/prospective clients to understand more about applications specifically related to video production/photography work you complete directly or through collaborations with other industry professionals (e.g., sound engineers). 

-Contact information located at the top of the site navigation bar & on the footer: Ensure contact information is always accessible from anywhere at any time; include multiple methods such as email address(es), phone number(s), social media links (if applicable) etcetera…

Utilize social media to promote your brand

Social media has revolutionized how brands communicate and connect with their target audience. Utilizing social media to promote your video production company can help you expand your reach, increase followers, and improve engagement. Establish a brand identity by customizing various social media network profiles with your company’s logo, illustrations, and storyline. Keep consistency in all your visuals, from website and blog posts to logos, using the same color palette so that people can instantly recognize them. Finally, always keep a positive and professional demeanor when connecting with consumers via social networks. 

Common strategies for promoting a video production company on social media platforms include: 

-Crafting engaging content that relates to consumer needs, such as how-to videos or video series created around topics within the industry 

-Posting behind-the-scenes footage and offering exclusive insights on upcoming projects 

-Engaging in conversations on relevant topics within the industry

-Sharing educational material such as tutorials or articles

-Distributing original videos across various channels, including YouTube

-Creating a poll, survey, or contest with an incentive package

-Engaging in daily conversations through Twitter hashtags related to the industry

-Targeting millennial consumer needs through platforms like Snapchat


Networking is one of the most effective ways to build relationships, connect with collaborators and grow your video production business. Getting yourself out by attending events and connecting with others in the video production industry can open up exciting opportunities. We’ll discuss the best tips for getting started with networking and how to make the most out of these relationships.

Join professional video production organizations

It’s important to join one or more professional video production organizations that fit the goals of your business. Being a part of a professional community keeps you informed of the emerging trends and technologies that can help you create higher-quality videos, stay competitive, and stand out from other production companies in your area. 

These professional networks provide access to resources, education, on, training and networking opportunities with colleagues and potential customers and help build credibility for your video production company. Professional organizations such as the International Television & Film Alliance or the Producers Guild of America are great places to start if you’re interested in joining an industry association for independent video producers.

Attend industry events

Attending conferences, conventions, trade shows, and other industry-related events can be invaluable as they provide opportunities to meet people and increase your company’s visibility. Similarly, business lunches, dinners, or social activities with potential clients are a great way to showcase your skills in a more relaxed setting. 

Additionally, working with other video production companies can create symbiotic relationships where resources are shared in exchange for mutually beneficial collaborations. Furthermore, joining a professional video production network will provide the opportunity to tap into the collective knowledge of thousands of professionals who have been in the field for decades. Finally, networking websites are also useful for seeking mentors who can offer constructive feedback and advice on career moves providing invaluable insight into furthering one’s career.

Connect with influencers

A video production company must cultivate relationships with industry influencers and other key players. Showing that you are connected and well-respected by industry figures can go far in helping your business to thrive. One of the first steps is identifying influencers who could benefit your brand. Attend local networking events and build strong relationships with key people who can boost your reputation, introduce you to potential clients, collaborate on projects, or provide advice on running a successful video production company.

Tap into important contacts such as corporate directors, speakers at industry conferences, prominent mentors working in the film and television space, or journalists/bloggers discussing the latest media production trends. Upgrade your social media presence by connecting with these recent acquaintances for them to advocate for your business – a great example is using Twitter Cards! Follow each of them and work towards creating mutually beneficial partnerships by providing quality video content tailored specifically for their audience or even offering discounts or freebies as a goodwill gesture.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a great way to help grow your video production company. Content includes blog posts, videos, newsletters, and more. Content allows you to showcase your expertise, build trust with potential customers, and drive more leads to your business. This section will explore content marketing and how it can help you grow your business and share 11 tips to get started immediately.

Create high-quality content

High-quality content is the cornerstone of success in content marketing. Your video production company should create exceptionally-crafted videos that provide value to customers, spark conversations and keep viewers engaged. When creating high-quality content, ensure that the topics you are exploring are relevant to your target audience and your niche. Use keyword research tools to gain insights into what topics perform best in your industry. Additionally, stay abreast of current trends and follow thought leaders in your industry. This will allow you to create timely content that resonates with consumers.

Then, as you craft each piece of content, make it visually stunning and interesting for viewers by leveraging sophisticated camera angles, significant audio components, special effects, etc., if appropriate for the type of project being produced. Finally, make it informative while still engaging, so they come away from watching with a sense of satisfaction or validation on a topic they care about. 

Don’t forget to include a clear call-to-action at the end – this will help drive leads or conversions you may be looking for or simply encourage users to share the video with others or engage in it further through comments or polls/surveys.


Leverage video SEO

Video SEO is a highly effective way to boost your organic website traffic and increase leads. Utilizing SEO strategies to optimize your videos will help them rank higher in search queries, improve user engagement, and build online credibility. To get the most out of video SEO, you can use the following techniques:

 -Create engaging titles with relevant keywords

 -Include an eye-catching featured image -Always add subtitles/translations if necessary

 -Make sure that your videos are hosted on top-quality platforms 

-Use keywords in file names and descriptions 

-Link back from other sources -Optimize for mobile devices

 -Employ structured data

 -Increase play rate by measuring watch times

 -Monitor for negative comments and respond accordingly. 

These are just some key steps to improve your video SEO efforts. For a comprehensive guide on leveraging video SEO, read up on available resources from industry experts like Moz and Neil Patel.

Share your content on social media.

Social media is one of the most powerful tools to build your video production company’s audience. Not only does it enable you to reach a wider, global audience, but it also allows you to start conversations, interact with customers and build relationships. When distributing your content on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, pick the right platform for your sharing content. For instance, if you’re posting videos, look into hosting them on YouTube or another video-specific platform.

 And if you’re sharing images or short announcements/sound bites of upcoming projects, consider hosting them on Instagram or Twitter. You should also try to stay active and engaged by responding to comments and messages from customers in a timely fashion – but only respond when it makes sense for your business goals and within story brand regulations. Furthermore, don’t forget about experimenting with different post times (and days) to see what resonates with your target demographic and traffic the most. And wherever possible, tie in extra value such as discounts & giveaways!


Advertising is an essential element of your video production company. You can create more awareness and generate more leads. In addition, advertising is a great way to reach potential customers. Let’s look at some tips for advertising your video production company.

Utilize online advertising platforms

Online advertising platforms are great for reaching your target market. You can purchase cost-per-click (CPC), cost-per-impression (CPM), and other internet ads across various platforms like Google, Facebook, and many more. As a video production company, you should start by identifying what type of consumers you want to target with your campaigns. Then, consider including parameters such as age, gender, location, and interests to narrow the audience size.

 After that’s done, create a few different ad groups to understand better how certain types of customers might respond to different ads. Once the campaign is set up, it’s important to track its performance consistently to help optimize it over time. You can track metrics such as conversion rate, cost per click or impression, click-through rate, and any other key performance indicators for each ad group to ensure you are getting the most out of your budget. 

By using Google Ads’ automated instructions on areas such as ad delivery strategy and bidding strategy, you may further increase the effectiveness of each campaign by ensuring that it is tailored specifically for the goal of successfully marketing your video production services.

Leverage direct mail campaigns

Direct mail campaigns can be a powerful marketing tool for video production companies. Direct mail campaigns allow you to reach out to potential clients in your area who may need to become more familiar with your business and services. One of the key benefits of direct mail campaigns is that they are tangible; when potential customers open their mailbox, they’ll see your mailing, leaving an impression because it is physical. When creating a direct mail campaign, ensure you include images of your projects, client testimonials, and detailed descriptions of the values and benefits your video production company offers. You should also include an attractive “call-to-action” that encourages people to contact you or visit your website for additional information. Additionally, be sure to use premium-quality materials for the mailing itself. Doing so can make all the difference in how many people respond positively to the campaign.

Invest in radio and television ads

Radio and television advertising can be a powerful tools for growing brand awareness. Both radio and television are highly visible, widely consumed media that can help you reach large audiences with your message. In addition, radio offers the potential for the repetition of your ad message at an affordable price. A good radio spot can be entertaining and inspiring, sparking conversation about your product or service among customers, friends, family, and co-workers. Radio ads also allow local targeting to a specific audience within a certain geographical area.

Television advertisements offer greater visual impact than radio ads, enabling you to create story-based campaigns that engage consumers. You can reach regional and national audiences with television ads while using celebrities, special effects, or animations that draw viewers’ attention. The cost of placing a spot on TV varies greatly depending on the time slots chosen, so it’s important to understand upfront how marketing dollars will be allocated before launching the campaign.

Client Relationships

Maintaining healthy relationships with your clients as a video production company is important. Having good client relationships is key to a successful business. Your clients need to be handled with respect and understanding, as they are the ones who will be providing you with the necessary resources and help to grow your business. This section will look at 11 tips to help you build and maintain better relationships with your clients.

Establish a system for client feedback

Gathering client feedback is an essential part of the success of any video production company. However, it’s important to remember that clients may not always be happy with the outcome of a project, and it is your responsibility to manage their expectations throughout, as well as provide support afterward. Therefore, establish a feedback system for your clients to ensure you’re staying on track. This could be as simple as setting up a phone line or email address where they can leave detailed information about their impressions and opinions. 

Documenting their feedback will help you better anticipate and address potential problems in future videos or during post-production with live-action or animation work. You should also seek out formal surveys directly from the client, providing them with the opportunity to give in-depth answers to your questions. Keep track of these conversations over time to create a comprehensive picture of what they are looking for from you and how you can best meet those needs in future projects. Adapting and adjusting based on customer needs ensures that everyone is still satisfied at the end of each project—no matter the size or scope!

Offer discounts and incentives

When providing a service, it is important to reward clients for their loyalty. Offering discounts and incentives is an excellent way to show your clients appreciation and incentivize them to continue working with your business. This could be as simple as offering a 10% discount on repeat orders of the same product type, or it could include services such as extra editing time or access to exclusive project files. 

If you have established a long-term relationship with these clients, consider adding them to your referral program, where they can earn loyalty perks when referring additional customers. Discounts and incentives will help encourage customers to consider future work with you—and those discounts don’t have to be hefty for them to make an impact. Even the smallest gesture can make a difference when cultivating client relationships so that projects are successful and returning.

Develop long-term relationships with clients

Success in the video production business often comes down to the relationships you build with clients. To grow your business, it’s important to focus on developing long-term relationships with every client. Making an effort to nurture a relationship speaks volumes in terms of client trust and appreciation. This can be done through various methods, such as showing genuine interest in their business, offering sound input for their projects, and helping them reach their objectives.

Keeping good communication lines open shows, you have nothing to hide and are reliable and trustworthy. Making sure promises are kept will also engender respect and trust with clients over time. Furthermore, following up after a project has been completed is key to forming strong customer relationships. Taking steps such as checking any feedback, they may have or asking if they need further help can create the impression that your company is reliable and dedicated to customer satisfaction—both of which will be invaluable when it comes time to bring on new clients. 

Finally, rewarding loyal customers or going out of your way for them can be beneficial when attempting to foster strong customer relations within the video production industry. For example, special discounts or special services would show current customers that they’re appreciated even after their project has been completed—which could influence future projects from new or returning customers alike!