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FQA helps answer the question: Is there a correlation between homework and student achievement?

Homework has long been a source of contention in educational circles. Some claim that homework is crucial for reinforcing concepts acquired in class and enhancing academic achievement, but others argue that it is an unneeded load on students that does not significantly increase learning outcomes. In this post, we will analyze the evidence around the effect of homework on student achievement and attempt to answer the question: does homework really matter? With FQA, all difficulties and obstacles will be solved as easily as possible.

What exactly is Homework?

The term “homework” refers to any assignment or task assigned to students outside of regular classroom hours. These may consist of reading assignments, practice problems, writing assignments, and other academic tasks. Typically, teachers assign homework with the purpose of reinforcing or extending classroom learning.

Justification for Homework

The proponents of homework assert that it can have a number of good benefits on student success. One of the primary advantages of homework is that it allows students to practice and reinforce the principles they have learnt in class. This exercise can strengthen their grasp of the information and enhance their ability to apply it to new situations.

In addition, homework can aid in the development of essential study skills and habits, such as time management, organization, and self-discipline. These abilities are beneficial not only for academic achievement, but also for success in the workforce and in life in general.

Some proponents of homework conclude that it can have a good effect on parental involvement in education. When students bring homework assignments home, parents can engage with their children about what they are learning in school and provide additional support and direction.

Arguments Against Homework

According to critics of homework, it can have multiple detrimental effects on student progress. One of the primary justifications against assigning homework is that it may be a considerable source of worry and anxiety for students, especially those who struggle with the subject matter or have a heavy workload.

Furthermore, some opponents believe that homework can be an inequitable practice, as pupils from wealthier families may have access to more resources and help at home, giving them an unfair advantage over their less privileged classmates.

Some contend that homework can be a waste of time because it may not result in improved learning outcomes. Studies have found little to no association between homework and academic achievement, suggesting that the time and effort spent on homework may be better spent elsewhere. This problem has been solved when FQA was created – a great application to help you exchange and answer assignments online, thereby improving your knowledge, and your academic achievement is also significantly improved.

The Evidence Regarding Homework and Performance

So, what does the study reveal regarding the effect of homework on student performance? Like with the majority of educational discussions, the evidence is contradictory.

Some studies have identified an association between homework and academic performance. For instance, a meta-analysis of data on homework undertaken by Cooper, Robinson, and Patall (2006) revealed that homework had a slight to moderately favorable influence on student success, especially for high school students.

Some research, however, has discovered little to no association between homework and academic performance. Alfie Kohn’s (2006) study, for instance, concluded that there was no evidence to support the notion that homework leads to higher learning outcomes. Similarly, John Hattie’s (2009) study indicated that the effect of homework on academic performance was insignificant.

Notably, the research on homework and achievement is intricate and multifaceted. The relationship between homework and achievement can be affected by variables such as the type and quantity of assignments, the age and grade level of the pupils, and the subject matter being studied.


Thus, does homework make a difference? The answer is not straightforward. Despite the existence of evidence supporting both sides of the argument, it is evident that homework is a difficult and nuanced topic that demands serious thought.

Ultimately, whether or not to give homework is a decision that must be taken by individual professors and schools based on the context and objectives of each institution. If homework is provided, it should be done so wisely, considering considerations such as the assignment’s objective, the length of time needed to complete it, and the potential influence on student stress levels and equity.

Educators must keep in mind that student progress is influenced by many factors other than homework, regardless of whether they assign homework. Instruction in the classroom, student participation, and family involvement all contribute significantly to student success.

In conclusion, despite the likelihood that the argument over homework will continue, it is evident that there is no universal answer to the question of whether homework makes a difference. Educators must instead evaluate a variety of elements and strategies to assist their pupils in reaching their maximum potential. If you have a smart device on hand, please visit https://fqa.vn/ to install FQA app and experience the best utility. Â