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Four Reasons to Sync Data from BigQuery to Salesforce

Big data is highly important to any business looking to flourish in the digital age, but learning how to effectively manage your data can be a challenging task. Companies are always searching for data-driven solutions and new tools to accomplish their business goals. Two popular companies businesses turn to more often than not are Salesforce and Google’s Bigquery. Bigquery and Salesforce both provide valuable insights into product usage data, event data, and more. Big companies such as T-Mobile, Spotify, U.S. Bank, and The New York Times utilize Bigquery and Salesforce. Both of these platforms are great on their own, but when combined help you create more personalized campaigns, target high value leads, and cultivate a more intimate relationship with your customer base. Should your company take the leap and sync the data between platforms? Find out below as we highlight four reasons to sync data from Bigquery to Salesforce. 

What is Bigquery?

Bigquery is Google’s cloud-based, serverless data warehouse that stores huge volumes of data and has the ability to provide scalable analysis of data sets. Bigquery is based on column-based architecture to store your data, creates detailed data reports, provides elastic scaling at a higher performance rate, and gives teams the ability to create dashboards. This data warehouse has a multitude of benefits for businesses including easy restoration, logical data warehousing, automatic backup, real-time analytics, and geoexpansion. This tool also simplifies and streamlines the data analysis process for data teams within your business. As a result, data teams save time, money, resources, and help cultivate business solutions. 

What is Salesforce?

Salesforce is a cloud-based suite of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) designed to help businesses close sales, improve marketing, and better engage with their customers. It has a pay-as-you-go subscription model accessible from any device during any time of the day. Salesforce is an attractive data-based software option for businesses looking to deepen their relationship with customers, especially with live data tracking and real-time updates. This tool works off an advanced algorithm that helps data teams get a full picture view of your data. Salesforce helps your data team unlock the power of your data sets and fulfill your customer needs better. 

1. Customer Insights 

The sheer amount of customer insights you can analyze after a data sync from Bigquery to Salesforce is a huge reason why you should consider this move. Both Salesforce and Bigquery provide unique insights into customer behavior, but only show a part of the picture when it comes to customer needs. Combining the two gives you a more robust and accurate depiction of demographics, common purchases, market trends, and more. Your data team can also keep your customer data clean and consistent thanks to the sync. This gives business leaders a better idea of what’s working, what products are selling, and what areas of their business model need to be tweaked. Plus, they can save time and money by investing energy into the products that people are engaging with most. 

2. Market Intelligence 

Another great reason to consider synching data from Bigquery to Salesforce is the potential to build market intelligence. Data teams used to manually code Structured Query Language (SQL) to retrieve data from databases. Nowadays, data teams are able to free up time thanks to automated SQL queries within analytics applications provided by the sync. This also allows business leaders who lack the technical knowledge to access these insights, which saves valuable time. You can utilize intuitive searches and segmentations to find the data you need in a matter of seconds. 

  1. Target Marketing Efforts 

You can better target your marketing results when you sync data from Bigquery to Salesforce. You can sync lead data entries and create more comprehensive reports that everyone has access to. Synch data will get your teams on the same page and you can look at product usage statistics to create better marketing campaigns. You can also personalize your messages and create more relevant content that will connect with your customer base. 

4. Data Sharing 

Data sharing is important to any business regardless of its size and another reason to sync data from Bigquery to Salesforce. By setting up custom conditions on the platforms, you can generate reports on important data trends. Your teams will increase accessibility and can utilize communication platforms to keep everyone on the same page. You can also deliver real-time reports to business leaders and summarize data such as weekly sales to make more intelligent business decisions. 


Bigquery and Salesforce are both reliable data tools that companies utilize to leverage their data for positive results. When these tools are combined, you gain a 360-degree view of your data and your customers’ outlook. There are multiple reasons why you should sync data from Bigquery to Salesforce, including gaining better customer insights, taking advantage of market intelligence, and honing marketing efforts. Another good reason is the increased accessibility of data sharing. These are four key reasons why you should sync data from Bigquery to Salesforce, and will bring you closer to getting the most out of your data.Â