1880 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Suite 650, Houston, TX 77077

Experts’ Global–A Leading Institute forGMAT online prep!

Success on the GMAT translates to success in the MBA admissions arena. However, preparing for the GMAT has become challenging because of the sheer overabundance of study material in the market today. Time is of essence when it comes to prep, so how does one avoid wasting precious time on bogus claims? This is where the experience of an established EdTech firm like Experts’ Global comes into play. Founded in 2008 by Mr.MayankSrivastava, Experts’ Global is an elite, trustworthy name in the GMAT prep domain, with thousands of students willing to testify to the veracity of its results. Here are some of the program’s highlights:

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Video-based Learning
Experts’ Global’s GMAT preparation program relies on video lectures to convey concepts. For ease of understanding, the syllabus has been divided into 100 modules with a corresponding video to explicate each one. A given video lecture limits itself to just one concept, simplifying the learning process for students. Having said that, the lectures are not shy in detail, rather they are rife with information and test-taking strategies. Explanation videos are not just provided for concept clarity, but also for practice exercises and mock test questions. The solutions to these questions are explained at a steady pace, without disrupting the student’s flow. This allows for the building of speed and accuracy.

Imitating GMAT Structures
Experts’ Global GMAT Preparation is unique because it reproduces the GMAT structure with an accuracy unlike any other firm in the sector. Experts’ Global has created a question bank running in thousands, all of which are formulated as per the GMAT. The firm has also invested heavily in the development of a testing screen that reproduces the GMAT’s. The testing screen has a similar full-screen layout with identical controls and graphics. This may seem a minor point, but it is actually very significant in the long run as it allows students to familiarize themselves with the GMAT set-up. Another factor which truly makes Experts’ Global stand out is its scoring. The scoring on the company’s mocks approximates that of the GMAT’s with precision. More than 500 students attest to this fact in reporting that their Experts’ Global mocks’ scores were close to those on their GMAT prep mocks.

Mock Testing
Experts’ Global’s GMAT training package comes with 15 full-length GMAT mock tests. The expectation is that students build a sense of regularity in preparation through a methodical interspersing of study and testing. Regularity is key for GMAT prep because it is how students can strengthen mental stamina and identify test-taking strategies that work for them.

Detailed Performance Analytics
Experts’ Global’s deploys advanced analytics software which goes a step beyond providing a mere overall score for mock tests. Rather, scores for each section along with a record of the student’s speed in answering different question types is given. The analytics further take into account the student’s performance on their most recent mock tests. Altogether, this data provides a comprehensive map of areas that need improvement, and also facets of the prep that are working. Such data allows for students to plan their prep better and provides an edge that manual modes cannot.

Features that Stand Out
Experts’ Global’s program also includes some useful features that stand out. An example is “sticky notes”, a feature which allows one to take notes in digital, colored pop-up spaces while studying or taking a test. These can then be “pasted” on a “wall” from where all notes can be accessed, without the inconvenience of searching through the entire module. Collating one’s notes in a single location prevents time-waste and adds an element of organization. Another example is the “flag button” which can be used to mark questions that the system can pull up later, as per the student’s need. Students can easily revisit questions, again, without having to hunt through all the exercises. The time and effort saved by these features might seem negligible at a glance but it adds up over the course of the prep and helps students keep track of their study more methodically.

Experts’ Global’s online GMAT prep program, by means of its GMAT-like question bank and mock tests, comprehensive video lectures, and overall emphasis on nuance, is truly effective. When followed diligently, it is sure to empower any student to crack the GMAT!