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Essential Facts You Must Know About Frozen Pipes

If you live in a cool climate, you know the dangers of frozen pipes. The commercial plumbers say that when temperatures drop below freezing, your pipes can freeze, burst and damage your home. Burst pipes can cause extensive water damage in your house and result in a costly cleanup. More information is required to protect your pipes from bursting.

Due to the significant freeze, many homeowners are racing for insulation and space heaters. Still, the plumbing lines are one of the most crucial locations to inspect in the home during winter. The experts say that frozen pipes are one of the most hazardous and expensive concerns associated with severe winter hazards to your property.

As water freezes, it expands, placing enormous strain on pipes until they can no longer carry the ice. If you turn on any faucet and receive a trickle of water, you can detect frozen pipes in time to defrost them. If you’re out of town for the weekend and miss the warning signals, the outcome might range from a tiny crack to something that spans the whole length of the building.

Causes of Water Pipe Bursting

A water pipe in your house might burst for various reasons. It’s helpful to be aware of the numerous reasons for pipe bursts, which include:

Corrosion – If your pipes are composed of metal, they will rust and deteriorate over time. This flaw may cause your pipe to rupture.

High water pressure –  If your water pressure is high, there are higher chances of your pipes exploding. According to plumbers, the water pressure should not exceed 60 pounds per square inch.

Tree roots – As the pipes weave their way from your yard to the house, tree roots may develop into them, causing the pipes to break.

Shifting soil – The leak detection experts in Melbourne say that if work is happening near your home, the soil might go and cause water pipes to break.

Clogs Excess toilet paper and hair can produce clogs in your pipe, which can cause the pipe to explode if they become large enough.

Freezing temperature – When temperatures fall below a certain threshold, the water in your pipes might freeze. As ice accumulates in a single spot, it exerts pressure on the pipe, causing it to rupture.

You may avoid difficulties by studying the most prevalent causes of ruptured water pipes. You don’t want to deal with the price and inconvenience of a busted pipe.

What Temperatures Cause Pipes to Freeze?

Is it enough for my pipes to freeze because it’s cold outside? The plumbers say not at all. Remember that the ground and the pipe’s material must both freeze before the water within may freeze. Before the water freezes, you need a few days, if not weeks, of cold weather. The outside temperature must hit 20 degrees Fahrenheit for the water within your pipe to freeze overnight. According to plumbers, while you can’t do much about cold weather, you may take steps to safeguard your pipes.

How to Prevent Pipes Bursting?

Regardless of the source, you don’t want to deal with the mess and expense that a burst pipe causes. Fortunately, there are certain precautions you can take to prevent frozen pipes from bursting once they have been frozen. Here are some strategies for avoiding frozen pipes:

1. Allow the water to drip

The blocked drain service experts say that while flowing water can freeze, moving water in your pipes is significantly less likely to freeze. When you hear the neighbourhood is experiencing or is going to undergo a deep freeze, switch your faucets to a drip. It can be a little water. A modest trickle is sufficient, and it should not have a significant impact on your water cost. It’s certainly less expensive than replacing pipes and the expense of water damage repairs.

2. Keep your garage doors closed

If you have water pipes that run through your garage, you should keep the doors closed to keep the temperatures within the garage warmer, preferably above freezing.

3. Open cabinet doors

You must open the cabinet doors beneath any sinks or other sources of water in your home. Opening the cabinet doors enables the warmed air within your home to reach some pipes. It keeps the pipes warm and prevents them from freezing.

4. Maintain a consistent temperature

To save money on utility costs, many individuals decrease the temperature in their houses at night during winter. According to commercial plumbers, the best way to safeguard your pipes is to pay a bit extra on your utility costs and keep your home from being too chilly at night.

5. Add insulation

Insulate your attic, basement, and crawl spaces to keep them warm during heavy freezes. Because of the lower temperatures in these locations, pipes are more likely to freeze and rupture.

If you’ve done everything else and still fear you have a frozen pipe, you can still protect it from exploding. Follow these guidelines:

6. Turn the faucet to a drip

If you have a frozen pipe, turn the faucet to a drip. Running helps the ice melt quicker as you strive to melt the ice obstructing the pipe. However, you don’t want to turn the faucet on since the pressure behind the pipe might cause it to explode.

7. Apply heat to the blocked area

If you can detect the frozen section of the pipe, you can use a hairdryer, heating pad, space heater, or another non-flammable source to heat it. It will melt the ice inside, allowing the water to flow freely.

Contact a Professional

Frozen pipes are a nuisance, but thankfully they are easy enough to prevent if you are proactive about taking precautionary measures ahead of time, such as insulating exposed pipes and turning off outdoor faucets before winter sets in each year. If your pipe does become frozen nonetheless, don’t panic – hire a commercial plumber in Melbourne and remember not to use an open flame, as this could create more problems than it solves! Taking these precautions now can help ensure that you won’t have any unpleasant surprises down the road due to frozen plumbing fixtures in your home or business property!