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Employee Onboarding Software: A Complete Guide

As companies grow and expand, onboarding new employees can become a daunting task. With a large influx of new hires, the process of training and integrating them into the company culture can become time-consuming and costly. That’s where employee onboarding software comes in. In this blog post, we’ll explain what employee onboarding software is, why you should use it, and the ROI of using it.

What is Employee Onboarding Software?

Employee onboarding software is a tool that streamlines the process of welcoming new employees to your organization. It is a software solution that automates many of the manual processes involved in onboarding, such as filling out forms, collecting and tracking documentation, and training new hires. It provides a centralized platform for all of the information and resources needed to onboard new employees, making the process more efficient and effective.

Why Use Employee Onboarding Software?

Efficiency and Productivity

Employee onboarding software can help improve efficiency and productivity. It automates many of the manual processes involved in onboarding, freeing up time and resources for other important tasks. With employee onboarding software, you can ensure that all necessary documentation is completed and in order before a new hire starts, reducing the risk of errors and delays.

Consistency and Compliance

Employee onboarding software can help ensure consistency and compliance with company policies and legal requirements. It provides a standardized process for onboarding that ensures that all new hires receive the same information and training, and that all necessary forms and documents are completed and stored properly.

Better Employee Experience

Employee onboarding software can help create a better experience for new hires. By streamlining the onboarding process, new employees can get up to speed quickly and feel more comfortable in their new role. It can also help foster a sense of belonging and inclusion in the company culture, which can lead to better employee retention and engagement.

ROI of Using Employee Onboarding Software

There are several ways that employee onboarding software can provide a return on investment (ROI) for your organization:

Reduced Costs

By automating many of the manual processes involved in onboarding, employee onboarding software can help reduce the costs associated with onboarding. It can also help reduce the risk of errors and delays, which can result in additional costs.

Increased Productivity

Employee onboarding software can help increase productivity by streamlining the onboarding process and freeing up time and resources for other important tasks. This can result in increased revenue and profitability for your organization.

Improved Compliance

Employee onboarding software can help improve compliance with legal requirements and company policies. This can help reduce the risk of legal penalties and fines, which can be costly for your organization.

Better Employee Retention and Engagement

Employee onboarding software can help create a better experience for new hires, which can lead to better employee retention and engagement. This can result in a more productive and engaged workforce, which can drive revenue and profitability for your organization.


Employee onboarding software, like that offered by EMPTrust, is a valuable tool for any organization looking to improve the efficiency, consistency, and effectiveness of its onboarding process. By automating many of the manual processes involved in onboarding, it can help reduce costs, increase productivity, improve compliance, and create a better experience for new hires. If you’re looking to streamline your onboarding process and improve the experience for new hires, consider investing in employee onboarding software.