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Electric AI Releases The Ultimate Guide to Remote IT Support Pricing in 2023

New York, United States, December 4, 2023 – Remote IT support allows companies to get technical help from IT service providers working off-site, often in different cities or even countries. It has become an invaluable tool for many organizations, eliminating geographic barriers and expanding access to skilled experts. In fact, 16% of IT organizations have completely gone remote. 

So, the question arises as to why remote IT support is so popular. This is because of the perks like cost savings, access to a broader talent pool, and resolving issues quickly without requiring on-site visits. Companies only pay for the specific services needed rather than hiring full-time staff. Moreover, experts can securely access a client’s network and devices to troubleshoot problems in real-time. This is much faster and more efficient than waiting for an IT pro to arrive.

However, this hassle-free service doesn’t come so easily. You have to pay some price for remote IT support. However, remote support pricing can vary significantly between providers. Creating a clear budget and identifying core needs makes comparing quotes easier. Prioritizing value for money is wise, but chasing the lowest rates can result in poor service.

This article will guide you on what to consider when selecting the best value for money for this organization’s Remote IT Service.

Factors Affecting Remote IT Support Pricing

Determining pricing is one of the most important factors when considering remote IT support. Rates vary wildly depending on service scopes, response times, experience levels, and agreements. While snagging the lowest price is tempting, it’s wise to remember that cost differs for a good reason. 

Below are some factors that affect the pricing of Remote IT Support.

Size And Complexity: Most Remote IT Support providers charge the companies based on the size and complexity of interconnected systems.

Number of Users And Devices: Most Remote IT Support companies charge based on per-user or device basis. This enables them to keep track of devices and the usage of their service.

Types of Services: Companies also offer prices based on their services. Some companies provide only network design and configuration services, and they charge less as compared to companies that provide cloud services, cyber security or IT consulting services.

Service Level Agreements: Pricing of Remote IT Support services is also based on SLAs that dictate the services that the IT Support company should provide to the client company.

How Much Does Remote IT Support Cost?

Many businesses are finding that remote IT support provides a cost-effective solution when it comes to managing technology. But how much does it actually cost to outsource your tech assistance? The price can vary substantially depending on your specific needs, but most companies pay between $60 and $100 per month per employee workstation for basic remote IT support.

This base-level service usually includes unlimited remote troubleshooting, software updates, data backups, and some degree of monitoring. If more complex server or network administration is required, costs scale up accordingly to around $100-$400 per month for each server. Of course, rates also depend on your location and specific provider. More experience and specialized skills necessitate higher fees too. But across the board, remote access allows IT specialists to solve problems efficiently without travel and downtime expenses. For this reason, it runs about half the cost of on-site support.

When tallying the total invoice, remember that individual workstations require 5-15 hours of support each year. Servers suck up more time. And complex systems take seasoned professionals. But judging from average hourly rates of $96.15, most networks can operate smoothly through remote tech management for less than they may think. With the right provider in place, small to midsize businesses can sometimes net big savings – to the tune of 60-70%. So, price shouldn’t be an obstacle if you’ve hesitated to hand off IT responsibilities. The numbers pencil out in most cases. Just be sure to understand exactly what’s covered in each service tier when comparing vendors.

Pricing Models for Remote IT Support

Remote IT Support services usually use one or multiple of the below-given pricing models.

Monitoring Only Pricing Model

  • Provides network monitoring, alerts, antivirus updates, etc., for a flat monthly fee
  • Additional charges apply for any remediation work needed

Per User Pricing Model

  • Charges a flat monthly fee per end user to cover support for all their devices
  • Easy to budget and forecast costs even with business growth

Per Device Pricing Model

  • Charges a flat price per type of device (desktop, laptop, server, etc.)
  • Slightly more expensive than the per-user model

Ad-Hoc Pricing Model

  • Pay only when you need support on an ad-hoc basis
  • It can become costly and unpredictable

Tiered Pricing Model

  • Offers different tiers of service (bronze, silver, gold)
  • More perks and services at higher tiers
  • Risk of essential services being excluded at lower tiers

All-You-Can-Eat Pricing Model

  • Unlimited support for a fixed monthly rate
  • No arbitrary limits on services are included
  • Most suitable for businesses relying heavily on IT

The models offer different benefits and tradeoffs related to flexibility, budgeting, service levels, and unpredictability of costs. Companies must evaluate their IT needs and business dynamics to determine the best fit.

Tips for Negotiating Remote IT Support Pricing

The following are a few factors that you may consider while starting a contract with a remote IT support company: 

  • Get multiple quotes from different providers: Reaching out to several vendors allows you to compare offerings and get a sense of reasonable pricing in the market. Having options on the table strengthens your negotiating position.
  • Clearly define your needs and requirements: Provide detailed information to providers on your infrastructure, devices used, applications required, response time expectations, etc. This helps them tailor accurate quotes rather than vague estimates.
  • Negotiate a service level agreement (SLA): The SLA outlines guaranteed response times, uptime assurances, escalation processes, and penalties if standards are unmet. Strong SLAs align with your operational needs, so push back if proposals don’t suffice. Use an SLA to ensure satisfactory service, not just low pricing.
  • Consider long-term contracts for better pricing: Providers may offer sizeable discounts for signing 12, 24, or 36-month commitments versus paying month-to-month. Locking in a more prolonged engagement allows them to forecast revenues more reliably. 
  • Be prepared to walk away if the pricing is incorrect: If a provider doesn’t work with you on a reasonable quote that meets your SLA expectations, revisit other options you obtained. Don’t overpay just to avoid more negotiations. Stick to your budget and find a true partner.

In closing, remote IT support delivers immense advantages, but costs can vary dramatically based on the level of service. By carefully assessing your organization’s unique infrastructure, applications, and user dynamics, you can compare shop providers to land affordable, tailored solutions. Avoid both cut-rate offers and overpaying by being an informed, empowered buyer. With sound evaluations of pricing models and SLA expectations, productive partnerships deliver technical excellence without breaking the bank.


Contact Details:

Name: Ryan Denehy

Company: Electric AI

Email: hello@electric.ai 

Phone: +1 646-350-0620

Website: https://www.electric.ai/ 

Address: 915 Broadway, Suite 802, New York, NY 10010