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Dietary Tips to Keep Your Heart Healthy

The heart, veins, arteries, and pulmonaries for the cardiovascular system. Having a healthy cardiovascular system is essential. An important way to do so is by following a healthy, nutritious and well-balanced diet.

Here are some tips that can be helpful in maintaining a healthy heart and cardiovascular system:

Focus on high-fibre foods

Dietary fibre is the indigestible part of food obtained from plant sources. Consuming foods rich in fibre content may help you reduce bad cholesterol levels in blood, thereby helping you achieve a reduction in risk of heart disease.

It takes a relatively longer time for the body to digest foods rich in fibre which helps sustain energy levels for longer durations. Fibre-rich foods like whole grains, oatmeal, fruits and vegetables, nuts, and others also satiate the stomach, thereby making you feel full longer and helping you manage weight as well. Weight management may also be essential for optimal heart health.

Consume More Healthy Fats

There are three types of fats: trans, saturated, and unsaturated.

Unsaturated fats or healthy fats are found in natural food sources such as avocados, pumpkin seeds, olive oils, and nuts. In case you are unable to consume enough of these, you can use the best fish oil capsules and tablets rich in healthy fats. Omega 3 is a kind of unsaturated fatty acids highly beneficial for heart health. It helps reduce the triglyceride levels and bad cholesterol levels in blood, thereby decreasing the risk of heart disease.

Saturated fats when consumed in higher than recommended amounts may lead to an increase in risk for heart disease. They may also cause cancerous changes and other health issues. These are found in biscuits, cakes, cheese, butter, and other food sources.

Found in fried chicken, french fries, mozzarella sticks, and so on, trans fats are the unhealthiest form of dietary fats. They lower good cholesterol and increase bad cholesterol levels in blood. High levels of bad cholesterol can increase the risk of stroke or heart attack, and low good cholesterol levels increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Have a Balanced Diet in Moderated Portion Size

Eating the right quantities of food is as important as eating right. Excess of anything is harmful for health. The size of your portion not only has a major impact on your day-to-day energy levels but also on your weight that has a direct impact on your heart health.

Consumption of low-calorie, high nutrition and unprocessed foods is suggested. Keeping a track of serving size and using a smaller plate or bowl for your meals may help you control the amount of consumption.

Reduce or Limit the Consumption of Salt

Salt, or sodium, is an essential ingredient of most recipes. However, consumption of excessive amounts of salt may cause water retention in the body, that increases the blood pressure, straining blood vessels and afflicting heart or kidney health.

To reduce salt from your diet, you can limit the consumption of canned or processed foods or use alternatives in the form of spices (like basil, cumin, chives, and so on). You can also check product labels for ingredients while purchasing processed foods, and choose the option with the lowest sodium content.


Intake of the appropriate amounts of foods is critical since there may even be side effects of omega 3 fatty acids, dietary fibres, or healthy foods if not consumed in moderation. Consulting a physician or nutritionist for the optimal diet based on your body type and requirements can be a good option.

Ensure following these tips to keep your heart healthy. Make sure you’re not too hard on yourself, you can give yourself a break (or a treat) at times!

Let us know about the diets you follow to maintain heart health in the comments below!